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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. You sure you wanna do that? I don't think you want every track to sound like a generic techno or rock song, just sayin'
  2. exactly so get to work Drevanzero EDIT Oh snap! You're that really cool Super Metroid hack leader =D just realized that lol.
  3. I'm pretty good with ambient themes, so I'm willing to give this a shot, if you need any examples of my works, I can send them to you via pm. Thanks for the opportunity!
  4. Do it man! Bonus tracks are welcome too EDIT - Late bonus tracks I mean =p I made one for PRC 226 I believe and it made FreakyT's (I think that's his name) day, so make a late one for me and make my day
  5. I like you already That is usually what I try to do as well (composition before production I mean) - too many ppl get hung up on the production side only on this site, imo.
  6. Well, couldn't find the energy to do a bonus mix; it's another deadzone for me yet again - but I did vote. Also @ Bundaslang, the Thasauce log-in issues have been fixed
  7. Yes! This is the true source tune lol. Moi better than the midi.
  8. Is there room for dis nub (o.O) <---? I'd be very interested in helping out if there is.
  9. Is this the first Legend of Dragoon PRC?? (I only read down to 136 or something, as the list seems to drop off from there) And you better do this justice sggod >: 3 No pressure! J/K, I hope you have time and energy to compete. I'll try to throw down a bonus track too.
  10. Well, my track choice has been submitted. And thank you Trism for making sure I wasn't lonely in the entry panel
  11. Uh-oh, at this rate I'd better get my ass back in gear before ppl start demanding to do my track Also...I'm playing Breath of Fire 1, so I may find a track from that game 2 do - lot's of good source tunes from that game.
  12. This is really catchy - something tells me that this tune is gonna be stuck in my head for a few days; hopefully that will give me the inspiration to get something in on time
  13. Ty vm ^^ - I just wish I had a much better sound library and had the inspiration to do this 3-4 days ago lmao. EDIT And thank you Bunda for implementing my track as a bonus entry for PRC226 =D
  14. It has huge potential to get posted imo - just don't let other people's critiques make you alter the track into something you don't recognize :3 cuz this work is awesome as it is now
  15. For only 2 tracks subb'd, this was an epic round I think I will remix the Pokemon track in honor of FreakyT's submission entry, which didn't get any representation in the compo. And way later down the line, I may attempt the BT&DD source tune again lol.
  16. ^Agree - another issue with Pokemon for me is leveling up pokemon that I don't like for their evo/pokedex - daycare dude only does 1 at a time and sometimes he'll get rid of skills that are potentially useful...same goes for pokemon that u DO like and the daycare guy could eff u over big time with that lol. Oh also, the gambling part of the game is almost impossible w/out save states :S
  17. Yeah, same here, having a composer's block of sorts - can't even remix let alone make original music. Hopefully it'll end soon ><
  18. I'm wary of all huge Triple A companies these days. But imo, Microsoft is definitely the biggest A-hole of the industry.
  19. Guys, I'm having a mega problem! I forgot my password for Thasauce and the E-mail attached to my account has been discontinued due to it being hacked o.O Is there another way I can recover my pass? =/
  20. OMG this ^ x100...I believe that BoF4 had a similar and even MORE annoying part like that b/c the hero was going it solo. Oh right, BoF4 killed the entire BoF franchise for me q.q so that doesn't count as an 'awesome game for me.' Meh. Soul Blazer - gameplay sooo fun. But the ending and the Dr. Leo bits felt very forced and awkward. I know, that was made back in 1992 and story in VG's wasn't the main focus at the time, but maann, was it way cheesy (yet the music did make me a bit teary eyed lol). Oh and the hit-box was too big for the main character's sprite, which caused some WTF moments when trying to avoid projectiles and shit lol. Worms Armageddon - the later single player (like the Ifle Tower stage) missions were so ridiculously difficult that I gave up on the campaign...still play local multiplayer from time to time ><
  21. Well, there isn't really enough here to work with. If you do work on it further and intend to submit it to the Breath of Fire 1&2 project, send it via PM to Tuberz McGee. Not a bad start imo, however, the sustained string and brass probably need to get a sound upgrade at some point - focus on the actual arrangement first, of course
  22. Project tracks, or potential ones, should be submitted via PM. Send Tuberz McGee your track for his input next time =p
  23. Eh, the editor is just a real pessimistic dink. At worst, they'll have to push back the release date of OUYA. And they could always stealth-change the specifications of the system, if they so desire. Regardless of the post, this is one of the coolest ideas in VG dev'ing that I've seen in a long time >.< EA, Squeenix, Capcom, Activision, etc can go die in a fire for all I care
  24. I tried the BT & DD track and got facerolled. I suck at swing...in fact I can't even tell what time sig it is - I suck at complimicated sources...guess I shoulda gone for the Pokemon one lol.
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