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Everything posted by Tensei

  1. Nymphora's line/AoE stun and AoE nuke make her quite a threat in teambattles, because it's way harder to keep track of everything and avoiding it. Stunning 2-3 people in a teambattle is huge. Edit: http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=50797 for all the SF fans out there.
  2. I only suggested Killswitch Engage because everybody was randomly suggesting metalcore/nu metal as well nyoro~n ._.
  3. I think I once heard someone described Nymphora as being the hardest hero to play after Ophelia, and I'm inclined to agree, because it's almost as rare to find someone who's actually decent at her.
  4. Ack, I'm always confusing nullstone and void talisman. Void Talisman is an item to counter specific heroes (most particularly Pandamonium). For the majority of the game, if you're dependent on properly channeling your ult, disables and burst magic damage will be a way bigger threat than autoattack damage from the enemy carry. Also: Nymphora's ult isn't a glorified homecoming stone, more like a glorified Posthaste. You can use it together with actual homecoming stones to quickly punish your opponents for grouping up by teleporting to the opposite lane and fastpushing with the healnuke/stun. This allows you to farm way more than an average support hero would be able to since you can afford to farm lanes that are already extremely pushed and just get out at the first sight of danger. Being able to be all over the map as early as level 6 is huge.
  5. Because Shrunken Head is generally a better item, especially on Glacius, since it will give you more HP due to the strength boost.
  6. Nymphora is such an underrated hero
  7. Deny. My previous runthrough (on hard difficulty) had Shale tanking, PC as DPS rogue and Wynne+ Morrigan as Spirit Healer for healing and crowd control and I never got into any trouble even without abusing Cone of Cold. The Spells from the Waking Nightmare, Crushing Prison, Mana Clash and Death Hex lines are all amazingly helpful. Not to mention that a properly spec'd dualwielding Rogue will be doing insane damage with backstabs.
  8. The best LPers are obviously Maxwell Adams and his crew.
  9. Arch Enemy Children of Bodom Alestorm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL65oumesqE Killswitch Engage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjAytcZkrQw
  10. Dude, Magmus is easy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRtMdPWvP8A
  11. You won't have any worthwhile orbs before level 10. That's why you level splitshot from 12-15. Also, lifesteal doesn't work on splitshot.
  12. Stop a push how? For 4 seconds? When all the enemy team has to do is move slightly to the side to avoid it completely? That's just asking for a valkyrie arrow to the face if you ask me.
  13. Fun thing is, they even have an article about how TVtropes.org is known for having that very effect on people.
  14. Actually, seems to me they're mostly ripping off Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. Also, the whole A GREY WARDEN HAS TO DIE TO KILL THE ARCHDEMON as well as MORRIGAN'S DEMON BABY were such huge asspulls and both came totally out of nowhere at the end.
  15. She can push well enough with Split Shot, which you should be leveling at the point where pushing actually starts being important. Skeletons over stats is almost always a terrible idea. Her ult is crap, no way around it. Getting multiple kills with it in a teamfight is contingent upon the rest of your team being able to CC 3-4 heroes of the enemy and disable them for a good 4 seconds to get everything out of your ult. But guess what: If you disable the majority of the enemy team for 4 seconds you will most likely win that teamfight either way, as any AoE nuke is a good follow-up to it. That's why the whole "OMG SHE SYNERGIZES WELL WITH TEMPEST"-argument is retarded. Behemoth synergizes with Tempest as well and he has the advantage of not being a terrible hero. Not to mention that exactly BECAUSE she can farm so well, she'll have DPS items before teamfights start happening frequently, and I can guarantee that Splitshotting a shieldbreaker orb on the entire enemy team is more effective than using the shitty shitty ult.
  16. Okay, I admit, I didn't do the full research. In ideal circumstances, FA's ult will hit for more than both Wretched Hag's and Magmus' ult. However, this requires the enemy to stand perfectly still and not disable you over the course of 4 seconds, which just isn't very likely to happenat all. Most likely you'll be able to hit 3-4 arrows after immobilizing the enemy hero. It's extremely easy to move out of the way even if you have no way of disabling her during her channel. And remember it only takes an MQ or TB nuke to stun her out of it. It would be great if her ult had additional effects (if only something as trivial as a ministun with each arrow, or a slow) and if the near-useless skeletons got replaced with a decent escape mechanism (something like a built-in assassin's shroud would fit her well I think). It's just not good design if it's more beneficial to take stats over 2 of her skills. Engineer on the other hand is an awesome hero.
