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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. all points are good, albeit a bit confusing, but I understand the gist lol. I'm actually really tired tonight, so i may not have an update until late tomorrow or the next day. However, I will take all of your crits seriously (and i'll actually be able to USE them) since I have divided up all my tracks and patterns in a logical, user friendly way. As for the other opinions, that will be tough for me to accomplish which is why I posted this on the WIP board...it still kinda annoys me that us aspiring n00bs get on average 2-3 crits if we're lucky, and often the crits don't even come near to the J's standards (I guess i'm guilty for doing the latter as well ) Anyhoo, please more comments ppl - even if its brief like Archangel's comment, it helps a lot. Catch u guys later.
  2. thx for comments archangel and Hewo. I've written down your crits for tonight when i come back from work. Expect an update tomorrow. There's 1 thing that u forgot to mention which I shoulda addressed. 2:24-2:30 the transition there doesn't feel as cohesive as I want it to be...how can I improve it??
  3. Disregard that file Hewo - wrong one. Whip yer head boi ver.A4 is the actual file - I changed the file link on the first post and in my most recent post.
  4. Huge apologies guys - that was the wrong file for the update...I'll host the actual one ASAP. Ver. 3 http://www.mediafire.com/?yqjtyvw3fhw
  5. If this song could manifest to something solid/squishy - I'd tap it This is reaal good Vagrance. BTW +1 for choosing Bramble Scramble
  6. To answer your question Hewo, yes I have finished tracks before. Many of which got NO'd, others I lacked the confidence to submit, and a bunch of original pieces that I obviously can't submit to the panel. (personally I prefer doing original works than remixes - I seem to get a better groove going). ...fuck I've been on this site forever, and I haven't been posted probably as of yet. Half of it's my fault for sucking/not listening to my betters hitherto - the other half is that super/duper high bar =p
  7. Alrighty! Glad I did this track with patterns, so everything will be much easier to re-arrange. I'll definitely use your tips there Hewo - btw Gario, whats your thoughts on my latest update??
  8. I think I changed up the soundscape sufficeintly at 0:25, and I varied up the melody substantially at :40 until 1:12. Maybe if I do that more throughout the mix and vary up the drums/drum samples would help a ton. Then comes the production which is a totally different area...might need someone to sound upgrade me later. Anyways, I'll post an update shortly. I'll try my best to incorporate your suggestions. And nub question, what do you mean by augmentation/diminution?
  9. SOURCE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_Ny2TkWJwY UPDATE 2 http://www.mediafire.com/?tzjeryjbnnq -EQ/production improved, still a lot of loose ends to tie off -Definitely varied up the sounds and the drums -Other various tweaks UPDATE 3 http://www.mediafire.com/?yqjtyvw3fhw -changed a lot of stuff -implemented much of what Hewo and Gario suggested -have an ending now -better dynamics -better production all it needs is a broader spectrum of opinions...preferably constructive ones. Help me get this track posted!! UPDATE 4 http://www.mediafire.com/?3doyizgoqgw -mainly touch ups here and there -mostly crits addressed by Hewhoistheone on this update. UPDATE 5 http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/EWJ_Whip_Yer_Head_Boi_VerA7.mp3 -huge changes -edited out 2 segments and replaced them with something much better (imo) -more production tweaking -more beef, with a side of coleslaw. -and yes, took Hewo's crits in mind - I may have forgotten to tweak 1 or 2 things he wanted me to do. UPDATE 6 http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/EWJ_Whip_Yer_Head_Boi_VerA8.mp3 -mainly addressed Halc's crits here.
  10. Double post whoring. Gotta say your update is hawt. I shoulda done something like this (except i can't do trick drumming or chiptunes - yet). No crits from me, i'll leave that to the anal ppl. BTW, we should post all of our Laguna remixes in one page and have ppl vote on which one is the best lol. I don't expect mine to be up there, but I'd like to do this for lols.
  11. Good philosophy there Gario. Listened to this track a few more times - those chiptunes have grown on me =p
  12. Like many of my tracks, lost the willpower to work on this one. I should probably submit stuff I know that I will actually work on for an extended period of time lol. Thx for the crits anyhow, they'll go towards my next wip
  13. Why did I have to be inspired to remix this track. Cuz I hate it when other people actually make me seem good. This is sooo bad. JK, this is actually real awesome. Chiptunes seem out of place to me - I mean...FF8 + chiptunes?? Oy, I guess FF7 sephiroth's theme + chip worked somehow. Guess it's not my cup of tea, but the rest is fine to me.
  14. Sorry, my bad - not 11th hour, I'm mixing up stuff here. I meant 7th Guest. Wow I musta been real tired when I wrote that lol. As for the Silent Hill track, I think you'd do real well with Silent Hill 3: Dance with the Night Wind.
  15. I'm surprised at the lack of comments here =/, granted FFV wasn't really one of the more popular ones. Still, I'm liking this a lot. Sounds pretty professional to me man - the percussion/drums REALLY add to the feel superbly, and those asian winds (don't know their names) are also add to this remix really well. Not sure about the bag pipe - interesting as it is haha. The piano work is pretty darn good too Man this track put chills down my spine - the good kind of chills =p Can't wait to hear your updates Hmmm maybe the ending is a tad weak, might want to make it a bit more epic/climactic
  16. Loving this wip here Dash. Reminds me of Silent Hill too. Actually, this feels kinda like the 11th Hour as well lol. No real gripes here - I'll leave that to the picky ppl =p Also, that filter effect with the pad is sexy lol. (when you finish this wip can you remix some Silent Hill ?)
  17. Man I'm really feeling this one. Those trick drums, chip tunes and creepy/chill tone really spice this track up Nice touch with the arpeggios too ^^ Gotta say this is one of my fav. works from you insofar.
  18. Wow, good to see more comments here. And thanks for clarifying your earlier statement there Spakku. I had some other ppl crit this too and comments are all the same, leaving me to wonder if there's really a point in continuing with this project since it's the exact opposite of OCR's standards in almost every regard lol. BTW Hewo, thx a lot for the crits; stay tuned for my other works in the future if/when I get around to them eh? Cheers.
  19. http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/HoboKa_Mr_Machine_Gun_VerA3.mp3
  20. Thanks for the more constructive crits here. I'll def. find ways to vary up the first 2:00, harmony-wise. Also volume will be made louder too ^^ - good to know my mix is not muddy lol. Dunno what ...techno thing you're refering to lmao, but I'll see what I can do. Dunno about the "little ditty" at the start, I omitted it because it's generally an introductory sound - didn't feel like copying the original to the letter lol. And good luck with getting your stuff posted dood
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