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Posts posted by Tensei

  1. ^^ Analyzing videogames as a medium on a meta-level is not a bad thing. I'd say that the medium has matured enough by now to warrant some serious discussion, so threads like this are always welcome.

    It's also not like doing one thing (taking videogames 'seriously') and talking about what makes them work prevents you from just sitting back and enjoying them after that. Fuck, we do it with movies and books, why not video games?

  2. Sounds like you need to play some Alpha Protocol. In spite of the setting it's probably the closest a modern RPG has come to the old Infinity Engine games when it comes to immersion.

    There isn't some arbitrary distinction that just makes older games better, but it's more of a symptom of a shift in trends in the gaming industry as a whole. As you mentioned BGII and PT are underappreciated masterpieces that only really appeal to a relatively niche crowd. Studios like Bethesda and Bioware have 'grown up', and as such, nowadays it's much more a matter of maximizing profits by appealing to a crowd that is as broad as possible while minimizing expenses on aspects that don't appeal to the typical gamer (like an expansive storyline, complicated character customization/skill trees, etc.). The removal of RPG elements and overall simplification of series like TES and Dragon Age is, again, symptomatic.

    That doesn't mean that there aren't any good RPGs coming out anymore, but you should look beyond the major dev studios to medium-sized or indie devs that still have to truly establish themselves to find the real gems.

  3. I don't think he's attacking or defending LoL at a lot of the points you quoted though. Granted, the term 'consolation prize' might seem negative, but the entire sentence on reduced gold bounty on repeated kills looks relatively neutral to me, and it paints HoN/DotA as a bit worse than LoL in my opinion.

    You're right about the part on the randomness of rune spawns, but the notion that the runes in and of themselves promote a more aggressive playstyle and force clashes in the river is right on the money IMO. I don't think he's defending the randomness, but rather the concept as a whole.

    Hear me out on the cooldowns/mana regen inlane though. I consider HoN a lot more exciting in the laning phase because spells matter a lot more. You have to be on edge almost all the time because failing to dodge certain skillshots can mean an early death, and it goes both ways. I don't really think spell spam makes a game inherently more exciting because for balancing reasons the spells will obviously have a lot less impact, and I personally prefer powerful spells that can turn a fight in your favor (which in turn allows you to play around more with baiting people while low on HP etc.) to weaksauce spells that you have to constantly poke with to get any leverage out of them.

    You also mention him defending variable base damage, but the only relevant sentence I could find is: " Variable base damage also means that you can never be exactly sure how much you will do, sometimes causing luck to make you miss (or gain) creep kills.", and there he's basically just describing the differences without voicing an opinion either way.

    Finally, I think that when he mentions competitive viability, he is primarily referring to the ingame mechanics, overall balance as well as the interface features (pausing, replays, spectator interface, etc.), rather than prize pools, and in that respect I think LoL is really lagging behind the competition.

    Oh, and Anivias passive is pretty obviously based on the Phoenix' rebirth skill in WC3, which is in turn where the Dota Phoenix gets his ultimate from.

    E: Honestly, after rereading, I think HoN comes out as the worst. He actually praises the LoL community as the best one, mentions how it has the easiest learning curve, and how the more confusing mechanics are deliberately kept out.

  4. Nymphora, Jeraziah, Parasite and Electrician are contemporary competitive picks though (Nymphora especially, getting banned a lot), and a lot of the other ones you've listed have been rare competitive picks as well to support certain off the wall strats (Warbeast, Succubus).

    The thing is, you can easily do well in a pub with any of those. In fact, any of the carries in that list can take over a game if you're good at farming. I wouldn't even call Scout a joke hero because you do actually need a coordinated team to stop him, and the same goes for a lot of the melee carries. I don't think it's any harder to play a hero like Martyr effectively than it is to play Veigar in LoL.

