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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Perhaps. I know a lot of ppl from OCR, but yeah I do recall speaking with you and all at some point in time about your guitar skillz and stuff. BTW - Don't EVER give me another one of those math puzzles lol...I'm so bad at math.
  2. hehe, well at least i have some people rooting for me , thanks Therapdis.
  3. I believe that is just your problem mr mike; but for your special treatment, here's my shup link enjoy...or try to, considering how badly it's been reviewed by ppl who can't appreciate "good" music /cry. I jest, I know why I went wrong here (I think) http://shup.com/Shup/41869/The-Pawn-of-Lavos.mp3
  4. the choir chord is now too loud. And now that i think more of it, it may not be off key, but it seems a little dissonant to me, maybe i'm just a hobo oh well. The keys are still over compressed though and are LOUD. I think you gotta bring the other tracks volume down, bring the gain down for the piano or get a diff. sample altogether if you can't get it to change. I think it's alright otherwise. Still a fun listen.
  5. sometimes samples/synth sounds are panned a bit when recorded, so use your ears jimmy.
  6. oh yeah you're right, dunno why I didn't notice that lol. Better fix that max
  7. Hmm kay I'll try my best to to critique this: First things first I think that choir is kinda dissonant with that bass line, just tweak it a bit till you hear a more smooth kinda meshing. But I like the bassline ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION writing) [X] Too much direct sampling from original game audio [MAYBE, I don't mind too much but others may] PRODUCTION [X] Mixing is muddy (eg. too many sounds in the same range)(little bit to my ears, dunno if others think it's worse) [X] Piano is over compressed I think and it sounds like it's only set to one velocity, needs more humanization if it hasn't been already IMO. PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts) [X ] Wrong notes, general sloppiness (mainly the choir chords, maybe it's cuz they were originally recorded in 5ths or something :S) STRUCTURE [X] Abrupt ending [X] Weak ending IMO PERSONAL COMMENTS: Needs to end on a better chord I think. I think that this song has sufficient direction and its not random in any aspect, good use of arpreggios and stuff with them chimes/bells or what have you. The synths are fun to listen to and the bassline is interesting, though I didn't take the time to see if it was ripped from a midi or not . Nevertheless, I found this not too long, not too short and fun to listen to, just a few gripes here and there - don't take my word 100% cuz I'm still new to making music myself, as you know, so yeah.
  8. use shup and tindeck as well if u haven't already mike, joo nub
  9. wooot tied at 2nd place, bout time I did real well
  10. Hmm...I forget I have 5001 remixes, but I know it's not this one lol. Thanks for asking though.
  11. Yeah, I've been told that before several times - to the frustration of a lot of judges and fellow remixers I'm sure.
  12. Hate to admit it, but they're valid points all. I stand corrected Tensei.
  13. Well, I'm glad this didn't turn out to be another flame war, though I was certainly asking for it. Alright, I'll consider your words Tensei, like actually consider them. Though I can't guarantee that my music will ever please you or the others here. As for this wip though, I'll keep it this way and see how it turns out with my collaborator, whom shall remain anomynous for now unless he wishes to be known. I still think you have something against me though (perhaps I deserve it at times albeit)
  14. Haha..."no bias", that's laughable. But I guess you're right about that: you DID take the time and effort to critique my work. And maybe I'm just a thin-skinned tool, but I assumed you were doing this just to bash me since you obviously don't like me, much like several of the other elitist ass hats on this site. My apologies there.
  15. Meh, I like my style the way it is - and it's steadily improving. Production issues are noted though, and I'll get to those when I'm actually done composing this piece. This actually flows well, can't you feel it Tensei? It's on beat (more or less), stays on key - as you said, and doesn't deviate from the atmosphere and mood. Moreover, it maintains a consistent feel as well as a good - if unorthodox a progression. I don't like the way that the uber big hitters make music here, except for maybe Zircon and Protricity (even though he's a douche IRL). Shoot me down if you will Tensei, but your way of making music is only one of a thousand other possibilities. I don't want to conform to your ideals of music - and I'll bet that many of the high-ups here will say dur, that IS the only way; well you and they are wrong - I lack sufficient grounds to support my argument, but there are many people and veteran composers, such as Daniel Lippert who would disagree with your idea of how a compo should progress and flow.
  16. this would get a 5/5 at VG Mix at the least methinks . Production issues aren't my forte so I can't really comment there. I think this has a great groove, a smooth flow and is cohesive - so you got that working for you. I think the lead synth at the 2:00-ish part could be a bit more interesting though, like make it a synth that kinda pitch bends between notes or something, or maybe try layering it with another to make it fatter
  17. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/jwmb/The-Pawn-of-Lavos Override this, foo Got some major original interpretation and more variety going on, as well as some better panning techniques, better pads (i hope) and a transition to the Ocean Palace theme.
  18. Thanks for the tips guys. I'll see if I can fix that panning, wall of soundness and make it a bit less redundant.
  19. Yet another remix of my ginormous menagerie of remixes. This one however, methinks is a step up from my usual stuff. Correct me if I'm wrong. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/cgvr/CT_Zeal_Palace_remixx For the record, it's not completed yet, so it cuts off at the end.
  20. I didn't say I had finished it...and yeah the drums are just a crappy loop i copied and pasted, I'll get to putting them to the time sig. I got real sloppy on this one I'll admit (moreso than usual) - but I thought that you guys might dig the whole trumpet thingy near the end of my wip insofar ><
  21. hehe yeah just throwing random ideas around lol, so I'll definitely change stuff up for the leads and I'll make them less midi-ripp-ish. As for the zircon influence I dare not try to imitate that over rated shmuck (jk he's 1 of my fav's), but my drumming skills and samples aren't really worth the attempt of doing so
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