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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. YES!!!! Of course...my collab partner is probably planning my demise this very moment lol, jes cuz I did just a bad job. Anyways, I'll finish this catastrophe...er masterpiece up and sent to OLR And will-do for your suggestions Xenon.
  2. It's a wip and yes i am aware of the horribleness - jes thought I'd share this crap with you guys...I'm gonna totally revamp this song I guess, tho i am liking the low-fi guitars lol
  3. Yesh folks, it's another typical HoboKa-Styled song. Not intended for OCR submission because it's just too cool for that. AKA it sux, but hey, gotta post it SOMEWHERE It's Marble Zone for Sonic The Hedgehog 1. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/glbh/Marble-Zone-Remaxixxxxxiooo_1 But seriously, I did put some effort into certain aspects of production, but composition is like uhhh okay there. Still, it's got some things going for it, IMO. Which may not be shared by any1 else, but you all know me already. I'm special. N.
  4. far from finished, sorry Lindnar the Judges want songs that are actual "rearrangements" of the source material. In other terms, they want some original notes in there as well. You'll see that most current OCR remixes...though kinda trite and hackneyed some may be; sound different than the originals, not by too much but enough to be an over clocked remix. Hope that clarifies things for ya
  5. wow Robo. You crazy ho - this is so good :D Christ almighty, this kix ass beyond belief. This kicks the living snot out of most of the other CT remixes. Though I still think you should finish your Cathedral remix /emo tears. Good job in either case
  6. hahaah love the picture there; very Haw-T And on another note - the turn out was amazing as well as the talent. There wasn't a single track that sounded like crap - they're all good
  7. For shame. This is a good wip man. And it IS pretty ambient sounding so this technically is your forte. You're just hedging and making excuses so you don't have to work on it anymore lmao. C'mon bust some ass and finish it (not that I should talk })
  8. Yeah the EQ is a bit...competitive as the last reviewer stated. And if it is too liberal, then it's a no-go to start, cuz the J's obviously want something that's considered to be a rearrangement, not just a cover. With those gripes aside, this is a beautiful arrangement Mr Nocturne. It's very nostalgic too ^^
  9. Hehe love your little pic of that haw-T chick *AHEM* anyways- I think this is pretty good, but I believe that there is some *purposeful* dissonance. The J's tend to hate dissonance even if it's not unpleasant sounding to the average joe. Other then that gripe, it's a pretty solid mix. The beat's phat, same with the bass and the strange arpreggio/anoloq sound. Then the super-fast beat that kicks in is pretty sexy too. Hmmm, I think the clap sample is kinda poopy, it needs to be less muffled/gritty sounding in its reverb. EQ is pretty darn close to professional IMO too. Not much muddiness at all, though I think the HH are a BIT gritty sounding. Could just be the sample. I also love how the atmosphere changes without losing focus. It's brilliant man - I envy that skill. Because I can change atmosphere, but not overly cogently...at least not yet. WHY THE CRAPPY Sytrus Asian String ENDING THO??? It burns us!!! SSSzzzzt aaach!! Lol. Improve that ending /slap. Other than that, it's purty solid
  10. I love the reverby stuff at the start. Beat's so-so, sample-wise and sequencing. The melodies are good too IMO. The filter FX as usual are teh haw-T as usual too . Though the actual source takes like 5000,00000 years to kick in - at least to my nub ears. But when it does...OH MAN. Dayamn man. It's definitely interpreted uniquely as well, without sounding midi-rippish. Just a question though, is the piano a VST or soundfont? Cuz if it's an SF, you need to put up the Polyphony count. Cuz I think I heard it cut out or something - that or the EQ is a bit sloppy on it; which is something that can wait until the finished product anyways. BTW I started dancing to this song without even realizing it. Must mean it's real good if I did lol. Good work dood and keep at her.
  11. lmfao - that's a good strategy. Whore off multiple tracks for one CMC
  12. yeah...when I get an inspiration I'm pretty much plastered to my computer for like 3-4 hours. I get like 3/4 of it done, then get back to it if my ears are too fatigued. I swear, my metabolism slows down when that occurs lol.