  17. yes i am seething with rage right now i just think it's kind of funny/sad that you can be pissed off at the fact that there's a sequel in the making for a game you dislike. does it seriously matter that much to you? maybe instead of posting here you should send a mail to bioware about how they shouldn't make a sequel because you didn't like this game very much.
  18. FA is a shitty hero. - Weakass, hard to land AoE pseudo-disable. Pyro, Torturer, Hammerstorm, Engineer all have similar but superior AoE disables. - 'Decent' steroid/scaling skill with Split Shot, but only relative to her other crap skills. - Skeletons are basically useless, they'll just feed gold and push the lane unnecessarily if you get them early and they're not worth getting later due to terrible scaling. Mostly useless for jungling as well because they don't draw creep aggro so you can't tank. Would be awesome if you could actually micro them. - Terrible ult. Let's take things into perspective. 4 Seconds of channeling for (narrow)AoE magic damage that's roughly equivalent to Wretched Hag's Ult. Thing is, Wretched Hag has the additional DoT afterwards, and she does the damage in ONE BURST. And remember Wretched Hag's ult was considered UNDERPOWERED for a long time. Magic Armor reduces the damage of each shot seperately, there are no additional effects like a slow or debuff, and you have to sit your squishy 800 HP ass perfectly still for 4 seconds. I consider her mostly a joke. You can mess around in lower level games by pushing towers early with your skeletons if you're up against incompetent opponents, and use the early tower money to buy items that stack orbs on her Split Shot (Shieldbreaker, Frostwolf Skull, Nullfire Blade), but she's just so incredibly lackluster compared to other heroes.
  19. because you are obviously forced to buy it and all it's sequels, in fact, you are forced to post in this thread
  20. Finding something to do when you're a support hero in so-called 'down-time' between bigger pushes/teambattles can be tough, but there's usually enough options: - Farm a lane that your carry hero isn't in, with auto-attacks and hard denies to prevent it from getting pushed too far. - Farm neutrals if your carry is farming a lane that's a good distance away from the jungle. - Go ward the runes, your own jungle or the enemy jungle. - Team up with 2-3 other support heroes from your team and gank the enemy jungle. Obviously don't do this if ALL enemies are missing, always try to ensure that your heroes outnumber the enemy heroes. - Team up with 2-3 other support heroes and fastpush a tower that's relatively low on health. How viable this is depends on how organized the enemy team is, don't try this if you know they're going to mass teleport in. - Stack ancients for your carry.
  21. Pings are very context sensitive and can mean tons of different things, like "Rune spawned over here", "I saw someone there, so be careful", "Push this lane", etc. In an evenly matched game, both teams will often start making attempts to quickly push a few towers with 2-3 people after level 10-ish. The way this is usually done this early is to gank one or two heroes who are still farming in a lane and then quickly push the tower before the rest of the enemy team can respond. This will net your team a nice bonus in gold and it will force the enemy team to group up and play more defensively, to prevent more towers from falling, which in turn allows the rest of your team to freefarm lanes. If you're a carry-type hero you should still be farming as much as possible. Later on, as heroes become able to quickly take down a lane by themselves, the emphasis is moved from the pushing towards team battles.
  22. Fun thing is that both of the alternatives to Shapeshifter (blood mage and especially arcane warrior) provide you with MUCH better tanking than shapeshifter could hope to achieve. And they don't necessarily disable your spells either.
  23. It doesn't matter, YOU still know that you've graduated, and that's what counts!
  24. I like Wynne because she's very easy to influence with smooth-talking. Had this conversation just now (paraphrased): After the reveal with the Lady of the forest and the werewolves etc. PC: "Oh, let's go kill some Dalish Elves then." Morrigan: "Fuck yeah, awesome idea." Shale: "I LIKE CRUSHING!" Wynne: "What? Are you mad? Are you seriously planning a genocide?!" PC:[Persuade]"But dude, we could have a fucking werewolf army. How awesome is THAT?" Wynne: "Oh..alright I guess. Kids these days." Wynne disapproves for a measly -3 Morrigan and Shale approve for like +5 I'm holding out for a Wynne romance mod
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