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Everything posted by Tensei

  1. This has to be posted:
  2. I'd fuckin love to but apparently I'm the only person in existence who doesn't have an old copy of WC3 with the expansion lying around and I can't find the Battlechest anywhere (in stores) either. Maybe after I get some money on my paypal again, but that'll take at least a week.
  3. I walk a road of vengeance! Scout is really fun to play though IMO It was glorious! (MatchID: 24944864) Accompanying Video
  4. There's also Legionnaire. The reason I don't really care for a Centaur port is that there's already enough blink+disable heroes in the current metagame (i.e. Heroes that promote turtling). I'd rather see some more gankers with a focus on singletarget skills ported than another hero to throw into the big AoE rapefest that makes up the current meta. Never mind that Centaur's role and skills almost completely overlap with Pestilence and Legionnaire, except that Pestilence has some good scaling and supportive DPS to go with it.
  5. It uses the E button as a toggle for the melee/range switch, while the W button would be for the active part of the skill. And HoN has a distinct lack of JAPAN, I figured it was time to change that.
  6. http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=73548 I made a hero
  7. Probably for the same reason that Wretched Hag is a semi-carry: if a hero has the means to speed up farming to the point where they're able to outcarry other heroes by outfarming them and getting high-tier items relatively early, they'll be able to carry purely with those items. That said, not that I've ever played him, but I think his ult would give him some anti-carry capability as well, since he's able to prevent enemy carries from activating key items like Shrunken Head and Symbol of Rage for a good amount of time (14 seconds will usually be almost the entire duration of a teambattle).
  8. A Ganker I'd say. And I definitely hope they don't port Centaur because he seems like one of the most boring heroes to me.
  9. I haven't played Pyro since the patch yet, but from what I hear you can solo Kongor extremely early/quickly with the DoT, which will probably be fixed next patch. It does sound like a lot of fun to me to get lots of aspd items on Pyro, just because the DoT will stack infinitely. Also: 61st Hero concept. Currently the bets are on it being a Doom Bringer port, though it might as well be the first user-designed hero I've been thinking that a hero who can gain neutrals' abilities would be awesome ever since I saw the Lucifer rework in one of the recent DotA patches, but the user-designed hero this guy might be based on doesn't seem too interesting to me, so I'm personally hoping for a port.
  10. Here's a new vid! About 50% less Valkyrie, but 100% more Demented Shaman and Slither play! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5YN13uNufg&hd=1
  11. I don't care.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swnlR5hVjgo have had this bookmarked for quite some time. 0:53 is the best. Though the machine gun triplets at 1:14 are up there as well.
  13. I agree that it feels much more like a straightup buff than overall balancing. The part of the game where the old lifevoid made him a threat was generally the first 10-15 minutes, so he's a bit weaker at that point, in the sense that he can actually be killed now, but he's still extremely powerful in lane. Death Boil makes his damage output in teambattles so much bigger now, actually coming close to the amount of damage caused by a 3k Health Sandwraith with dispersion. also: Patch Notes TL;DR: - Chronos is now very good. - Zephyr overpowered and ban material. - Electrician is a bit more useful overall. - Game Mode Banning Pick is AP with 3 bans for each side.
  14. Alright, after lots of testing and a shitton of IRC inhouses on the test server, I've come to know and love a very fun pub itembuild for Hellbringer, aiming to make him a powerful semi-carry. The recent buffs to Harkon's Blade and the AoE effect of death boil have all made this build very much viable, since Hellbringer now no longer has to resort to his auto-attack to farm, making a 25 minute Harkon's Blade a realistic goal. At the start you can just buy a courier if necessary, and get your power supply and Steamboots (STR) inlane. Don't get plated marchers, you need the attack speed from steams. Depending on how well you do you can actually get the Acolyte's Staff before completing steamboots, but only do this if for some reason you suddenly find out you have 3k gold. If you have room to farm, go straight for the staff, otherwise build up a Greater Arcana which will give you sustainability and help you if your team needs you earlier. After this, get the recipe and finish Harkon's Blade. Congratulations, your auto-attack DPS just went through the roof. You'll be doing about 150 magic damage per auto-attack, amplified by a -15 magic armor from lifevoid + Harkon's, combined with AoE Death Boil. Haven't even mentioned the ult yet. You'll most likely start racking up kills in teambattles very quickly now, so go straight for a Thunderclaw, upgrade to a Charged Hammer and finish the build with Barbed Armor. You should be more or less invincible by now.