  13. Got mah remix here http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/uwjr/HoboKa_OCR114_Rail_gunned Enjoy.
  14. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/kpaw/Hearts-of-Bramble_verA33 nice, getting lots of views and DL's just poor ole Spakku's commenting though. lol. Well, thanks for the input anyways Spakky. Got the update up, enjoy ^^
  15. yeah, still working on that whole sound design thing. As for the middle, it's actually right, but it's a jazz style of drumming, so that's probably why it's throwing you off; from D&B to jazz doesn't make a good transition i guess lol. As for the electronic samples I'll see what I can do. And yes, it's a real snare drum, I can give you the sample if you need it for proof - it probably sounds awkward since its layered by another one. lol
  16. BTW, the filter effect for the volume automation is fucked up...gotta fix that, sorry about that guys.
  17. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/kqdz/Hearts-of-Bramble_verA1 As far as my remixes go, this is probably the closest I've gotten to being near 100% cogent. It's a dancie, somewhat jazzy re-take of the original, which was originally gonna have lyrics...but well, my lyrical skills suck and my singing could probably make Hiroshima blow up a second time. BUT since I love you OCR jews, I decided to post my horrendous lyrics here, so that you can laugh and vomit on them ...just try not to soil your keyboards too much eh Porn does that enough as it is, I'd bet. Pricked by the brambles of your heart. So cold and so sharp Pricked by the brambles of your heart So cold and so sharp Pricked by the brambles of your heart So cold - and so sharp Middle section (probably the tougher part) Bar 33 - 47 Time 1:25 - 2:02 Feel free to choose your own timing here, but try to ensure that it stays on tempo (and on key ;-D ) Your heart of brambles, Is sharp as knives; as it is cold as ice You destroy and plunder all, You’re the catalyst to my fall So cold and so sharp, Your heart, black as the night. So cold and so sharp, There is nothing in your heart, but thorns and scorn. And repeat a line or two if there's room. I'm not sure if this is good. Forgive my ignorance in writing lyrics, but let me know if this works or not. RAP SKIT AT BAR 63 2:45 - 3:28 A.K.A. BAR 63 - 79 Krool man: your blood’s cold as ice Hell, you're anything but nice. For, Killing primates is your game, Which is kinda lame. Trice fold, this game's been done, It’s harder with each one. Yo, K-Fool - I vow that one day, I'll put an end to your maniacal reign. Dude, you’re such a playa hata Hell, you make Dick Chainee seem benevolent, ya cold-blooded slaya. Damned Malevolent and twisted, Your heart’s cold as ice and sharp as thorns, alli-gatta
  18. Er I'm not quite following you (as in, who is the person who you consider to be not awkward here??). BUT I am born on May as well, though the 4th. lol. =p
  19. oh dear...this sounds like my first remix ever. Okay let's break this down... The track needs backing chords and a rhythm (such as drums or repetitive support melodies). It also lacks direction, and it can't really even be considered a track - just a very small segment of one. I'd be lying if I tried to sugar coat this dude, but sorry this isn't good at all. What I can suggest for you is to actually open up a midi and LOOK at how the different instruments fit together, then make some original works that impliment them. So essentially: you need to understand (if you don't already) -chords/harmony -rhythm/percussion -bass (but can be optional at times IMO) -progression BUT at least you have melodies down...er somewhat. It's gonna take you a looong time to get to the level of most other composers here; hell, I'm still learning too - many of us are. So don't let that put you down, unlike me, when I was starting out. So, good luck in your future compositions =)
  20. I believe that too much direct sampling from games isn't submittable. Especially if you're using the original guitars from the game. When you make a repetitive sound...always check to make sure that it's not clashing with the chords and lead. Don't just let it "fall in the background" and ignore it. This will probably need a major make-over to sound submittable.
  21. wow you think your style's awkward, then check some of my stuff out. Although I am striving to be less "nonsensical".
  22. ack yes, the tracks are super muddified. Mainly its the off beat where the muddiness comes in the worst. So it might be some funky side-chaining, or the bass is too loud. Also the lead needs more support, i.e. more meaty chords and the rhythm needs to come out more. The direct sampling of the games (i.e. Magus/zombie sound & teleporting sounds), the J's might not like, but I like it ^^. The solo/lead IS very well done though. Very nice. BUT Tte guitars sound like they're behind a closet. They need more presence/better quality, without causing mud I wish I knew more of how to critique this, but it's definitely not terrible by any means. It isn't OCR savvy either =(. It's a pain and I should know from firsthand experience. At least you have a good sense of direction though; that matters a lot (so says the J's)
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