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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. You WIN Dextastic!! - FINISH HIM!!! Oh wait...wrong game. Right, carry on then! Dex, please pick the entry for MNP round 90!! comments: Dex's entry: Epic metal cover-mix. This is mixed and produced better than most of my works, so I'm unsure of how to improve it, maybe someone else can help you, if you share this in the WIPs thread. Also, was the tempo slowed down? If not, then it is a really awesome trick. Excellent work.
  2. Aight, and might be a surprise submitter in the interim too. Thanks!
  3. Because I don't want to pick the next round's source tune hahaha. Again, that is T_T
  4. Alright, *EDIT* when you sub and if no one else does, the round is yours
  5. submitted, hope someone else enters too x_x
  6. Oh dear lord, why would you remix ANYTHING from this turd in the rough? I mean gem. Yes gem. Seriously though, this is pretty cool, lots of kick ass pitch bends and chip-tune love. I really need to learn how to chip. Nice work H. Lemon
  7. Yeah, that seems to be the best strategy - should really partition your interests and focus only on one thing per channel. Also, I had a close friend suggest that I change my IP and make a new Google Acc if I wish to pursue YT any further. Kinda don't, but it's an option. edit) there has to be some compromise for the whole free speech thing. Some kind of middle ground. There should be more work on modding discussions regarding legitimate harassment and not trivializing the term, for the sake of fitting some kind of political narrative/agenda.
  8. Somehow mixed Dio with Zio. Wondered why it was hard to find reliable YT videos for the source tune. edit Ah, that's why...the MIDI called it Dio.
  9. Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) Midi: http://compo.thasauce.net/files/materials/MnP89_PS4-Dio-Laughter.mid Youtube: Zio uses Black Wave. Instant sadness. -HoboKa Deadline: March 14 Wed @ 1PM Vote Ends: March 16 Fri @ 11PM Submit your remix Here when completed. MnP ARCHIVE - made by Trism MISSION STATEMENT The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. SOME reinterpretation is recommended, but not required. MnP Instructions/Guidelines Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted. Most or all of the source notes must be present (but not necessarily in the exact same order), secondly the mood (energy, pacing, feelings being conveyed etc) should also be retained. For example, a source tune that is fast-paced and energetic that's remixed into a mellow/chill-out theme would be a hard sell. If you decide to do a genre swap (i.e. symphonic to techno), make sure that the conditions of #2 are met. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry. Please don't make any comments about people's entries - including your own - until the Voting process is concluded. BONUS entries are exempt of this rule. All competitors and voters must adhere to the rules stated within: Competition Code and Conduct MISC/TIPS - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make ppl's lives easier. - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx)
  10. Yeah, was having trouble shoring up all the compression and clipping since 1) had to use my shittier guitar samples cuz Ample 2's guitars kept on activating keyswitches that I had not authorized (knowingly anyhow). 2) Kefir and FA36_Full VSTs refused to cooperate. So yeah, I was reduced to using SampleTank 3 guitars, (which thankfully come with O.K. cabinet features) and had Fruity Blood Overdrive to give em the proper boost. I'm sure if I spent another 6-8 hours it coulda been better, but, I got bummed out by samples and vsts not working proper lmao. Glad you enjoyed it though
  11. Alright, so this round is awash and I win by default. I shall choose next entry soon. Hopefully my cover-mix did the source tune a bit of justice, if not, I apologize x_x
  12. Came to the same conclusions regarding YT. Got conned by Vimeo, but thankfully my credit card company has secured a refund from them. Not a whole lot of options beyond YT, hence why Twitch has looked very shiny to me. Might give it a shot ...also, to anyone thinking of starting up in YT...DON'T GET INVOLVED IN POLITICS. They'll sensor your account in the shadiest ways possible without even informing you. I had to contact them several times just to make my comments re-appear to the public eye. As for getting my videos on ANY public stream. Good luck. So use me as a cautionary tale people For many things. Yeah, just burnt myself.
  13. Do you guys think that Twitch might be a better venue for sharing VG remixes these days? YT doesn't exactly seem very user-friendly to newer video posters these days... I seem to remember in 2009 (when I posted 3 VG-Remix vids), I got roughly 700 views in a matter of weeks, which is still small peas...but nowadays I get like what, 12 views...?? I used all the proper tags and categorize my vids properly...you'd think that with popular videogame franchises, people would be viewing in droves. TL ; DR, I circle back to my main point, is Twitch a good venue for sharing your pre-recorded VG-remixes? And does it anyone use Twitch for that end?
  14. Deadline: Feb Fri 28 @ 1PM Vote Ends: Jan Feb 30 @ 11PM 2 day extension, cuz why not. Don't make me the defacto winner here peeps =(
  15. Could you do up an entry if I did an extension of 2 days? EDIT (Side-gig eh? Hope it turns out well; also what's it about?)
  16. Sub'd...wasn't fun to work with, but I did it somehow! Literally 20 crashes and over9000 glitches later lmao..
  17. 3 days to go, 0 entries. Umm...I tried my hand at this one but it kicked my ass. I'll try again in a bit, but uh...idk if it's gonna be good =/
  18. Ignore previous preamble. Donated $15. Hope that gets you a meal or two bLiNd. All the best mate.
  19. EDIT Sorry - I'm laying on things wayyy too thick, my bad! Its hard to filter my thoughts when I get this excited. TWO awesome OCR vets coming down to pay homage to a classic game at the MnP venue, got me a bit excited overmuch. Curse you ADHD and possible autism!!! Right...to make things less awkward, I vow to do up my own entry. Better put on your best game, folks >: 3
  20. Shameless self promotion time ftw. You sly, sly devil you, Christopher. I couldn't help but purchase the album Since we're on the topic of self promo-stuff, I've kinda kept it on the down-low, but I've got 2 albums in the works, for some time (maybe too long). One is kind of a weird general-interests Electronic-Hybrid, and the other will be more focused on thematic VGM for game, visual novel and video stuff, so I'm hoping to make 'a limited creative commons license' and all that jazz. Also, thanks for coming down to MnP to put in the good word and stuff Mazedude - it really helps reinforce my resolve to press on with the competition (same with the rest of you guys :D)
  21. Hey, that's cool you dropped down to say hi and for feedback Master Yi!!. Are you interested in joining in this round? Need an account activation at ThaSauce? Also, nice remix - definitely retains the awesome groove and evolves a lot as it goes. 2:20 surprised me - wasn't expecting an epic metal segue hahaha. Sexy. EDIT Oops getting ahead of myself. If you do intend to submit this entry, you'd need to either do a different take or develop this one further - going by PRC rules here, since we're trying to make an even playing ground for the other entrants who have to start at square one (that being the MIDI in most cases lol)
  22. Biggest problem I face is if I listen to the original or remix too much during its infancy, rather than after I've completely produced it. Apparently it's a very common trap that a lot of creatives face. I bet it was already mentioned here, but DL ; DR
  23. Might be a good idea. Can't hurt to try.
  24. Indeed. The midi lacks something, can't put my finger on it. Oh and, I checked it out for about 5 minutes and couldn't find any pitch bends that the source tune thrived on. x_X
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