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Posts posted by Chickenwarlord

  1. Is it just me or are the Ice Climbers so much better? I can't say for certain why but I am digging them a whole lot more than I was in Melee.

    What's better about them? They got their range and knockback nerfed, your side b isn't as viable as a save anymore, more things can go through a double ice barrier and their aerials seem to have less priority. They only noticeable improvement is the Belay/Nanapult.

  2. Anyway anyone have any strategies when fighting a Zelda?

    Game and watch's bucket works wonders against Din's fire. Air dodging a fair amount is also a good guard.

    Try not to let her multiple hit stuff break your shield and you should be fine. Her smashes are slow and easy to punish if she misses. Try to let aerials be as much of a non-factor as possible. Her grabs can be quite brutal at high damage, so be on the lookout once you hit 70% or so.

  3. Might want to cut back on the drums during the first bass solo. They totally overpower the melodic material.

    I think you use the original too much in succession. You have plenty of arrangement ideas, you just need to place them a little differently so we don't get so much 'original groove' verbatim. I'm having a bit of trouble describing this :(.

    It's a pretty good start though. No major gripes here.

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