  15. The S2 Heroes are/were different from typical DotA heroes due to their tendency to dominate or at least be useful throughout all phases of the game (mainly thinking of the carries here). Apart from that, many S2 hero skills just seem to do so much compared to traditional DotA ports. Maliken has a blink/AoE magic attack/slow, Deadwood has a physical nuke/ministun/slow/STR debuff, as well as a +60 damage steroid that doubles as a ranged ministun/slow, TDL has a pseudoblink/Physical AoE nuke/ASPD steroid, and (New)Zephyr has an AoE Stun/Nuke/Physical push. While I personally have no problems with most of the S2 heroes, it does seem to me that what I listed might be annoying for people making the transition from DotA.
  16. I never said Demented Shaman ISN'T support. I said I didn't play him as such that game. And you tried to shove all the blame for our loss on me, so it's only natural that I defend myself and point out that both you and bardic played like shit as well, compared to which my 'novelty' item build was of little influence on the outcome of the match. If you're saying you shouldn't have to defend playing to win, then I shouldn't have to defend playing to win my way. And obviously I was playing to win. Yes, I have gotten verbally abused and insulted ingame over the last few days by several people I play/used to play with regularly, with no provocation (not to my knowledge, anyway) from my side whatsoever. That obviously means I am taking this game too seriously and not calm and all that. If you had bothered to check the replays I posted you would have noticed I am not the one doing the raging, or taking the game too seriously, but no, you'd rather spout your misinformed opinions and accuse me of completely unrelated matters. If you don't feel like reading up on everything that's happened, please don't even get involved. Or if you'd be so inclined, please point out which of my arguments in this thread concerning that match are 'poor in constructive information' in light of the replays.
  17. How about you direct your bullshit directly at me rather than passively-aggressively referring to me in third person. If you'd actually bother to read my arguments rather than just making ad-hominems like that you might actually learn something. I believe Ghost Marchers are still crap on like 90% of the heroes and especially a hero like elec will benefit from the additional EHP from Plated Greaves. And yes, Sac Stone is pretty much core on him, though Frostfield plate is probably a better first 'big' item.
  18. NDA mean anything to you? Nah, I'm sure it's alright. I've had quite a few test client games already and all three heroes that today's patch will focus on (Chronos, Zephyr, Electrician) have had some very good tweaks, making each one of them a lot more useful.
  19. I didn't play support.
  20. I raged at Leonidus for completely different reasons, mostly because he started insulting me out of nowhere. Match ID: 22619778 (legion teamchat starting around 00:37:00, and actually the thing that pisses me off most is that he questions my ability to formulate sentences in English because I type "pyro def bot" instead of "Dear Pyromancer, would you be so kind as to possibly help us defend our tower from the enemy team by use of a homecoming stone?", so please don't act like the TheShizz clan is so much better than OCR because as you can see it has it's fair share of retards.) Defiler getting fed is probably what cost us the game, but guess what? I wasn't even in the same lane. I would've been soloing mid (even suggested it at the start), but apparently Plague Rider would be just fine, despite him getting harassed out of the lane 3 minutes in, going marchers first, and asking "algun español?" at the start. Defiler getting freefarm and full rune control is by no stretch of the imagination my fault this game. Also note that there were rarely situations where I was taking up ALL the farm, I simply maximized my farming by TPing to pushed towers and I never saw others do the same, especially swiftblade apparently preferring to run into their woods to fail a gank and then dying. Again, not my fault, I think it was mostly Bardic's inexperience with playing carries (not getting enough survivability etc.) Novelty build or not, carrying with demented shaman is perfectly viable at our level of play, just like 'pushing lineups' are, especially when I announce to do so right from the start. Note that I didn't ever actually get ganked because I always backed off in time when people went missing, because I don't rely on wards or anything when I play pubs by myself either. The time I complained about the "no MIA" call was when ACCURSED died, not me, because I had backed off in time. You can't rely on every pub to have their sound on, and it's generally just more obvious to type out misscalls than trying to decipher someone's mumbling. And finally, where does this idea come from that it's me and me alone that cost us the game by getting puzzlebox? Let's count, we had 4 'support' heroes, and NONE of them were building astrolabe or sheepstick as far as I could tell, though Plague Rider and Accursed are WAY better astrolabe carriers than Dsham. Puzzlebox provides utility in the form of a haste-aura, faster pushing/counterpushing and truesight for counterwarding. If it were such a gimmicky item, surely it wouldn't have gotten nerfed the last two patches? Not to mention that top players like [WHP]chu` will get it every time on a variety of heroes, INCLUDING demented shaman.
