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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. LOL your sig rocks Raziellink. Good bad...I'm the guy with the gun gotta love Army of Darkness, the world's most campiest thriller action flick evar.
  2. sorry about the triple post lol. I finally heard the original. I like your take on it, it's very interpretive actually. So no problems there.
  3. eh sorry about the example, it sucks actually. Disregard it lmao
  4. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION I haven't heard the orginal, so no comment here. PRODUCTION [X] Drums have no energy [X] not interesting enough IMO STRUCTURE [X] Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough) [X] Pace too plodding Not done yet I assume PERSONAL COMMENTS I don't want to sound like the antagonist here, but I think this composition needs more variety, a far more interesting drum beat that changes. I know this is a 4 bass drum beat and 2 off beat snare song (aka four on the floor I THINK), thus it isn't meant to be too unique, but dude...this is OCR, they don't like plodding drums that try to drive the compo along, but just give it a bland, repetitive feel. I also know that this is only 1:08 long, but still I can already get the gist of where this going. Nowhere. I suffer from this problem too quite often, so I know how frustrating it can be. Like I said you've got potential, because your production is actually not bad, and EQing is pretty good. At least your songs insofar aren't overcompressed, that's a biggie If you need an example of what I'm getting at, here you go nvm... If you want, PM me and I can give you some nice midi scores of drum loops and whatnot.
  5. even though the "trailer" for the Zelda movie was an april fool's joke, it was done surprisingly well. I'm kinda pissed off that it's only a joke now...
  6. A weird spacie/horror flick combo with SFX that you may recognize http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/gyjc/The_Night_Beckons_my-boy
  7. Did you already submit this song by chance? I think there's a piece called Green Fuzzy Feeling in the To Be judged thread. And this is definitely liberal lol. I think the J's won't like the tremelo string sample, it's kinda low-fi to me. The other samples are good, it's just those strings that seem to drag it down >_>, maybe humanize that harp a bit more. The good thing is that I think the EQ/production is pretty decent.
  8. this is good but it feels a lot milder and tamer than the last wips, it needs more driving energy IMO, I think harder velocities is probably the cure for that :D/ and or a slight volume increase. The balancing is pretty good I'm pretty sure, and the bass is as sweet as ever. That lead synth is purty sexy too, nice writing on your part David , I think you could go a little more crazy with it though , i.e. Zircon-style, but not AS crazy just yeah u know.
  9. now the soundscape sounds very filled. Of course the EQ job is not perfect, but balancing 15+ tracks is tough to do. Big step up man. That bass is fucking sexy now, especially when I boost it lol. I know this isn't exactly a DnB song, but hey it still works . Can't wait to hear your next wip. And sorry about all the shit you had to see on your thread David, but I had to bitch about it lol.
  10. I think David should make a new thread...since we've all defiled it...specifically Snappledouche. If you wanna talk about that collab PM me
  11. lol...maybe if you didn't write it in multiple patterns. I hate doing it that way...too confusing for me But at least some 1 here likes me lol.
  12. LMFAO u wanna hear bad? I'll give you bad... http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/krdt/HoboKa_CMC17_The_CoolCool_Demise_of_Humanity THIS is over compressed, has HORRIBLE drum loops, terrible EQing/mastering. No direction and it got a whopping ZERO for the CMC competition. So I will differ all I want
  13. Well I'd probably get farther with a rabid bear than you with this argument. I still beg to differ though x_x
  14. Andreas man, you coulda been a little more constructive than that. I guess that's why you aren't a judge. And I don't share your opinion at all. Even if it's not OCR worthy it's not bad...you're just being an elitist ho
  15. I agree with you there evktalo lol. It IS a wip though and it IS Radiowar, so I bet it'll turn out decently in the end. I just wish Alex wouldn't make it a solo, because those put me to sleep, unless they are uber amazing. And no offence, but this source is more background music than an actual full blown melodious transitioning song, etc.
  16. Yeah, I try. The two sources I used are No_Hope and At the Bottom of the Night. I think anyways, lol. And yeah the original stuff is what you guessed, but hey at least it's on key and flows decently (more or less) BTW if you are a Breath of Fire 2 fan, look out for this sweet suite/medley thing that my friend and I are making. It's going to be epic
  17. aww I wished I had fans like that T_T.... sorry had to double post lol
  18. Hmm Radiowar I can't say I like this song, it's done well, but I think we've got enough piano solos. Why not a harp or sitar solo to mix things up ? Or add those in? Or something!! T_T Oh well that's my smelly opinion.
  19. thanks for sharing your stuff Huggie. I could almost hug you, lol.
  20. thanks maxy... I feel guilty for bitching out on that collab x_x
  21. Yeah I'm working on that not-low-fi thing , and I think I over-did the reverb on that last one so I'll probably reduce it. As for the arrangement, I need it to be that way because otherwise it'd be too conservative =/.
  22. Yeah Hemo told me similar things, though he also said that the attacks are too weak and the song needs more distinction between sounds ><. So I got a newer ver. coming up that's panned more properly and I did some stereo mastering techniques too. As for your opinion I might consider adding another instrument like a harp, but it has enough strings already IMO Also, I'll definitely look into those SF links, because squidfont can only do so much lol. Oh, and Blue.Nocturne, thanks for your input, it means a lot to me . You don't know how many of my mixes go without helpful criticism. Not that Rozo isn't doing a good job =P And you know...this song could be uber if we collabed on it, because with your orchestral magic it'll be very sexy and it's a (I dare not say GOOD, due to the high bar here) chance that you can get yourself posted . EDIT: got ver.2 up http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/gldw/CT_Grief_Stricken_Ver2
  23. OK, newer wip for this piece folks. Enjoy. http://shup.com/Shup/32736/CT_Grief_Stricken.mp3
  24. personally I prefer the previous beginning. But this new one has its merrits. But bass synth thing is MUCH more interesting now...I'll get back to this one with that critique-list thing later. it's 3:45 AM for me...so yeah I'm fucking tired lol. Actually I don't know HOW to describe it...but somehow this song feels like it's missing something. Like the soundscape is yearning for something else to help fill it out...maybe the other peeps can see what it is ><...or maybe it's just me
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