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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. I've had my eyes on Atmosphere and Omnisphere, but well, I'm uber poor atm, so I need some free or cheap pads - getting sick of my old ones lol. Any suggestions??
  2. Like I said, I was joking around, but that's a good idea David.
  3. OKAY NEW UPDATE GURLZ http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/ovcm/Tiberium_Dawn2008_varA3 enjoy it }:- (
  4. DELETE THEM ALL!!! buahahaha, then from the ashes of deletion, shall arise a new site - No Elitist Judges Are Us.com!! Or NEJAS.com
  5. No I am not. VG mix ho as in "going to VG mix"...you know the snow white and seven dwarves thingy, hi ho hi ho off to work we go... sigh...
  6. alrighty, those're good suggestions, I'll get down to those in a bit. thx rozo
  7. I love your works at VGmix , very sexy remixes too. Anyhoo, Nice interpretation of the source here. Except the trumpet melody at 34 seconds is kinda corn-ballish , the part where it plays 3 repetitive notes in a row is off key I think. It sounds weird in any case. Nice build up to the electronic part . Good arps too. I think the samples and the atmosphere need a bit of compression (or just better quality) though. Not a bad start.
  8. WTF!!! Only one response!!??? You nubs @ OCR, get posting - gawd!! ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [ ] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source [ ] Too liberal - not enough connections to the source (too much original writing) [ ] Too much direct sampling from original game audio [ ] Borrows heavily from non-source material (eg. a theme from a movie) PRODUCTION [ ] Too loud [ ] Too quiet [ ] Low-quality samples [ ] Unrealistic sequencing [ ] Generic/cliche sound choices [ ] Drums have no energy [ ] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics) [X] Mixing is muddy (not too muddy methinks, but there's some strange feedback from the guitar - might just be the style of guitar playing, or the amp - dunno) PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts) [ ] Timing not tight enough [ ] Wrong notes, general sloppiness [ ] Poorly recorded [ ] Bad intonation STRUCTURE [ ] Lacks coherence overall (no "flow") [X] Not enough changes in sounds (I love my variance in over-all sound, I guess for a rock song that's what you want; but maybe a break down would be nice) [ ] Pace too plodding [ ] Too repetitive [ ] Too short [ ] Abrupt ending PERSONAL COMMENTS I think that the drumming is a bit too repetitive and need to interact with the actual song more - use different fills as well. But otherwise it's pretty darn good. I'm not a huge fan of the snare either, but it's not horrendous. Very energetic and progression is decent, good work over all
  9. Good flow, and pretty easy to follow the progression. Though some judges might have an aneurism in trying to understand it, since they like really, really simple and retardly easy progressions to follow In either case, I personally like this a lot - despite the fact that I generally dislike piano solos since I prefer multiple instruments in my songs. Recording quality might need to be improved though.
  10. This is probably in the wrong thread dude. Generally ppl submit ONE piece to review and I don't think that these are remixes if you're selling them. If these are indeed remixes, I certainly hope that you have the rights to do so.
  11. We need a link dude, thats why there's no replies. Use Tindeck Audio or FileUpYours to host it...or something
  12. Those are both good ideas Rozo; I think that the hard work they'd require would pay off in the long run. Even then, if that's a no-go, then the judges (or other moderators) can delete ppl's OCR accounts who don't take any time at all to critique ;-D. Which would probably be hard work all of its own...this is tough, ug.
  13. so basically Lion, this entire thread is now moot?? :S Oh and Gibbs, thanks for the support, but I hate to admit that Liontamer's right. It's more of a failure of mine, because I'm a slow learner - which makes me sound two-faced here, but that's how it is.
  14. well...no other comments insofar, so here's my update anyways. Feeling is pretty much the same, tho I did change a sample or two, EQ'd stuff a bit better as well. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/jbxo/Tiberium_Dawn2008_varA2
  15. OK we need more ppl like you , we've gotta reduce that reply to no reply ratio - good work dood. As for this remix, keep rocking on Daffy, you might strike gold on this one
  16. Actually it is pretty dark, just minus the gritty aspect. I'll see what I can do to make it more what you want. Though perhaps I should wait and see what other ppl think - I've had some contacts dig this tune a lot, and they're remixers too...so yeah.
  17. yeah not a fan of Stripped, but I do get where he's going...the first song for Mutter (Mein Herz Brent??) has an industrial-ish beginning with uber distorted drums. Same with the 5th track for their newest album which I totally forget the name for T_T. There's a few others too...can't remember off the top of my head.
  18. remix binging apparently: Got a new one, remix of Mechanical Man. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/hpvv/Tiberium_Dawn2008_verA1 original: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/computer/microsoft/windows/G_TiberianDawn_Mechanical.mid
  19. Yeah I figured that I went back to my randomness after the 100th time of listening to it. I'm not gonna tweak any composition stuff, but I'll def. work on the EQ. VG Mix ho apparently
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