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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. *edit* Share your thoughts in a PM vote or vote at ThaSauce (if you're able) whilst the voting stage is on. Then you may share as you will. We don't want to color perception before the time is done, as it can sometimes skew opinions before they're done. That's what Bundeslang and the other compo hosts believe(d) in, and I shall stand by that. Silverpool is a BONUS entry, thus it is OK to comment on him now since he is not an eligible entry to be voted upon. Still, it's best to leave comments with a vote or until the voting process is done. Apologies for the hassle, all. But rules, 'n all. #6 We should have you sorted out soon, KlevarKoopa MnP Instructions/Guidelines Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted. Most or all of the source notes must be present (but not necessarily in the exact same order), secondly the mood (energy, pacing, feelings being conveyed etc) should also be retained. For example, a source tune that is fast-paced and energetic that's remixed into a mellow/chill-out theme would be a hard sell. If you decide to do a genre swap (i.e. symphonic to techno), make sure that the conditions of #2 are met. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry. Please don't make any comments about people's entries - including your own - until the Voting process is concluded. BONUS entries are exempt of this rule. All competitors and voters must adhere to the rules stated within: Competition Code and Conduct
  2. UPDATE on ThaSauce accounts: Starphenoix: resolved! Chadlee: TBA - what account did you register as?? Mr. L: TBA - account registered as?? (is it KlevarKoopa??) satoka-eldon: TBA - you SHOULD be in the system, but there was a communicato issue - should be resolved soon. AND remember, there IS a voter bonus. Starpheonix, you may use ThaSauce to vote since you're fixed. Klevar, satoka-eldon and Chadlee PM me your votes if you want to enter a vote (and comment). Thanks!!
  3. Welcome to the Voting Stage! There are 3 entries this round. There is 1 Bonus entries this round There IS a voter bonus this round, due to only 2 eligible entries. Silverpool has a vote worth 2x Don't vote for Bonus entries please Participants may not vote for themselves Vote ends Dec 9th Saturday @ 11 PM Comments: Copy-paste-itis again. THERE IS a voter bonus. People who cannot access ThaSauce, PM me your votes and I shall enter into system. Thanks all!!
  4. I've got in Mr L (KlevarKoopa) & satoka-eldon submitted. I believe that Chadlee needs to submit. Starpheonix are you participating?
  5. Either or should work for the file upload. Lemme know if there's any troubles. Remember to send it (MP3) via PM
  6. PM me your entries. You'll need your own hosting platform in the meantime (soundcloud, mediafire, google drive, etc). I'm contacting Raminescence via FB. And for the love of god, make sure that it is in MP3 format. I had someone email me an m4a which is not applicable. EDIT anyone else need an activation??? Mr. L and Chadlee, do you have account(s) at Thasauce that work?
  7. ThaSauce Network on FB might be a faster route. I think Starla might be someone else to contact too.
  8. PM me your entry, I'll sub it in for the meantime. You both better contact ThaSauce Network on Facebook. That's what i had to do when i locked myself out lol.
