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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Okay, I'm done waxing my insecurities and bitter memories. Time to focus on the one thing at OCR that I am proud of. I also especially thank all of you who continually participate and put up with my preambles, rants and meandering thoughts
  2. Okay, so all things on my list have been answered. Though I didn't get the responses that I necessarily hoped for or like, I did get to see OCR from a different standpoint. And I guess I still foster an outsider's perspective, because I've never attended OCR's face-to-face / live events to truly make an informed opinion. I still think that the bar could be itself, evaluated, but convincing anyone here of that is akin to staring down a landslide. Armed only with a cellphone, a plunger and an over-sized dragon-dildo It's an odd position for me, because on one end I've got stalwart defenders of the site, and on the other hand, others who're anything but. It's good to get both perspectives and stay in the middle. Too bad American politics don't work so much that way; more's the pity. So yeah, thanks for the constructive feedbacks and for keeping my dignity intact - I *should* probably at least participate in Discord or something. Though I will likely always feel like an outsider - not your guys' problem, though. (after 500 edits, should be good :P)
  3. how does tiny water damage kill a Macbook? Maybe it's just built-in obsolescence? Mac has gotten worse for that, with firmware updates up your chimney hole and just yuck business sense that rivals *edit* Sony, yeah...feelin more like Sony is the bad boy comparison for my stupid blanket statement of DoooOooOoom ...and DINNER
  4. I have read all the comments, they're fair and well articulated and I find your guys' position growing on me a tad; also OCR has gotten more mature and gentler when it's under scrutiny. If I, say, went on this crusade 6-7 years ago (which I have and came back with many a scar) I would've been pilloried on the spot. Food for thought. I don't know if I will be submitting much after my SoulBlazer collabo remix, but who knows. So thank you all for being nice and humoring me. Alas, I have to beat my drum a bit more. Time for some more edgy complaints... A huge factor I neglected to mention in my list is that by having the bar...let's not focus on how low or high it is for brevity's sake...is akin to having a locked door. Or more specifically, the sign of a gated community that is a bit too top-heavy. With so many other choices like Materia Collective, Chiptunes = win, remix.kwed and so on... The bar may not be the wisest position to stand on - Heaven forbid that it be OCR's last colloquial position to stand upon. As a caveat, I don't want to sound like an SJW "safe-spaces" / "inclusiveness Marxist crybaby" - but there is an undeniable issue regarding the whole system with inclusiveness that COULD and maybe should be subject to further analysis. Hence why I think the bar should be put under the inquisitor's eye and examined at all possible angles; maybe even conduct a vivisection on it, just to ascertain exactly just how it (the bar) ticks and where the cancerous growths of over-subjectivity and bias (both variations of the same meaning) have taken root. Will I be the one to lead that charge?? We'll see. And now at a poor attempt at humor, DJP might want to consider the direction that his boat is going, as it's veering a little too off course, towards that gigantic glacier that looks like Brandon Straders fat ass (which to my understanding isn't as fat these days, as he's actually lost a lot of weight. So maybe that's a poor analogy x_X. Congrats are in order anyhow) Seriously though, I and many others (including a former judge) who wish to remain anonymous, strongly feel that OCR is slowly dying and becoming irrelevant. True or no, I don't know why I feel so invested in keeping OCR alive (maybe my competition that ranges betwixt 500-2400 views ??); but that parasite that lives in my spinal chord just won't shut up and tells me that OCR is still the best venue. Maybe I should have that gnawing critter surgically removed? Nevermind - that's something only I can decide lol. Hope that was coherent enough and the jokes didn't make you facepalm too much. And that I actually stimulated some constructive argument PS brynolf, your "Shadow of the Beast" remix is still my favorite of 2017 thus far - sorry to use it as a foil in my rants against your knowledge and consent x_X
  5. Just don't poop on the PC, you've lost enough already And don't drink water near it too! You've got a PC killing bad luck charm lol
  6. I've already laid my concerns, but no one's taking them seriously except you (and possibly Timaeus222???) (staff-wise). Far as DJP and Darkesword are concerned, I'm that bathroom mold that refuses to go away. x_x
  7. One of these days I'm gonna have to break my wallet's heart too. And at least this whinge post has revived some of the forum activity. Too bad no one here is willing to come halfway. edit) minus those who've PM'd me support and added said word herein.
