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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Yeah...the theme of this compo can be convoluted at times, I will freely admit. It's really hit or miss when someone starts reinterpreting (beyond tiny changes) - and my vote is one of (in theory) many. Other people's views of originality vs. covering will vary, Jorito's for instance, may be a 'better' view than mine. And perhaps I have some improvement to do in the voting process as well.
  2. We're not a J panel here heh. At least I hope we aren't... I've gotten quite a few "last places/wooden spoons" at PRC when I was starting up, so don't feel bad!
  3. Results evktalo got 1st place with 10 points supercoolmike got 2nd with 8 points gercr, kat, Dimwiddy tied for 3rd with 6 points evktalo, please pick the source tune for round 23 Comments: Please don't refer to thasauce scores as they are inaccurate. (due to voter bonuses and such)
  4. Fucksticks I missed posting the results. So don't feel bad lol. ....yeah I've been going thru hell this week - I had to drop 2 courses for college and other stressful crap you guys prob don't want to hear about lol. Anyhoo, I shall post the results in like a minute.
  5. Welcome to the Voting Stage! Blaine has a vote that's worth 2x There are 5 contestants this round. Do not vote for any bonus tracks. If there are any. There is a first-place voter bonus this round - so everyone make sure you vote to cash in on it. If you don't have an activated account at ThaSauce, then pm me your vote and I'll do the rest. **Remember: participants may not vote for themselves** Vote ends September 16th(Wednesday)at 4PM Pacific EDIT bumped the voting day till tomorrow at 4Pm since I was late again at posting the voting stage ><
  6. Oh there are days trust me. I am actually quite bitter and irritable at times, but I strive very hard to not step on other's toes any more. 99% of the time anyhow. Regardless, thanks for the vote of confidence Yes indeed, glad to see you participating in MnP again evktalo
  7. That wasn't intended to be snarky but I guess it can be construed as that, so I apologize for that miscommunication. Also, Go Go Gadget !!!
  8. We have 5 submissions so we're good this round. You can sub something 23 if you've the time
  9. Oh I got it. I guess we'll stick with this for now - hopefully rama can fix things, if not then no biggie - I know who you are now >:3
  10. You weren't able to register at ThaSauce? If not, it may be best if you pm it to me.
  11. Thanks for understanding...I like to have at least 3 contestants if possible, so the vote isn't awash.
  12. Haha...or (better yet) maybe a spin-off remix album titled BadAlex...maybe we should co-host one for shits and giggles
  13. Updated due-dates for submission and votes are as follows: Deadline 2014-09-13 (Saturday) 8:00 pm pacific Voting End 2014-09-15 (Monday) 4:00 pm pacific (vote is 4pm because I get back from school at 2:30 and gives me some wiggle room to tally votes) EDIT 2 If the other contestants (kat and supercoolmike) wish to revise/edit your remixes, you are allowed to do so. If there's any technical difficulties pm me and lemme know
  14. Screw it. I'm extending another x amoujnt of days (didn't bother counting how much lol), seeing as evktalo said he has a bit of a wip in development too - might give you enough time too Trism
  15. 3 days remaining and only 2 participants so far. Let's get at least 1 more...I may extend it for another 2 days if things don't change, depending on whether or not other people express their interest in competing.
  16. Lol 3 Alex's on this project now. And congrats Mr. Mourey!!!
  17. If a female-based VG company/indie group can make games for women let them...but I think that companies who wish to cater to men should be allowed to do so too; by and large inclusivity isn't a bad idea per se, but when extremist pro-women types start spewing acidic attacks on the game devs and harass other people with different opinions on a personal level, it's sort of hard to sympathize with them. If people WANT women to be more included in games then they should use more constructive and positive methods. That's my 2 cents anyhow
  18. Sounds good. Always good to see newcomers! Looking forward to it Kat
  19. Woah!! That was bizarre! I went in as an admit and deleted the false ORC round22 and did it up again as MnP22 and it worked. So yeah everything is back to normal! I would've never guessed what had really happened until Supercoolmike pointed it out lol - so thanks big time mike!!
  20. Legend of Dragoon is indeed a tragically under-appreciated game. My failed attempt at making an LoD remix project is testament to such. That or OCR just hates me, but that's a story for another day Props to Blaine on the source pick! Edit 2 Mod wasn't available to move it, so I had to make a clone of the compo round I accidentally submitted in the community thread lol.
  21. Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) Round 22: Legend of Dragoon - Royal capital Bale Thought I'd pick something a little more relaxed this round. So, here's the theme of the Royal Capital (Bale) from The Legend of Dragoon. Always felt it was a tragically under-appreciated game, especially musically. Lots of very free melodies, interesting percussion, and kick ass bass parts (See: the boss themes =]) -Blaine Midi Alternate Midi Download Deadline 2014-09-13 20:00:00 Saturday Voting End 2014-09-15 16:00:00 Monday Submit your remix Here when completed. **If you have technical difficulty with account activation at ThaSauce, please contact Ramaniscence via pm** MISSION STATEMENT The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. A modicum of originality is recommended, but not required. All competitors and voters must adhere to the rules stated within: Competition Code and Conduct * MnP Instructions 1. Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted. 2. As long as you can still capture the source tune's mood and around 75% of the notation, you'll be golden. If you're going to change the genre up completely, be sure to keep the previous statement in mind. For example, a source tune that is fast-paced and energetic that's remixed into a mellow/chill-out theme would be a hard sell. Please refer to the example tracks at the bottom to get a feel for what I mean. Or better yet, check out the submissions of previous rounds. 3. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). 4. Only 1 entry per participant. 5. Previous winner cannot participate, but can submit a bonus, as well as have a vote that counts 2x 6. Submission must be made specifically for this competition, otherwise it will have to be a bonus track. Taking an old idea of yours and heavily revising it is permissible. Example Tracks: FF7_SonOfChaos, SMW_Monstrous_Turtles, Hitman_Contract_Cleaner, MISC/TIPS - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make ppl's lives easier. - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx) - Certain sad or moody source tunes don't have drums or percussion for a reason. So keeping it that way may be the easiest way to retain much of the original feel, such as and
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