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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. So...many varied opinions...ug. Transitional issues and some of the original notation problems will be the most troublesome to tackle. *sigh* Looks like I'm going to need to patternize this entire thing instead of just using a single pattern - old habits die hard =p
  2. Haha, yeah fun. Funny thing is, whilst I was mixing this track, apparently a burglar broke into our house and stole my dad's laptop (and corporate laptop), as well my parents' I.D. I'm surprised he didn't cave the back of my skull in with a hammer and make off with all my videogame stuff too On a much more positive note: I love the detailed crits here and will do my best to work the issues out (I personally really like the low-fi percussive bells, but maybe I can find some sort of way to make them sound more 'agreeable'). Thanks for the feedback Darksim Oh and btw I really love your mario golf remix - got that on my MP3 player ^^
  3. Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?2idauo2r1staqgu Source tune is on youtube...too tired to link rite now. Definitely got the David Wise Vibes...Wise Vibes lol. I spent like 8 hours straight on this...soon as I stopped working on it, I just felt a rush of fatigue hit me like a truck; so if there's something blatantly off here that I missed, I apologize ahead of time =p Crits please!! Update 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?45qyk0s350j5y8h Update 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?60rw96ptjl66p39 Update 3/4 (don't ask): http://www.mediafire.com/?bdl0xbmhqbbdmcy
  4. Okay, I'll need to find some kinda middle ground there. But I think that the drums aren't the only issue either - thing is I'm trying to make this track sound edgy, whilst maintaining its slow-ish tempo, but I end up making it sound too chill; I think the source tune's tempo makes it more difficult (its somewhere between 100-120 bpm). Also, I'm trying to find more 'mechanical' sound effects; seeing as the original track used a lot of them and it just wouldn't feel right to not add them in with my remix. Any suggestions there? Oh and thx for critting my work Mono
  5. http://www.mediafire.com/?1g46ak01zeuza5s Tried some glitch drumming, via FL Gross Beat =D And...probably went overboard with it, but I think this sound will help make the track sound more mechanical, as the source tune suggests And yeah the 'ending' is pretty retarded, gotta fix that and add in the final stretch of arrangement. What's your guys' thoughts ?
  6. Thanks for the input Gario; I'll see what I can do. It may be a while before I submit an update and it will probably be way different than the original one.
  7. Thanks for the crits pu I've been trying to mess around with filter effects (which was Nutritious' suggestion) on the bass and I'm thinking of changing up the drum samples to something more mechanical-man sounding lol. As for the part after the breakdown, I'm at a bit of at a loss on how to get the most out of it and wrap the track up nicely.
  8. Whoops I quoted the wrong post...too much Nicotine Gum's got me wired and stupid lol
  9. That's mostly me (in terms of arrangement, ambience and most of the sampling), Flexstyle did the finishing touches and re-did the beat, as well as added the cool filter effects and such...okay so he did a lot too :3 Also, I hope the rest of the album makes it through, as I've sifted through the lot of it as well - I liked it all too
  10. Remix: http://www.mediafire.com/?liwadt4seebiemz (called the Tiberium Must Flow) Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-nNchLkej0 I intend to submit this to OCR eventually, so crit away please
  11. Courtesy of moi (not rly) And thanks again for collabing with me Flexy
  12. Got a remix for a rather under-appreciated game, Actraiser 2, called Glass Phantasms. Not really sure if I intend to submit it, as the soundscape is pretty muddy and there's some clipping at parts, particularly with the flanged, fakie guitars lol. Hope you guys like WIP: http://www.mediafire.com/?nmuwv4ctw9bgdjw Source:
  13. Musta been all my bad submissions ...doubt that he was ousted though, since he is DjP's right-hand man.
  14. Trash-talking a legendary VGM composer's work!!?? For shame!! =p Nevertheless, I hear you there on the lead melody being pushed back. But imo, I think there's a reason why Umaro mixed it just so; the chords convey the feelings just as powerfully as the lead melodies, even moreso at certain parts, so he probably decided to focus more on the harmonies, rather than on any individual melody. Considering the limitations of the software he had to work with back then, I felt that it was masterfully done :3 Sometimes Gario, you have to set aside musical theory and just look at the feelings that the composer is conveying, or at least trying to =D Plus, this remix was sort of an experiment as well as an attempt to do some vgm remixing justice; just to prove to myself that I still have my music skills after all that down-time q.q, so I guess I'm not put down all that much. Thanks for the comments
  15. You're right there. This remix got instantly rejected, which is funny, since I've created some pretty bad (as far as OCR is concerned)remixes beforehand, which made it on to the panel (and subsequently got NO'd there). Anyways, thanks for the positive coment Oh snap, that's an older version too, I'll give you guys the newer one lol.
  16. Actually Metal Man, I know a lot of people who can arrange a remix in 2-3 hours; it's all about the inspiration and intuition. The mastering part is what could take a while. Plus, blame the person who chose the source tune to be remixed, not the competition coordinator. Sounds to me like you're just looking for any good old reason to complain, like all the other punks who can't seem to look at the real picture here... Then again, with a "community" that's all about posturing, narcissistic faggotry and "I cans spell bettar than joo nub!", I guess I shouldn't expect much.
  17. That could work, but you may have to vary up other parts as well; no point in remixing the first quarter, but then leaving the rest to be a cover; maybe even adding in snippets of other source tunes (without making it sound ADD) would help. Personally, I like it as is though
  18. Wow words escape me here. I was NOT expecting something this good, haven't heard a remix as good as this in ages. I will say this much though...IT'S FUCKING EPIC <insert over 9000 other fandome(too lazy to spell-check) comments> You sir made my day(night). Thank you so much
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