  8. Well the quantitative measurement part is correct, I'll concede
  9. All this and lower the bar by 10% and I'm happy.
  10. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01222 ^ This song. I deleted the link in previous post b/c I was unsure if it's still considered postable and thus my argument would've been on shaky ground. Still, if this track ISN'T still postable quality, I say this is close to the metric I'd like to see for the bar. Nice tattoo btw. It looks wayyy phat. Dope. Whatever you young'uns say these days...back in my day..hurrr
  11. But I have to signify that I'm intentionally being a twat somehow... But I guess I see your side. I'll try and tone it down. And okay on the former.
  12. Oh. That is perfectly reasonable. Shoulda framed it more-so that way. Guess so. EDIT) Still, methinks that OCR can lower the bar like 10%. Whoops, misunderstood the context there. Sorry. I do disagree with removing links though. Considering the other shit that went down back in the day, that stuff is childsplay. Most remixers, even me, have thick enough skin to allow the links to remain - an assumption I feel comfortable with making, at any rate And yeah. The bitterness is bleeding through a bit here, hence the crassness, but I AM TRYING MY BEST to be logical! EDIT) removed the double post. Sorry about that DS. Also, henceforth I'm fine with OCR providing links to my NO's. Didn't realize we had that option. Color me informed!
  13. Poor Gario. Am I smelling a bit of Stockholm Syndrome from you?? Do I need to come bail you out man? This doesn't sound like the awesome guy I once knew ='( ...Also, you shouldn't have to feel afraid to use symphonic/rock samples in this community; that actually makes me feel very sad. Because in a way, you're telling me that you're willfully cutting off a small part of yourself just to please others. That's kinda depressing =( *AHEM* Less emotional time: basically, the general consensus here is "It isn't a perfect system, but it's the best we've got" is pretty much what I'm reading into here. Point 1 was answered adequately and I lack the means to pursue that end further. 2 & 3 didn't sit nearly as well with me, but again, I don't have too much material or insight to add there, so I unfortunately have to skip them. Not saying that they should be put away and forgotten, but there it is. But point #4... "stylistically fake" is the only option for those with poor tools eh? That sounds very, very subjective... and lends itself to many inconsistencies. But I think I get what you mean, seeing as my BoF2 Deathevn remix passed and my "fake sounding" strings managed to escape the NO (Thanks for the YES, there btw :D). But good god, I spent months...months on that. Meanwhile, some super-decked-out asshole spends 4 days and maybe 2 more to finalize the mix and BAM he's in. KAAHHHNNNN!!!! Point #5 I guess that's one way to see it; but I say screw the privacy part - remixers are already putting themselves out there to be judged - there isn't much salt left to put on that wound; assuming they even feel wounded in the first place. No, what I think needs to be done is that the community should be moderated on how they treat the remixer after said rejection when he/she goes to complain or ask questions; for example if some troll goes, "Hehehe, F***ing noob you deserved a NO, go kill yourself" - then OCR probably should know how to handle that situation. I mean for christ's sake, I got bullied by the big 3 and no one said squat about that horseshit (granted, I did sort of give them lots of ammunition to use against me; still it was pretty sadistic). I just find it hilarious that OCR is worried about keeping remixer's mixes a secret (unless otherwise stated) - when all this other crap was permitted to happen as people waxed their elitism complexes all over the place. Ahhh...what delicious irony! At least OCR is being consistent with its inconsistency - like my mental state!! Hey, me and OCR got something in common there! HAH! Kill me now.
