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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Well I won't be the first to make that mistake =p nice work
  2. Same. Understand how that goes. All good.
  3. Yeah. I guess I missed the context there. And now I need to stop throwing MYSELF under the bus. Statement retracted, we're still on talking terms.
  4. Thanks for throwing me under the bus. The website's traffic is withering away and you're basically saying, "Yeah let's tow the line, but I won't complain if HoboKa's or other people's feedback do actually engender some meaningful change, but fuck HoboKa, he's a cunt." That hurt quite a bit man. It's shit like this that pretty much deflates any chance at conversations here. EDIT) Deleted the absolute-ism butt-hurt statement there. Probably reacted too hard to that.
  5. Indeed. Fully agree with you on that Angel. You won't find something like this (the video URL stated below) being passed anymore and I think it's a shame. Because there is a ton of focus on detail and little nuances that help give it that emotional, epic orchestral feel. Like if it feels dated; I don't think it's worth throwing into the dustbin (which explains WHY this particular track is still not removed from OCR's official library). Seems kinda counter-intuitive to the idea of appreciating VG music in my (exasperatingly) humble opinion. So the biggest takeaway (and other stuff that I forget or was too anxious to mention earlier) here that every single OCR inner circle, cultist (sorry for the d-bag hyperboles here). Is 1) make OCR more accessible to the filthy unwashed masses. 2) follow Gario's example and get that panel running faster. 3) Have someone else, whom DjP trusts very much to finalize the YES posts. 4) Stop trying to brush this under the rug like it isn't a serious issue - I've talked to many OCR veterans and former members and they've at LEAST echo'd with me on issues # 2, 3 and 4. Massive edits again. I'm trying to bundle thoughts into something cohesive. Bear with.
  6. "Crap" samples, PS1-quality etc are one branch of the shitty tree that needs addressing. But as for key samples...another bugbear of mine need's consideration too! You're doing god's work AngelCityOutlaw :3 *ahem* Some people have the ability to play essentially like robots (Usa is one example), because they are doing their best (and are actually achieving) perfection to such a degree it's practically unnoticeable. Kind of a loose end, here but hopefully the next paragraph ties it off, so bear with me... Stiff piano notes shouldn't be what kills a mix, especially after taking extreme measures to get the most out of the samples, sounding like there IS "human error" - it's because the sample itself isn't capable of altering or creating different articulations or noticeable velocity queues. Maybe I'm better off not making any effort to humanize piano samples, and just alter the master-tempo to speed/slow them down. Or not touch it up at all and just say "yeah, it's meant to sound PS1" /emo time Sorry for edits, tried to be more coherent. Appending another major thought/idea!! What if the mixer in question TELLS the judges what sample libraries they are using, so that the judges can then lower or heighten expectations on what the soundquality should be, after putting aforementioned thing into consideration. If the user is using East/West and its peers, then yeah, heighten it. If they're using soundfonts... you get the gist and YES Darkesword, I did see your comment regarding that OCR has indeed passed lower quality stuff, but I don't see that rule hardly ever applying to ME, so I'm going by my anecdotals here. So bear with me and try to see it from my PoV.
  7. Come to think of it, the source tune is mildly spooky too. More funky though lmao. Funk-spook?
  8. THIS ^ Point I was trying to get across earlier in this thread too. I'm not gonna drop 1K for E/W and that shit. In fact, getting professional studio-quality VSTs like Atmosphere/Spectrosonics and (reliable piano VSTs) is still out of my affordable range and I'd take a gander and say there's likely a ton of other people with simular issues. I'll have to make the plunge someday, but jesus! Can we at least lower the expectations of orchestral quality for the bar? That is bloody insane. There's only so much masking, layering and automation you can do and still discover that the "realism" factor is a demerit in the evaluation process. I mean c'mooooon that's just <insert expletive>. HULK SMASH! On the orchestral side of BS-kill-myself-land: I own Garritan GPO 4, Philarhmonic 1, SampleTank 2/3, NI Factory, a torrent load of soundfonts, Session Horns (which is mostly crap with the single articulations), Sonatina Orchestra, Mini_Dizi, Mini_Erhu, Alchemy (comes with some orch stuff) and...I think that gets the most of it. Even with this expansive library I feel underwhelmingly adaptable for the panel, let alone a professional studio hahaha. In Dark Souls terms, this is like trying to fight the Lord of Cinders with mid-tier gear that isn't upgraded. Sure you can dodge roll a ton and probably come out on top eventually, but hoooo boy are your balls gonna be singed by the end of it (and this is w/out Solaire "Praise The Sun-Man's" help... AKA Sunny D)
