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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Not a prob, I was just very confused. So, those who PMed me & paypal'd me money, you've been added to the reserved slot list.
  2. So, I'm sure some of you found out the hard way how nice a slot is. Check the first post for details for donating . And also, check out http://ocremix.hlstatsx.com for the server stats.
  3. Uhh...did you quote the wrong post? I was talking about his description about getting the picture placed in areas of the maps in tf2 as for what a decal is.
  4. Bingo! fuckyou10characterlimit Edit: We also tend to organize stuff & talk about tf2 in #ocremix, so we have a new channel for it, #ocrtf2. Come join in!
  5. So, next time we all play, I hope to have HLstatsX running, so that's an extra little perk for everyone. And it'd be nice if we have multiple decals to choose from so we could all come to a consensus what looks the best. As an extra benefit, I'll give a slot to whoever can come up with the most that people like!
  6. Don't like double posting, but as a reminder, please donate some money monthly if you can - I'm only asking $3 a month for people (more is welcome too if you like), and you get the added benefit of a reserved slot! In addition, extra money will go towards OCR! It's a win-win situation, so please help out if you can!
  7. Check the first page for the link. Some suggestions for decals are the OCR logo, and OCR tan with a tf2 gun. Be creative though! If you want to see how they're implemented, log onto the OCR tf2 server and explore the maps being used for the decals and where they're used.
  8. Blame the predominantly east coast userbase of OCR . Personally, I'm up for whatever time, so if people want a time a little later, that works for me as well. Edit: Ok, finally got the admin stuff working! So far I put zircon, DarkeSword, and Pyrion as admins, with PosiBolt to be added whenever he gets on tf2 and I can grab his SteamID # in a game. The page with command lists is linked to on the first page for admins, so check out there when you get a chance. The reserved slot thing should be fixed so that it shouldn't kick if it's at 23/24 upon joining, and the team unbalanced thing has been fixed so that it will rebalance if there's a +2 advantage on one side. In addition, I would like some crafty photoshopper who plays tf2 to create OCR related decals for the game, at least for the maps we use. I can send the decals that came with the mod I'm using so that whoever volunteers can see what they are and where they're used in the maps.
  9. The reason I ask is that I'd like to replace the default BeetlesMod decals, and it'd be nice to replace them with pictures OCR related in game. Btw people, care for another night of tf2 tonight at 8 EST again?
  10. Alright so I figured out almost everything about the admin (I think I'm one step away from getting it to work), and I'm pretty sure that I have reserved slots set up correctly now (it shouldn't kick anyone out of the game now unless an admin gets in), so now I just need to set people up for the reserved slot list when I get donations. I will update details in the first post about it so that you know exactly what to put in the comment field if you donate. Also, does anyone know what .vtf and .vmx file extensions are?
  11. Wow, that's some extra crispy bacon that Doug cooked.
  12. Yeah, that was some great tf2ing - the server turned out much better than I expected. I still need to tweak some settings, getting admin & reserved slots to work, and somehow changing those decals, but otherwise I <3 how everything went.
  13. Just for people who might've missed info and stuff - I'll be editing the first post of the thread with new info if any arises.
  14. Wait...ThaSauce was created on Cinco de Mayo? This might explain things.
  15. So, posi suggested 7 PM CST (8 EST, 5 PST) - any others up for that?
  16. We should set certain days & times for tf2. Thoughts on the choice?
  17. Yeah, I'm going to chime in and say no custom maps as well. There is the additional fact that Valve has separated the custom settings servers, so that it would be harder to attract people if we ran custom maps - which reminds me, we need to get a whole group of us on at once to play fairly frequently so that we can build the server into a place people will visit often.
  18. So here's what I have cycling atm: cp_dustbowl cp_granary pl_goldrush ctf_2fort In that order, based on the thread so far. Dustbowl is a must, and I haven't played Goldrush really yet, so I'm not familiar with that, but I haven't heard of people hating on it, so it can't be bad. If there's no other real complaints/comments, I'll turn the server into a public one sometime in the early afternoon. For those who were wondering, it's already up, and I posted the pw a little earlier, although soon enough you won't need a pw. Edit: Actually, if there's any setting I need/want to change, I don't need to interrupt the game for it - server is going public momentarily.
  19. Well, I don't want to put too many maps, so we're gonna need an agreed list of maps (and type the map names as usually found online for me so I can put them into the maplist text file). The server is pretty much ready to go, but I'd like to alter the intro screen. I think I can implement a radio station feature as well, and maybe link it to Ormgas? This is much more time consuming than I originally envisioned...
  20. Alright, I think I figured out most of the things I need to figure out, so if there's settings tweaks wanted, please list them here before tomorrow night, which is when the server should be open to the public with everything desired.
  21. Ok, so I'm guessing someone out there knows more about the server config more than I, so I'm going to post the server settings I got here so far, and double check to see what I need to do for other stuff. sv_lan "0" sv_downloadurl sv_region "0" sv_pausable "0" sv_cheats "0" sv_consistency "1" sv_allowupload "1" sv_allowdownload "1" sv_timeout "300" sv_pure "1" sv_pure_kick_clients "1" mp_timelimit "30" mp_footsteps "1" mp_allowspectators "1" mp_autoteambalance "1" mp_autoteambalance_delay "60" mp_autoteambalance_warning_delay "30" mp_teams_unbalance_limit "2" tf_flag_caps_per_round "3" tf_stats_track "1" tf_playergib "1" // cvars for communication sv_voiceenable "1" sv_alltalk "0" // bandwidth rates/settings sv_minrate 13000 sv_maxrate 25000 sv_minupdaterate 33 sv_maxupdaterate 67 sv_mincmdrate 33 sv_maxcmdrate 67 sv_client_cmdrate_difference 1 sv_client_predict 1 sv_client_interpolate 1 sv_client_min_interp_ratio -1 sv_client_max_interp_ratio -1 net_maxfilesize 128 sv_voicecodec vaudio_speex writeid writeip exec banned_user.cfg exec banned_ip.cfg // server logging log on sv_logbans "1" sv_logecho "1" sv_logfile "1" Edit: Also if anyone wants to fool around uninterrupted for some some stupid medic achievements, the pw is djpretzel, but be warned that I could be tweaking the settings at any time.
  22. Wtf, I got a ping of ~43 from Chicago for Gameservers, and it's quite closer to me. Edit: Okay people, I bought the server - it's through Gameservers, since the ping seems to be the best on there, and price doesn't seem like it's terribly much of a concern. It's about $36 a month, although if I were to change the subscription plan to make larger payments over a longer period of time, it would be cheaper. For a reserved slot, judging from the interest, I think $3 a month sounds fair. If there's any extra money from many people doing it, I'll lower it for subsequent months, or just donate the rest to OCR. All depends on what you guys say about it. Also, my paypal is wesley.cho@gmail.com, so send the monthly donations there and in the comment field put your OCR handle & SteamID, and send me a PM that you sent it just so I can keep track easier. Edit #2: Also, what map settings and stuff should we have? The server address is btw. Edit #3: Currently I'm putting a password as I figure out the server commands, but it'll be down once we're good to go.
  23. Here's a tip, although it may be hard to find a good server since you're in Australia - there's a map called achievement_box3 or something like that, a lot of people go there to do their achievements. It's optimal when it's organized well, and it may require a little patience, but it's by far the best way to get a lot of these achievements done.
  24. Yeah, the medic achievements are such bullshit. I have 7 left to go, and they're fairly tedious ones (like the healing 1 million points).
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