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Posts posted by Tensei

  1. Giants are just flat out stronger than dragons. I think dragons scale with your level though, since they're such a big plot point/gameplay element, while giants are mostly an optional fight for higher level characters (they're not even aggressive as far as I can tell)

  2. Attempting to judge physics based on a still image...


    -does not compute-

    The fact that I somehow managed to get flung up that high should speak for itself. Make no mistake, I'm not criticizing the game for it, it was fucking hilarious when it happened and it's exactly what I'm hoping to see in an elder scrolls game.

  3. We pretty much just lost a game against a three-carry team because the Sniper on our team would do things like trying to solo-backdoor the rax with the enemy team all in their base or randomly run back to pick up items despite having a flying courier all game. Playing a hardcore support/wardbitch Lion can be a really ungrateful job sometimes. :(

    Bottom line is that we need more people to play with!

    They also sent out additional invites to existing beta-testers but this excludes people that got in through the survey, so yeah...

  4. I really want to like Batrider, and I keep hearing about how he's a great solo mid, but for some reason I just suck at him. :(

    Maybe it's because he doesn't have as much burst as a typical INT hero.

    Also yeah, definitely need more people to play with!

  5. Oh yeah, how silly of me. To assume that people here have less of a bias towards particular musical genres than in other places...I really walked right into that one!

    Seriously though, the flow is decent and the rhymes/lyrics are pretty damn great. I guess the British accent could be a dealbreaker to some people??

  6. She fights, but she fights with guns. The idea I guess is that she's not going to be in close to someone, so she doesn't need armor.

    Putting aside the fact that not needing armor doesn't equal having to wear high heels and skimpy clothing, I don't feel like this is something that's a characteristic specific to Miss Fortune.

    If anything, the whole "Doesn't need armor cause she's ranged and won't be in melee range" is reflected a lot more in a champion like Tristana (Pushes enemies away, increases her own range, leaps away to escape, etc.), yet she wears leather armor, goggles, boots and gauntlets, which to me makes a hell of a lot more sense for a gunslinger archetype.

    E: I don't mean to be trolling or anything and I suppose this is somewhat offtopic for this thread, but I do think this is an interesting subject to talk about.

  7. Except she's not a pirate. She's a pirate hunter.

    Read her lore, anyway. She dresses like that because she knows all the guys in Bilgewater are idiots and she can use her body to manipulate people.

    My point was that she's intended to be a character that fights (to put it simply). High heels/revealing clothing don't help her with that at all. It would be marginally better (though still pretty terrible) if she had skills that let her seduce enemy champions with her sexy looks or something, but as it is, the clothing literally doesn't do anything for her aside from giving eyecandy.

    I think the lore argument is super flimsy because it's more or less a given that the writers just wanted to come up with a plot device to justify putting her in skimpy clothing. The manipulation aspect you mentioned doesn't come back in the gameplay at all.

    She COULD just be a badass pirate hunting gunslinger, but no, apparently she has to use her ~feminine charm~ to achieve her goals. That's what I have a problem with.

  8. Miss Fortune is such an atrociously designed champion (aestheticswise).

    E: VVVV

    Exposed midriff, cleavage, high heels. Doesn't seem like something a pirate would wear, especially if they're basically on a battlefield and not in a strip club. I know there are other Champions like that, but Miss Fortune really makes me question whether I'm playing a gunslinger or a hooker.

  9. this game starts really good but then gets really bad around the halfway mark

    I'm having trouble determining if it's because of the bad influence of the bad games the later stages are based on, or if it's because Sega has never understood how to make a Sonic game's difficulty scale without making it really frustrating

    both options sound plausible

    Rooftop Run is the best level with the best music in the game and I'm willing to fight you over it. GxeND.gif

    the genesis levels are shitty

  10. Yeah, pretty much. Puck is just all around great, and she can become borderline impossible to kill with all her escape options.

    The last update to the comic is going out today, so who knows...maybe it'll coincide with the second wave of beta keys.

  11. Them's the breaks with more dynamic tools in place. Look at tanks like Behe or Accursed. They hurt a ton AND had the extreme tools to get in and do the work.

    I think that's comparing apples and oranges. Neither of those heroes' primary role is to soak up damage and draw away aggro from the rest of your team like tanks in LoL tend to do. In fact, a hero like Behemoth is extremely fragile and will usually die in a few seconds if he gets jumped on. I'm really hesitant to refer to any DotA/HoN hero as a tank.

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