  9. I remember feeling that way when I opened up the MIDI to the Final Fantasy 8 Boss theme. I couldn't even get a sense of the time sig for that one, even though it's probably obvious to most people lol. Oh, also, Vagrant Story has some pretty difficult MIDIs to decipher lmao
  10. Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) Round 84: Paper Mario (The Thousand-Year Door) - Petal Meadows Midi: http://compo.thasauce.net/files/materials/MnP84_PMTTYOD_Petal_Meadows.mid Youtube: Deadline: Dec 7 Thurs @ 1PM Vote Ends: Dec 9 Sat @ 11PM Submit your remix Here when completed. MnP ARCHIVE - made by Trism MISSION STATEMENT The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. SOME reinterpretation is recommended, but not required. MnP Instructions/Guidelines Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted. Most or all of the source notes must be present (but not necessarily in the exact same order), secondly the mood (energy, pacing, feelings being conveyed etc) should also be retained. For example, a source tune that is fast-paced and energetic that's remixed into a mellow/chill-out theme would be a hard sell. If you decide to do a genre swap (i.e. symphonic to techno), make sure that the conditions of #2 are met. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry. Please don't make any comments about people's entries - including your own - until the Voting process is concluded. BONUS entries are exempt of this rule. All competitors and voters must adhere to the rules stated within: Competition Code and Conduct MISC/TIPS - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make ppl's lives easier. - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx)
  11. Feedback Shido - wasn't too big a fan of the original work up until the 1/4 mark when you altered the chord structure and tone a bit to that Daft-Punky feel, then it really picks up into something epic. I feel that "Stupid Dinosaur" is actually quite MnP, the shift in motif actually complemented the source tune's mood quite well, seeing as it has that bossy, edgy feel. Maybe my reasoning is a bit of a stretch. Oh well. but I absolutely love what you did with it from 0:50 to the end. The stuff before felt like it wasn't quite related to the rest - but that's just my input - other people may disagree 0_~ Silverpool - It is what it is. Very MnP, with nothing new other than a sound upgrade. Not bad, but also not great. The confines of this competition aren't the best for experimenting too far, but I would encourage that you take the risks anyhow ; Besides, everyone kinda has a different take on what it means to be MnP lol. You won't be punished too hard for doing something original, so long as the mood is more or less intact and the source is recognizable
  12. Actually, I took too long to submit, I'm 3 hours late. So I may as well sub it as a BONUS and hand the round to SIlverpool!!! Congradurations Silver PM me your source pick for round 84, Silverpool Results Silverpool wins by default on account that nobody else submitted and I took too long to get my act together. Congrats dude.
  13. Did a remix in 2 hours. 2 Hour compo WIN!!.... Oh wrong compo. Oh well, it's not bad for something done in 2 hours imo. But I might re-work some of the E/Q shit as I just kinda did it on the master mix...not ideal, but brickwall sound isn't necessarily a bad thing so long as not too much clipping. EDIT...yeah the mix is ass. Gonna re-work that a tad, but I AM participating - I'll replace the file when I get a chance.
  14. Still have yet to get me a Nintendo Switch. But still, I really dig this song, nice work Smoothy
  15. Hey, this is pretty awesome Shid0 - I enjoyed it a lot EDIT) After some mulling over, I did find that it gets stale at 3/4 mark and could use some more slight variations. Have other synth backings, or even other orchestral elements popping in would be cool. If this is for the panel - but I think (edit) the other peeps' feedbacks are more sound, given that 2 of them are judges lol. Assuming you care to submit this, if not, it's cool as is
  16. Shall we have this convo closed? Most everything's been done and said and it's gone a bit off topic, barring the times I derailed it from earlier, but that's besides the point. DS, hit it, baby!
  17. Mine too, I got complacent. I'll have to be more vigilant, seeing as i'm the one ultimately at the helm here (a little drunk and off-kilter, but more or less there) So as reparations, here! Deadline: November 21 Tues @ 1PM Vote Ends: November 23 Thurs @ 11PM Bon-chance one and all.
  18. http://compo.thasauce.net/files/materials/MnP83_yi-miniboss.mid Found the best one possible at VGmusic. Sorry about overlooking that hiccup. This one has multiple tracks. Also put proper MIDI link on the OP.
  19. 0 entries, 4 days to go. I better get my shit together. EDIT) Anyone else got anything in the works?
  20. Okay, so first impression of the Discord was sort of weird, but it was okay. Idk if I came in at the wrong time or what - but I did get to talk to Meteo and Zircon, so that's cool. Even if it was to lecture me on how much I don't know about the videogame industry (still it was fun). Well this topic has gone well off-topic now. I guess we can call this a close? Full disclosure: I'll never be 100% at ease with measures and checks of the bar/panel, but I think I can abide for now. It didn't help that I was transitioning from a different drug regiment for my anxiety etc, so old shit sort of bubbled up and made things very unpleasant for me (and for others). Still, this discussion was pretty cool and enlightening. Also, props to Brynolf for his awesome remix
  21. Did so, says I don't have permission to send messages. I confirmed my account and all that jazz. EDIT) nevermind looks like all is in order now.
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