  14. Aye, I hear you. Hookers and blow takes a lot of time out of the day
  15. Okay, I'll endeavor to fix that. BTW Bundeslang, what's your DAW again? This is pretty fun to listen to
  16. NVm - retracted - still relevant. My bad. Jorito that is a wicked-sick MGS remix. And yes Angel, we do take this site too seriously lol. But I run a competition here, so I kind of DO have a horse in this race still. Much as I dislike playing devil's advocate too much. Well, I'm at least not pissed off Angel. I can't speak for the rest, but they're probably chill. @Jorito I'm probably joining Materia Collective soon, assuming I get that invite. I'll see if the bar there is any at all different - something to consider though. I put the List in the OP post of postiness. EDIT Jorito stated: "I am not sure what the common issues with the current bar are. Maybe it would be interesting to have a look at the more recent NO'ed tracks and see what the common patterns are. Makes it also less anecdotal and personal if you go beyond just fussing about your own NO'ed track." Yeah, I do that quite often, but it's hard to get much context out of it, since they don't provide a link to the remix in question and I've got to manually ask the remixer out of hand and/or track down the mix within Workshop, provided it's even there. Though it pains me to bring THAT subject up again, considering it already had a lengthy discussion. Maybe it's worth putting into the list? Yes. Yes it is. Talking to self. So key things we'd like to have addressed Make the panel faster. (Heck maybe I'll try my hand at judge ) Scrutinize "Yes" votes a bit more thoroughly. AKA: Make judge queue progress panel more visible and transparent (Jorito added) There are indeed some valid criticisms toward OCR that don't necessarily stem from whiny-bitch, bitter rejects. mew hew Encourage people to have nice write-ups about their intentions and choices for their track and have the judges read and consider said write-ups; instead of ignoring them and casting them as garnish (not saying you guys DO that, but just as a caveat). Re-evaluate the bar and see if some areas can be slackened ever so slightly. Baby steps Reconsider putting links to the panel decision-page-thing in the event of a NO. Anything else I missed?
  17. PS: The troll is ME, not you Angel - don't mistake me on that. Love ya bro/sister??? For some reason this reminds me of the 'Lootbox' system in Free-to-Play games. Suuuuure. You can do as good as the other players if you put in the hours and time...but you can get ahead by buying this dandy, shiny LEWTS! OCR doesn't have a vested interest in adopting such a corporate strategy... ummm ... right?? Sorry for insinuating such a paranoid conspiracy theory. But LOL, just think, Zircon, DjP and Co. have signed deals with VST developers/partners to encourage people to pay to win (AKA buy their shit!!!) - all them other scrubs who don't pay are cast aside and laughed at. Because they are losers - thereby making them feel insecure and inclined to BUY DAT LOOT But as a Reality Dose: DS pointed out that isn't really the case And I can cooberate his good word, since we've seen other stuff being posted that isn't super-god-sound-library crap-cola. This is going off the beaten path a-la "Not Cool Bro Panel" hence why I posted it here for some lol's. Ahhh...I'm an asshole. Sorry T_T NOT INTO THE PIT IT BURNS.......very sneaky Mr. mystery <3
  18. Yeah I did kind of hijack that part, didn't I? Right I'll repost it so it's fresh/relevent. Make the panel faster. (Heck maybe I'll try my hand at judge ) Scrutinize "Yes" votes a bit more thoroughly. AKA: Make judge queue progress panel more visible and transparent (Jorito added) There are indeed some valid criticisms toward OCR that don't necessarily stem from whiny-bitch, bitter rejects. mew hew Encourage people to have nice write-ups about their intentions and choices for their track and have the judges read and consider said write-ups; instead of ignoring them and casting them as garnish (not saying you guys DO that, but just as a caveat). Re-evaluate the bar and see if some areas can be slackened ever so slightly. Baby steps Anything else I missed?
  19. So the takeaway from this is primarily... If I hadn't dropped band in gr. 9 I'd have that foot in the door much sooner. Maybe it's not too late to pick up my trumpet again. Anyone here near the Vancouver region and is savvy with the music culture/environment here perchance?? Sorry if I sound emo here. I'm depressed and its hard to mask it a lot of the time.
  20. Pretty nifty thar. Love the shading work too. Gonna be a douche and say that Pokemon isn't really my cup of tea - but it actually looks like you put a bucket-load of effort into the pokemon creatures and it really paid off! ...Which is something Nintendo seems to neglect. I'm a huge fan of the 151 gen 1 stuff though. (though admittedly the gen 1 stuff is probably mostly ass art-wise lol - at least the concepts felt fresh and not overdone)
  21. Yeah, I guess stating INTENTION first would help. But it's also wise to state what the samples used were too. Might and/or should grant some leeway. Within reason, at least. Like more than what's granted now - even a 10% difference is a difference I'd relish.
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