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Posts posted by Tensei

  1. By the way, wouldn't it be possible to release it in basically two versions? I like the idea of an epic 10-minute Rock Anthem along the lines of Bohemian Rhapsody, but if you'd want to submit it that would of course be hard.

    So I thought that since these kind of (Progressive) Rock Songs often tend to be divided in pretty clear cut sections, it wouldn't be a far reach to have one big 10+ minute epic anthem telling the whole story ( In 2 or 3 movements), and then have the movements as seperate songs as well, which could then be submitted with proper encoding.

    Anyway, it might just be a stupid idea, but I really like the idea of the 10-minute Rock Anthem as it would be something that's very different from any other projects up until now, and I think cutting it up in parts would make it look much more like other site projects.

  2. Uh... how can you have rock opera without classic rock.


    That's like saying, "Hey we should do a heavy metal project on Tetris, but not actually do anything involving heavy metal. Or Tetris."

    I know this is probably not the best example, but Green Day is generally not considered classic rock, but their album American Idiot is set up as a rock opera. Same goes for some of Dream Theater's work, and the already mentioned Ayreon. Even though they should perhaps be labeled as a Punk Opera and Metal Operas respectively, but that's not really the point =P


    Sorry, I had a topgun flashback =P

    The lyrics are generally quite cheesy, though the vocal processing is decent, and your singing voice ok. Still, there's something about it that doesn't sound quite right.

    Guitars are obviously fakey, but drums are decent. I suggest you try to take up Sixto to play guitars again, or try to find someone else who would be willing and able to (me, possibly, though it won't sound as good as Sixto).

    Arrangementwise, this is well above the bar with some good sequencing and awesomely cheesy orchestra hits.

  4. Wow, I haven't seen this before? How ignorant of me =P

    I think Avaris has pretty much covered most of the criticism, but I'll give this a fresh listen in the morning and see what I can come up with. In the meanwhile I'll say that the section after the half-way point with the WICKED synth soloing absolutely stunned me. While the first half sounded pretty good, nothing really stood out for me, but the contrast it had with the synth solo is what really did it I guess. Great job there. =P

  5. I'm chiming in on this again, because I think I definitely wanna participate now that this thing is starting to develop. =P

    As I said, It'd be great if you could put me down for guitars alongside Fishy, because you're probably going to want at least two guitar players to have some variation in the different guitar tones and for having variety in the soloing styles.

    If necessary I could do some arranging as well, though you're probably going to want to restrict the arrangement job to as few people as possible so you get a consistent song.

    If you want a sort of resume, I could send you my arrangement of Bloody Tears from Castlevania 2 through PM (I'm not posting it here because it's currently in the judging process)

    Edit: Oh whoops, I didn't see you had already put me down there.. silly me, well if you want to hear some of my work eitherway, just say it =P

  6. If I might make a suggestion, maybe you guys could try doing something with the OST from the 3 NES Castlevanias. Castlevania's music is definitely rock, and the series whole baroque theme and musical motifs can definitely be molded into an opera. =P (Yes I know Rock and Opera does not equal Rock Opera, I'm just kidding)

    Anyway, if anyone needs moar guitarz, I can definitely record something, so feel free to hit me up for this.

  7. http://csd.varlew.net/ct/ctsheet.php

    This is what I like to use, it's not exactly piano music, but it's a decent enough transcription of most songs from Chrono Trigger. I'm pretty sure you can find piano arrangements of most popular VG songs through google, which will undoubtably keep you satisfied for some time.

    Also, as a personal preference, I have to say you should check out Bladiator's work here http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=3480

    Both the songs are amazing and were a real pleasure to learn for me, I've been playing for about a month and a half, and it really feels like I've made some mad progress by learning Chopinesque Kirby. =P

    I don't think the transcribing of midis is going to do much good for learning piano. After all, the melodies tend to be rather simple, and it will quickly become stale if you don't have a piece which really gives you interesting patterns for both the left and right hand, you got to keep yourself challenged. =)

  8. Well I never heard about layering already recorded guitars, though it does kind of make sense when doing those heavy chord chugs, but I generally thought only synthesized/sampled guitars get layered to prevent them from sounding too thin, anyway, I don't think that's really the problem here.

    Anyway, the way I do things is I hook up my guitar to an M-audio fasttrack, though I'm pretty sure any Sound interface with a guitar input can do fine.

    I then run them through Guitar Rig 2, record the rhythm guitars twice with two different guitars, pan one of them 100% right, and the other 100% left. That way you can have quite a lot of things center-panned that would normally cause muddiness together with the guitars (Bass Guitar, Kick-drums).

    After that I import the .wav recordings into Audacity to delete all the noise at the parts where I'm not playing, and then the edited .wav file gets imported into Reason (though I'm pretty sure that can be done in most other DAWs) and add distortion/saturation, compression and EQ so they fit well in the mix. Granted, Guitar Rig 2 doesn't sound as good as the real thing, but it makes it very easy to record stuff.

  9. Well, you can call me whatever names you want, but it appears that he is now offering $100 (rather quickly, considering he said he didn't have cash) so it certainly went somewhere.

    I've done free music for many friends and their games. But like I said, going on a forum and asking for free music is just taking advantage of the excess of musicians and giving less value to their service...

    There've been numerous site projects here where the only motivation for the mixers involved was getting more exposure/credit, so how exactly is asking for a mixer to write a movie score different from that?