  9. Yowch that must be an expensive hiccup. Does warranty cover pop spill? (edit) and no worries.
  10. Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) Round 83: Yoshi's Island - Mini Boss theme Midi : http://compo.thasauce.net/files/materials/MnP83_yi-miniboss.mid Youtube: Hey Hoboka ! I'm happy the topic about the eval process brought in some interesting discussion and you didn't get hammered as expected :). Hope you feel better. On the topic of MnP, here's the source I choose, it has no remix on OCR but it's a great track, even though it's a bit short and loops quite fast, i think we could be creative and try to add sequences to it. Anyway here we go... -Shid0 Deadline: November 21 Tues @ 1PM Vote Ends: November 23 Thurs @ 11PM Submit your remix Here when completed. MnP ARCHIVE - made by Trism MISSION STATEMENT The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. SOME reinterpretation is recommended, but not required. MnP Instructions/Guidelines Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted. Most or all of the source notes must be present (but not necessarily in the exact same order), secondly the mood (energy, pacing, feelings being conveyed etc) should also be retained. For example, a source tune that is fast-paced and energetic that's remixed into a mellow/chill-out theme would be a hard sell. If you decide to do a genre swap (i.e. symphonic to techno), make sure that the conditions of #2 are met. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry. Please don't make any comments about people's entries - including your own - until the Voting process is concluded. BONUS entries are exempt of this rule. All competitors and voters must adhere to the rules stated within: Competition Code and Conduct MISC/TIPS - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make ppl's lives easier. - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx)
  11. Got a Parasite Eve 'Kyrie' remix on the way. Waiting on (hopefully) Usa to hook me up with studio-quality operatic vocal synth stuff. If I can pull that off, this is gonna be an awesome christmas (maybe I'll mooch off of @timaeus222 if Usa is otherwise indisposed - I've heard some good choir stuff from him I think)
  12. This is epic. Certainly better jazz instrument samples than I've got. Maybe add a tad bit more reverb on them with a tiny bit of delay? The synthwork is amazing. Love the bending. Also really like the vibro-bells-things. When it all comes together with the choir pads it is so awesome.
  13. Aye, I remember that conversation we had. After listening to a ton of trance songs, I agree.
  14. Here's where I see a disconnect betwixt OCR eval. process vs videogame music by and large. A lot of videogame music is designed to be repetetive and very loopable - which is good for the medium it's in. As far as "general music" goes, that is probably a no-go, since everyone likes a nice and tidy "beginning, middle and end". So I guess I got caught up in the emotion, when I noticed brynwol1f (forgive me if I misspelled that). Still, I don't see how that's a bad thing, if the stuff being repeated is incredibly diverse in texture and has a cool sound. Plus I mean this track in particular has a kick ass Tiberium Sun vibe - who doesn't like that!? Here's some random points that are kind of ADHD-ish, and have probably bottled up too long. 1) Yes the panel is faster. And to be honest, I think they've also been more caring, less biased and more knowledgeable on a wider spectrum of styles - I see a lot more atmospheric and eccentric tracks passing which is awesome. Gario, Palpable (edit) and Sir Nuts, especially, I've found very useful. Unrelated to the Panel, Rozovian and Willrock have also guided me quite well, including Usa. 2) A big caveat; I have to call out Liontamer and say he's a little too Simon-ish from American Idol. I hear he's much more personable face to face as I've yet to do a MAGfest... in all fairness, I ASCRIBED wayyyy too much in what other people say and as a result my musical style has suffered for it. Ascribing too much has cost me a lot, come to think of it. I dropped band in grade 9 because of bullying and I recently lost my job because I let my fragile ego get the best of me, rather than stand my ground and not act like a simp. 3) I didn't feel that my Sonic CD collab with Damashi (Titillating Tempest) was reviewed fairly, and I SHOULD'VE addressed that to OCR LONG ago. Thing is, I rather dislike confrontation and I tend to bottle in my stressors until I explode. I'm like a 0 to an 11, so sorry about that everyone I might've offended. At least now the pent-up steam has been released. So maybe the primary takeaway of this whole shit-show regarding brynolf's "Shadow of the Beast" was more of an inner projection or manifestation of stuff I've been holding away - I feel pretty bad for using him as foil in my mad rant now - and against his will or permission no less. Kind of underhanded and maybe slightly psychotic, but that's how I'm wired. It sucks ass. EDIT Another thing I have to point out is the incredible amount of support from current and former members of the community on FB when I posted. Thanks guys! I was expecting to be turned into minced meat and told to go hide in the loser corner or something.