  5. Haha, that article is pretty biased in favor of DotA. It's obviously coming from a DotA player and not someone who plays LoL seriously. For example, the author says LoL basically has no competitive scene, or rather that it hasn't been to many tournaments. However, just recently Riot announced that LoL's Season Two has the largest prize pool in e-sports history. Not to mention there have been quite a few tournaments and tournament qualifiers in the last few months alone:


    He also characterizes LoL as the least balanced which I think is simply false. I can't speak to DotA, but the champ scaling in LoL means that almost all champions are viable. Some are generally better than others (Brand > Veigar) but overall, the difference in tiers is pretty small. Compare this to garbage heroes in HoN which comprise at least 50% of the cast and are basically only played as a joke.

    The other thing is his insistence on pay-for-power being very present in LoL and HoN. That's not really true. Having access to more heroes doesn't mean more power, assuming the heroes are at least somewhat balanced to begin with. If I only had Orianna, Ashe and Alistar and NOBODY else I could still play at a top-tier level. Some of LoL's best heroes are also extremely cheap and can be purchased within a week of playing the game. There is no issue of money "buying power" in LoL, and certainly not at a competitive level.

    The only way this argument even remotely works is with runes, but you can't outright buy those. Yeah, you can buy IP boosts but how big of a difference is that really going to make? Unless you're building 10 rune pages, it doesn't take very long to build two solid, all-purpose pages of tier 3 runes (and about 1/5 as long to build tier 1 pages, which are at least 1/2 as good.) Not to mention the issue of rune disparity is really a problem for matchmaking, so you don't have 30s against 10s.

    I mainly agree with his characterization of the ganking/gold/death systems and hero design. Riot's champ design is just not good in comparison and there is no defending it.

    The guy claims he's played thousands of games of each, and he pretty accurately points out LoLs advantages, I don't feel like the article is very biased at all. I do know for a fact that Chu voiced similar criticisms (LoL not being a good competitive game), and he soloqueued all the way to first place in Elo.

    I also don't know where you get the idea that 50% of HoN heroes are only viable as a joke, but you gotta specify whether you're talking about balance on a competitive level or on a pub level.

    LoL's imbalance at a competitive level stems from the fact that roles are very narrowly defined and there aren't many viable strategies at all, which leads to the question "Why would I ever pick Champion X over Champion Y when Champion X is just plain better at this particular role?". It's not that Veigar is plain bad, it's just that there's no reason to pick him as your AP carry over Annie/Orianna/Brand.

    I feel like in HoN, the 'tier' of a particular hero is much more a matter of the competitive metagame and flavors of the month than whether a hero is actually underpowered. Remember how Andromeda and Wildsoul went from never picked to suddenly being top tier picks despite receiving no buffs whatsoever? I think a lot of HoN heroes are in this position and a lot of lower tier heroes still fulfill a unique niche (Warbeast, Dampeer, Flux) that just doesn't happen to fit in the current metagame. I'm curious to know which HoN heroes you consider garbage.

    Now, if we're talking pub balance, none of this really matters. In LoL pubs, the skill difference can make up for the slight difference in power between, say, Ashe and Corki, so you're free to pick Veigar as your AP carry if you feel like it, and still do well. The thing is, though, he doesn't really bring anything unique to the table that would put him ahead of the 'better' AP carries in any situation.

    In HoN pub level, I really can't think of any hero that I'd classify as a joke. All those melee carries that suck in competitive games? Yeah good luck getting your team coordinated enough to gank them consistently.

  6. I almost had a pentakill with Dunk Yi last night by the way. It's not that the build is much good (the DPS is not optimal with 4x Zeal), but people just don't seem to be able to handle a jungling Yi very well. I also took the enemy Riven to school, so I didn't get to see her supposed OPness.

    E: I stumbled across a decent article on reddit, comparing the three current big Dotalikes. It's a pretty interesting read. http://wingflier.blogspot.com/2011/09/comparing-lol-hon-and-dota-and-what-it.html

  7. Well I'm not saying LoL should have a Tinker knockoff (it already has it btw, namely Heimerdinger, so you were right about it being lame :<), but I meant that both HoN and Dota are still releasing heroes that bring entirely new concepts to the table instead of rehashing older abilities like Riot does.