  10. I almost thought you forgot about this song, good to see you back dude =P

    I agree with most of what OA said. The vocal doubling is cool, but the vocals still sound too up-front and exposed/cheesy in some parts, so I think a hint (more) reverb would help them blend better.

    The guitars still suffer quite a bit from production issues. Some of the heavier instrumental parts really expose the muddy low-end, and it becomes hard to distinguish the single notes during parts like 3:58. The higher lead tones overall still sound very cheap, but I'm afraid you can't get it any better purely through processing. The lick at 0:06 sounds very sloppy, as if you've put delay/ loads of reverb on it or something, the previous version sounded better. The lead guitars at 4:58 sound pretty good though, so I'm not sure what's up with the varying quality. =P

    The general balance has a lot of emphasis on the guitars and vocals, and the drums kind of get drowned out during busier parts, up to the point where you basically only hear cymbal sizzle and everything else is just a huge wall of sound. Also, bass is non-existent, or simply not audible at all.

    I think this needs still a lot of work in the mixing department, since I really want to be able to hear the rapid kick-drum rolls and distorted bass, and not just sort of vaguely feel them, if you know what I mean. =p

    I think a good idea would be to take a good listen to an Amon Amarth song (or whatever band has a similar sound), and try to mimic the way their song is produced, paying special attention to the vocal processing, the volume levels, and the general EQing and mixing.

    Arrangement is of course as great as ever, and the riff/section at 2:35 kicks absolute ass =P

  11. The Percussion chromatic thingy + choir at the start sounds very exposed and fake, you generally just don't hear choirs singing like this. Intro is drawn out waaaaaaayy tooooooo loooooong and it's too repetitive. Transition from intro to main theme is extremely awkward, and the piano just sucks, sorry =P

    Kick sounds weird, I think it needs different processing, it sounds way too mid-thumpy for this genre. The main theme is very repetitive too, I think you're going to need either a way more interesting melody/chord progression or add a lot more variation. As of now it just sounds like an awkwardly produced formulaic trance song. =P

  12. Drums are in dire need of processing, it really sounds like you've taken the samples straight out of the box and slapped them on a beat. I'm not really sure if the acoustic drum kit is appropriate for what you're aiming for, the patterns sound much more electronica than rock anyway.

    The intro, and the soundscape in general is a bit empty, you might want to try adding some SFX (I can perfectly imagine having some whooshing wind-like sounds, or thunder, or whatever, just be creative =p), or layer in some fatter pads (or strings).

    Anyway, I think the main offender here are the drums, who sound super-thin and too up-close, and arrangementwise are very iffy in terms of both patterns and fills. It'd be great if you could add some glitchy percussion/breakbeats rather than what you have now, since I can really see those working here, but if that's over your head, I think just coming up with a decent electronica beat would work well too.

  13. This is pretty much THE song (together with Chopinesque Kirby) that brought me to start learning to play the piano, and also the reason I feel like I'm progressing really fast (been playing for a month and a half, and almost got Chopinesque Kirby nailed). These two songs really hold a special place in my heart for the simple reason that they're some of the very first OCRemixes that I've heard and that were able to leave me awestruck at the amazing arrangement, and the skillful and emotive use of dynamics and playing in general. To sum it up, Bladiator, you're a god on piano, and thanks for introducing me to such a fine instrument. =P

  14. Thanks a lot for the replies and recommendations so far, I'm gonna start checking it out.

    I found Ishkur's Guide, and holy shit! I thought metal had gone wild with genres and classifications, but this is a new level.

    You ain't heard nothing yet until you've heard Pirate Metal. =P

    On a more serious note, I don't think you can actually compare the two like that. I'd say comparing 'Rock' and 'Electronica' would be fairer, and even then I'm not really sure. I once heard someone saying that there is really no such thing as electronica, as the whole genre is way too broad to grasp within one word, and IMO the same goes for rock.

  15. I'm guessing the genre you're looking for is Melodic Electronica.

    It's not really a mainstream electronica genre, but it's the closest I could think of that could match your description. I suggest you check out the british electronica artist Plaid, who have a quite typical Melodic Electronic sound, might be a bit too avant-gardist for your taste though =P

    Edit: Also, Aphex Twin

  16. I'm going to be honest and say that this is not the time to start up another remix project. Most, if not all decent mixers around here are occupied with the more high-profile remixing projects, so I expect there will not be a lot of interest right now. The least you should do is wait until the buzz around the FF7 project has died down a bit after the release, and even then I would not recommend starting a new project.

    Now, nothing personal, but the fact that you have around 50 posts is REALLY going incriminate the number of mixers who would want to get involved. I'm not saying it's impossible to get the project underway while you're not very well known yet (the same happened to the Xenogears project), it's just going to be a LOT harder to get motivated people to join.

    Please just consider this carefully, and be prepared to put a LOT of time and effort into the project.

  17. let's just say that this doesn't phase me at all after seeing a site for a furry musical.

    Let that sink in..

    A FUCKING furry musical.

    They even got a goddamn abortion of a song up about how furries should come out of their closet and what not.



    Edit: they actually took the song down, so just trust me on it that it was bad, k?

    Edit2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_MFl9jjF8o Found it, it's even worse than I remember it being.

  18. I guess you can ask either someone like Sixto or Fishy to record the guitars, if they're not too busy (Which they probably are), or I guess I could record the guitars too if you want, though I don't have access to fancypancy Mesa Boogie amps and top of the line recording mics, I can do a decent enough job with just my M-audio fasttrack and Guitar Rig 2. =P

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