  15. Results Shid0 got 1st with 11 points Kat got 2nd with 8 points Shid0 PM me for the round 83 entry Comments Well this round was a bit of a dud, but it was also markably shorter, due to time constraints...I COULD'VE extended, in hindsight, mighta been wiser. But you guys know how it is. Onward to round 83, loyal space monkeys!!!!!
  16. oops I meant to say arrange BY ear. Not my ear. That is just...retarded lmfao
  17. I...see. Not to be the one to critique the owner of the house. But. Maybe some feedback before making it an official OCR track woulda helped. This sounds like my quality of synthwork. Shame on thee o' DjPpppeeeeeee (still love you, no homo - you and I should discord someday or something). Gotta admit this remix is still catchy AF, just needs some tweaking. Me? I'm not as picky. If it sounds like it's PS1 era, go right for it - so long as it's in tune, on tempo and isn't too thin sounding or is an utter midi rip. Pitch bending I think would help in that regard to make it more human-like. Or you could mask and E/Q out the more grating parts of the sound. Like, THIS still holds up beautifully in my humble opinion - there is a surprising depth here. And so what if THIS is stiff... There manages to be a human quality somehow. Maybe it's the 'warble' of the key sample? I could draw out further examples; kinda low on juice tho. But to hell with complete and perfect production says I. A lot of albums bank off of 'obsolete' sounds like chiptunes these days. Now a good example of what to put under heavy scrutiny is THIS... hear the poor mix of the E/Q in the lower ends - the lack of any real instrument articulation. This is bad. I cannot endorse this vomit. Though the atmosphere is kinda cool. 3rd point I'm trying to get across is that not everyone has access to E/W, Atmosphere and other uber high end synths (without being a butt pirate, you dirty, dirty pirate you ) - and don't tell me you can get grade A articulation out of Garritan's, Native Instruments and Philharmonic - that shit is hard AF to work with esp. without a midi keyboard (yeah...I had to return mine because it was too big for my current set up). There ARE exceptions and to you people, I doff my hat to you - but c'moooon throw us a friggin' bone here. If we got the E/Q down pat and got a reasonable synthwork/instrumentation that is at least 50% human-ish, then it's all good in da hood. Let's be a bit more lenient here, it's not hard to ask. Pleeease DjP - show us some love q.q (I'll be your waifu :P) Plus, RIP Medium-Fi saxophone and trumpet samples...gotta give them some TLC too T_T 4th semi-coherent point: Oh and as for meandering, zyk0 normalized that term at OCR remember?? He has imparted much wisdom unto me and said that being a meanderer is a boon, not a curse. So long as it sounds cool - who cares if it throws ya off guard?? (where's the penis emoji?) editover5000 - Misnomer: PS1 era sound is by no means the only metric to go to if the site is up for lowering the bar a tad for sound quality, it is just a starting point, in my mind's eye. Chiptunes have already made it in, so there ought to be some room for adaptability eh?
  18. Taking a 2nd gander at this post... Erm, what's the Dubstep controversy of '11? Care to fill me in? And yes, it kinda should be the other way around regarding leniency and fuck ups with sound design and well-established versus the newbs. Good luck quantifying these claims though. Who has the energy and time to pour through dozens (or more) remixes (and remixer accounts) to find where judges coulda done better or where we could shore up the issues?? Why do I even care this much!!?? Oh right, cuz I don't have a life. Good times! That's rough, sorry to hear about your tribulations regarding Metroid Anniversary. I guess in the end the panel is only human, but damn, if OCR is seriously struggling to hold on to people, why not open the flood gates a bit and revamp the judging process some more?? Can we get a DJP post? BUMP...cleaned up stuff. Some big edits.
  19. Hopefully. And no worries, I've had to lean on other people before. For better and for worse. Some people I couldn't save. Others I wish I'd done more for. But it's hard when you've got one foot in the rabbit hole yourself lol. Glad to see you're a survivor! (but not glad that you had to deal with it, don't mistake me there hahah)
  20. brynolf11 - I LOVE this remix. It reminds me of Tiberium Sun and blasted me to the past with an awesome funky synth-beat-thing vibe that is super chill. Best NON-OCR remix I've ever heard, full bars. You do what does you best and don't lose your unique sound, k? You rock dude
  21. All the greatest minds suffer it. If you do too, you got my full support!
  22. Yeah, I dropped that ball. Someone had approached me to bring forth this topic to the mods/top brass of OCR in a much more intelligent manner. But I let my anxiety get to me and I stopped talking to him about it. Look where that got me now. I let my complexes control me; so here I am.
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