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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. okay with bitching aside, I got my update up. It probably still needs a ton of work, but I at least tried to address the issues here. Except for the climactic- build into "silly synth section"...jerk. lol. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/fykf/SM_Green_With_Envy_ver22232 Any better??
  2. looking forward to it Random Hero - you're my random hero <3<3
  3. Honestly, I don't think that anything we do will make the people here critique more on our music, unless we gave them prizes or something...maybe have something where the person to give the most critiques (and quality ones) gets a $100 dollar prize or something lol.
  4. AW FFS, I'm never going to get accepted on OCR ug. This is gonna take a lot of work lol. And the reason why I make it from serious to calm is to give it some dynamics , maybe they're a little too bipolar in feeling, but that was the intent. I might overdrive them vibes then. The bass is a bitch...since I usually don't write basslines I'm still an utter newb with processing them - I'll see if I can fix that. And wtf the synth isn't silly, I didn't feel like using a generic saw sound jeez lol. I'm not touching my progression either, nor the notes - those're down pat as far as I'm concerned. And Rozo, didn't you notice that the notes deviate from the source at the parts where I "follow the source"??? There's other songs on OCR that are muuuch closer to the source tune than this, so I don't think that's exactly fair...whatev. and fine I'll answer your question, though DarkeDouche is probably gonna shit all over me because he hates my guts.
  5. woohoo...any more comments ppl??? such as this is good or ew its barf?
  6. Updump: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/mpyn/SM_just-green-brinstar_verA44434 Enjoy girls
  7. Well, that's kinda good that the source isn't too prevalent , I'm usually too conservative. I'll try to bring it out...as for the EQ levels regarding drums and bass, I'll see if I can reduce them without making them too quiet. Working on them strings too
  8. One of the best tracks of all time for the snes is remixed from moi Derived from the crappy medley I was working on - this one is sure to melt some fan faces. It's got some EQ issues and perhaps a couple transition problems - though I tried very hard to get out of my usual super randomness The track's got some jazz and DnB influences too. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/mwht/SM_just-green-brinstar_verA3 here's the link. Enjoy.
  9. Yes ppl...*shiver* it's a medley...couldn't help it - sorry!! http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/cnsa/SM_Hostile_EnvironsVER-A4 I'm thinking that the 2 songs after the first need some major rehab, but the first one (green brinstar) is on par. You guys agree?
  10. Yeah I've given up on that one for now, it's too much of a mess. lol
  11. update's up: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/lxja/Shinra_corp_remix_verA2
  12. Yeah I tried a little too hard on the drums i guess lol. Thanks for the EQ tips, I'll get on those
  13. Yeah, I was inspired by the Voices ambient piece to make my own ambient Shinra theme (from FF7 for those who're unfamiliar) http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/zwgf/Ambient_ShinRa I suck at EQing X_x, any tips to fix it, more specifically at the last 30 seconds??
  14. I agree, it's disgusting how many views one can get in a wip...sometimes up to 600-700, and have like 2 comments. I mean, that's sort of the epitome of laziness - then again, this is a site for fat-assed gamers
  15. Alright, I'll concede that I may have jumped the gun there. And I didn't mean to offend. So my apologies.
  16. HA but I never said Crystal theme in my suspisions Mr Nocturne...that raises the eyebrow further, almost to the tearing point from my head. C'mon man, you know better than to be so close to a common theme, whether or not it's slightly varied. That's what OCR remixes do, not original compos. If you get first place on this one, I'm throwing down the towel...
  17. I've def. cleaned shit out to my best ability; less middle mud and clarified piano. I'm not submitting the next update though, because that's my submission. Wish me luck Andreas And thanks for the constant critiquing, unlike the other 600 or so lazy butts who viewed this thread
  18. Okay...but where's your update???? link meeeee Viddygirl
  19. to add to that: tindeck also distorts file sames somewhat, by adding four random letters in the title, like adfg or something random like that. But I use it anyways, cuz i r lazy.
  20. I dunno if its by accident or not, but Blue.Nocturne's track sounds remarkably close to a Final Fantasy song.
  21. What your remix is lacking Vid, is that oomph that battle songs have. It sounds more neutral than what the melodies suggest, thus it kinda throws us off lol. I think what you gotta do is find instruments that have punchier attacks and compress them a bit to make them fatter. Also, a more heavy beat (but not a muddy nor overwhelming one) would really help with the feel of this track. Moreover, the choir-chords sound a little bit wussy, maybe layering them with another instrument or switching them with a dark vox sample would help give this track a tougher spine. Progression wise, it feels fine to me, but I could be horrendously wrong >_< Otherwise, it's a real good start keep at it Viddyboy
  22. hmmm we shall see - this new entry I've made is pretty damn good. And it's not muddy too (at least not too noticeably so). >
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