    One of Dota's newer heroes can copy spells from enemy heroes with his ultimate, and another one can turn into a snowball that grows as it keeps rolling and drags allies along with him. Considering that they're achieving all of this on a 10 year old engine, I believe there's still plenty of room for creativity in the genre as long as you think outside of the box.

  8. i can agree there. it's a creativity thing, though - with Rise of Immortals, LoL, DotA, HoN, and all the other MOBA-style games out there, how much creativity can really go around, you know? there's only so many unique concepts that can be designed before you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

    You'd be surprised by how much creativity there is even in DotA, despite being on an outdated engine. One of my favorite DotA heroes, Tinker, has two high damage nukes and a powerful AoE push skill, but his ultimate completely changes his playing style, because it resets all his cooldowns, including those of most items.

    This, among other perks, gives him the ability to use the Dota equivalent of Teleport nonstop, which makes him an amazing pusher and lets him farm superfast to the point where he can actually carry. Each of his abilities is extremely simple conceptually, having no CC whatsoever, but his playstyle is completely unique and deceptively deep.

    There was actually a 20 page long thread on the LoL forums (it eventually got locked, but there's a newspost about it) where people started complaining about the blandness of LoL champion designs after watching a HoN hero spotlight (

  9. Malzahars ult only lasts 2.5 seconds. WEAK!

    It does do a lot of damage though.

    Also, it's not so much that the new champions all have different builds, but they basically bring no new concepts to the table. If you compare a champion like Talon to champions like Karthus (global damage ult and casting after death are both really cool concepts that hadn't been used before) and Orianna, you'll see how Talon basically just mix and matches a few old abilities with a very very slight twist. The problem is also that none of the new champions have any truly unique roles on a team, and in most cases get outperformed by older champions that fulfill the exact same role.

  10. Followed this build, went 22/9/16 + a win because of insane split pushing. Bonus enemy Gangplank QQing about my 'nooby' build. Replay here.

    Also, the Q ability on Zircon's hero consists of the exact two things Riot will never put into their champion designs; Manaburn and Bloodseekers Rupture. Both of those were used as examples of 'anti-fun', which I thought was pretty amusing. :<

  11. The graphics are honestly not as bad ingame as you might think from the concept art, but what baffles me is that they released it with a pool of only 12 heroes (or 'immortals'). Other than that, it's pretty much a LoL clone as far as I'm concerned. The skills are possibly even more vanilla than LoL though.

    edit: This concept art makes old Riven look amazing.


  12. Oh, my bad, I misread. :<

    But yeah, LoL in general isn't very good at gender equality in champion designs. Come to think of it, the only game in a similar genre that IS good at it is Bloodline Champions, where heroes range from normally proportioned to obese, and where every female version has the exact same proportions as the male counterpart.

    WTB female Gragas.

    E: Isn't Talon melee?

  13. i was talking with a buddy about why she'd be so much cooler if she was actually a he, but with roughly the same proportions. think about the blatant stereotypes - there are no male melee characters that aren't rippling muscles and oversized everything. there are female melee characters, but they're all these little tiny things that just look ridiculous in-game because their hair is bigger than their body. why not have a lithe male melee champ? the only male champ that i'd say is skinny is singed, and he's a freak show.

    Ezreal. 10char

  14. I'm a bit disapppointed in Vlad, as he seems to require quite the farming to be truly effective (without getting shat on), unlike some other heroes :(

    Every champion requires more or less equal farm to be effective though. Vlad is definitely a threat with just boots, hextech revolver and a maxed out Q. Also, yeah, the only way to get significantly better at these games is to just play a lot.


    Riven has some fugly concept art. There are so many things wrong with that picture on an anatomical level that I don't even know where to start.

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