  21. Doublepost but whatever. Let me make clear that I have absolutely NO obligation to buy wards, courier or any support items in a pub, no matter what your preconceived notions of a 'support' hero are. It's also exceptionally poor form to start blaming me for throwing the game when you've fed 8 deaths vs my single death in a teamfight. Me building Puzzlebox on Demented Shaman over 'support' items (Puzzlebox is a support item fyi) will have NO bearing on the game compared to the ~2k gold deficit caused by 8 deaths. And even if I, hypothetically speaking, would have cost us the game, it's completely uncalled for to start insulting me, especially when you're playing like shit yourself. Just throwing that out there. The amount of unwarranted flak I received that game really makes me think twice about ever playing with you guys again. Match ID 22742610
  22. http://www.tindeck.com/listen/yndi I really don't even know where I'm going with this, but yeah. Strings need to be cleaned up.
  23. If anything, Pebbles being able to combo a squishy hero lategame that is slightly seperated from the rest of the team (which isn't that rare, squishy heroes will tend to stay back a bit) has a much higher chance of occuring than, say, the entire enemy team grouping up with a creep wave, allowing a perfect behemoth initiation, who is nonetheless considered one of the best initiators all around. Even if Pebbles can't isolate a single enemy, he can instead just port in and stun 2-3 enemies rather than trying to instagib a single hero. He's versatile when it comes to that, and that combined with his early-midgame power (which more or less matches that of Devourer) makes him a solid competitive pick. The same can't be said for Devo though. There's no way around the fact that Devourer is one of the least reliable initiators in the game, seeing as his ability to initiate requires a significant amount of luck and a lack of awareness/skill in the enemy team, moreso than other initiators. What's more, Devourers lategame power is completely contingent on his earlygame. You need to roam and gank successfully a lot, and again, this all depends on whether the enemy heroes are careless enough to let themselves get hooked. If you do terribly early game with Pebbles, you might get your portal key as late as 30 minutes, but you will still be useful to your team after that point. If you have a terrible early game with Devourer, you won't even be able to tank due to a lack of items/str and most of your use in teamfights will come from your mediocre, channeled disable. I think the main reason why Pebbles is a competitive pick and Devourer isn't, is that he's more reliable overall.
  24. You're giving Devourer way more credit than he deserves. Remember that because of his terrible manapool, earlygame inlane you can fire off exactly one hook before you're back to gulping down mana potions, not to mention that you're not only relying on your own skill to land hooks but also on enemies to, well, be dumb and not stand in the right position/not dance. Oh, and he has close to no skills that would facilitate runewhoring for him on top of his terrible base movement speed. I think it's funny how you're saying Pebbles can't get a reliable combo off in lategame (which he definitely can, considering portal key), while you praise devourer for his initiation . In an ideal world where you land each and every hook, maybe, but again, it's very reliant on your opponent's skill level. Also auto-attacks less effective? Pebbles hits like a ton of bricks in lategame thanks to his ult (pun again not intended) and will usually have daemonic breastplate ready. They're about the same when it comes to attack animation but Pebbles has significantly higher base damage. Devourer is still nowhere near the early-midgame force that Pebbles is (in competitive games). Oh and Hag may have a long windup animation, but very high projectile speed. I do agree that you need the +8 int (2x mark of the novice, 2x minor totem) in your starting build to fix her abysmal base damage. That said, I have never had trouble lasthitting with her even when facing a double lane (as a solo). I'd also say it's close to impossible to NOT get a good start with Hag provided you can have a solo lane, because it's not like you'll die early on with that blink.
  25. TL;DR: Blacksmith and Slither useful now, Deadwood still overpowered, that's the most important changes pretty much.
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