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Posts posted by Tensei

  1. Ah, my bad, wasn't sure if you were joking. :P

    So after having had some more hands-on experience with this game, I have to say it's still a lot of fun. A big factor for me is how many ways there are to sustain yourself out in the field; urn of shadows is fast becoming one of my favorite items, and I find myself very rarely going back to base to heal up because of items like that. It just feels like there's very little downtime as you're constantly busy farming, ganking and pushing.

    The amount of polish is still super-impressive, especially considering it's still in beta, and the game just oozes character with all the voice-acting and hero designs. This is also probably the first game of its type where I had absolutely no trouble adapting to the graphics; most of the spell effects and the like seem to hit the sweet spot where they're still impressive looking, without completely obscuring teamfights. It's neither a massive washed out bloomfest like HoN, nor the functional but barebones design of LoL.

    Most of the hero designs are also just plain fun. Heroes like Weaver, Tinker, Doombringer and Broodmother all feel very distinct and have unique playstyles, but there's something to be said for the more straightforward heroes like Dragon Knight, Tidehunter and Skeleton King as well.

    If you haven't already, check out the amazing comic Valve is doing:


  2. I found out that it's possible to edit your recommended items for every hero seperately simply by editing the text files in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\itembuilds.

    Also there's a new patch out that supposedly fixed the server choppiness and puts leavers into a seperate matchmaking queue.

  3. Just FYI, you can rebind the item slot hotkeys easily enough -- I'm using Z,X,C,F,G,V atm and it's just fine.

    Yeah I was referring to the shop interface exclusively, the only drawback that LoLs shop has for me is that there are no hotkeys to quickly buy stuff. I already bound all my inventory hotkeys to the HoN standards.

    One thing that might seem minor but which is infinitely hilarious to me about this game is that your nick is bound to your steam friendslist, so you can change it as many times as you want.

    I played games as [s2]Maliken and [HCT]breakycpk earlier and the enemy Nightstalker called me out on not being the real breaky because "you don't have phil the thrill hanging from your ballsack"

    It's really too bad that there doesn't seem to be much in the way of leaver protection yet.

  4. I think the low FPS might be because it hasn't really been optimized yet, but it ran mostly smooth for me.

    Shop could use some improvements and could definitely be a bit more like LoL (+hotkeys), but overall it didn't bother me that much.

    Hearing Tinker say "We have established the melting point of Crystal Maiden" in a Dr. Kleiner voice after lasering her cracked me up.

  5. It looks great and all, but y'know. It's gonna have that weird dichotomy between stupid angsty and overly serious cutscenes and gameplay where you routinely commit vehicular mass murder like GTA 4 had.

    At least Saints Row 2 acknowledges that the protagonist is one crazy motherfucker, so in that game I feel a lot better about killing random pedestrians.

  6. I just got my beta key!

    I got two spare ones to give out as well, so I guess I'll give one to Derrit since he indicated in this thread that he wanted one earlier.

  7. Yeah Tiny is one of the biggest pubstomp "fuck you now you die"-heroes in the game, he's hilarious.

    Also, throwing your teammates so they can stun/explode on the enemy team is awesome.

  8. The blog post says this week, and patch days are on thursdays, so somewhere around that time I guess. Then again, it is Valve we're talking about.

    Also I just copied my HoN stats for that survey.

  9. It's not a thing that has been 'added', but it's something that has been around for a long time and to some people is as much a part of playing DotA as lasthitting, stacking neutrals, etc. so they're currently pretty hesitant about taking it out. I'm hesitant to pass judgement because I haven't extensively played with mana bars off, but for all I know, it does make the game more fun (not to mention that showing mana bars would be a significant buff for Antimage, which is currently the last thing they want to do)

    Also, I wouldn't call it more complicated or competitive. Some of the 'archaic' DotA mechanics just make the game more fun to me. Juking by eating through trees is fun, Dodging stuns that would spell your death is fun, controlling multiple units is fun, etc.

  10. Riot started calling LoL a MOBA because they had Jeff “HunteR_” Hunter marketing their game for them at the time, who came up with the term (and currently runs the website Mobacast.com)

    He later moved onto HoN where he got exposed for doing shady shit like embezzling prize money and solliciting naked pictures from underage girls by impersonating young boys.


    Now if Riot wants to keep using that term that's their right. All I'm saying is that I wouldn't exactly try to run a political campaign using terms like Lebensraum and Final Solution either.

    Anyway getting a bit offtopic here but yeah.

  11. Surely if you're the best at Smash Brothers, that would mean that you would be able to adapt to any stage and any random item drop?

    Also Dotalikes aren't the worst because of them being free, but because you're put in a situation where you're on a team with a bunch of strangers, you're forced to work towards a cooperative goal, and a single player dragging you down will affect your whole team.

  12. It wasn't a change, that's how it always was with the original DotA engine. I don't see a reason to keep it that way in Dota 2 though. The fact that the information is accessible but it requires you to go out of your way (i.e. clicking on the enemy hero first) to get to it is what makes it annoying to me.

    I think the current consensus is that obscuring mana bars allows for more mind games (i.e. when Kunkka momentarily goes into fog of war and then runs back out in your direction, you won't know if he actually cast a torrent or if he's just bluffing when you can't see his mana bar), but if they're intent on keeping that aspect they should just make it impossible to see your enemies' mana altogether.

    It also seems a bit contradictory that they would hide mana bars while adding very detailed, segmented HP bars, which in turn makes it really easy to read how much damage you need to do to kill someone.


    did a video on Dota 2.
  13. I dunno, League of Legends doesn't have a hero that can deal 900 non-ultimate magic damage as early as level 7 or 8 (Shadow Fiend/Soulstealer). Some hero skills are really balanced around the fact that they have finicky targeting and range, and something like range indicators could push them over the edge. I saw a nice suggestion on Reddit about adding range indicators the first time you played a hero, but slowly fading them out as you played more games with them.

    I really like the way they handled Witch Slayer/Lions line stun that Nase mentioned. The trick is that the stun hits well beyond the animation of the skill (I think the actual range is something like 1000), but if you activate it by directly targeting someone, your hero will run within 600 range first before casting it. For newer players, it makes your stun a lot more reliable, but you'll never get the full potential out of it until you start casting it on the ground (i.e. as a skillshot) instead of directly.

    I guess in that sense, the blink dagger penalty is somewhat similar to that concept, but I still don't feel entirely comfortable with it.

    Also, I think what they do with mana bars is a lot more significant: currently mana bars aren't directly displayed on enemy heroes, but you can see an opponents mana by clicking on their hero. I would prefer if they were either displayed directly, or not displayed at all.

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