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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. [23:10] <DarkeSword> http://arstechnica.com/journals/thumbs.ars/2008/05/19/pyro-achievements-may-come-with-the-next-tf2-update [23:10] <DarkeSword> :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  2. Alright so...I apologize about Royal taking so long to download - next time I'll put links to custom maps in the rotation in the first post (anyone have webspace to offer for this?).
  3. Someone asked for ctf maps and you got it! Today will be ctf_mach4 and ctf_royal_b3.
  4. I guess since there has been no suggestions, it'll be all Goldrush tonight - I might actually show up tonight. And I anticipate some of you showing off your new ubersaws sometime this week.
  5. Not a problem - I spent ~5 hours helping people do achievements, it was the least I could do. Besides, I enjoyed rushing in as a pyro on that server - I'm pretty sure they modded it so that the pyro had increased speed, possibly close to one of a scout. I think I'll be skipping out on tf2 tonight, although if you want particular maps for tonight, post details here sometime before late afternoon.
  6. Since not many people were around, tomorrow will be medic achievement whoring - for those who want to get rid of those pesky achievements, tomorrow is for you! I have the achievementbox_b3, cp_warpath, and ctf_mach4 maps on the server now, and I'll add any that someone suggests if I can find it. Also, the password to the game will be "djpretzel" tomorrow - don't want to deal with retarded random people in this achievement whoring as you see in the pub achievement box games.
  7. Any suggestions about tonight's map rotation? Edit: Also Brad, PM me with your Steam ID # (instructions how to get it on the first page) when you can for your reserved slot. Also, the people have spoken so far - all Dustbowl it is!
  8. Suggestions for map rotation for today people! Edit: Since there weren't many suggestions, today is Badlands and Goldrush! Also, I set maxvisible off, so reserved slots kick in tonight.
  9. Fuck, today was fun as hell. So, now that we had our Dustbowl day, what map rotation shall we have for tomorrow - or should we just do one map again? Also, what's your votes - today was a full server, and some people had trouble getting on. Should I leave maxvisible on, which allows us to use all 24 slots, or should I turn it off which would save the last two slots and kick people trying to join not reserved?
  10. So just for reference, today's map rotation is just Dustbowl!
  11. Today was a nice day of gaming guys - we had 18 people at once at one point, which is the third highest we've had (the highest two were the first two days of playing, full server both days). Those NeoGAF guys following JoeFu added some extra fun to the playing, thanks to them for coming!
  12. Wow this thread is old...and that video looks pretty nifty. Too bad I can't play any console games at that period of time. Maybe I'll catch up a little and beat the first MGS by then on my PSP
  13. My personal favorite is post-Matos Angra - being a Stratovarius fan, you might also like their earlier stuff as well, although their more recent stuff Rebirth and on has been consistently good. Blind Guardian has been mentioned, one of the classic power metal bands, and big pioneers. Helloween and Gamma Ray are also musts for enthusiasts of the genre - they're both famous for their work in pushing the genre forward early on. HammerFall has some good songs, but they seem to have a problem making a mostly good album. Edguy is a fun band, especially live, and might be up your alley. Here are a few songs for listening: Angra - Nova Era (from the Rebirth album): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd-i6bCG5-M Helloween - Eagle Fly Free (this version is sung by the current singer, but you probably will prefer the original version): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pnrSaXW9eA Edguy - Lavatory Love Machine (if the name didn't give it away, it's one of their less serious songs): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SYjvmYkbPA HammerFall - Hearts on Fire: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1M8uDnFSj4 Blind Guardian - The Last Candle: Gamma Ray - Rebellion in Dreamland (this is a shortened version, probably a radio edit, but enough to give a feel for it) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyvra-xOf_k
  14. Alright, so we came close to having a good number of people on tonight. Let's try to get more on tomorrow! I could've swore we were close to getting enough people to get random people to join and fill up the game . And welcome new people who joined in tonight! Come back tomorrow please .
  15. No harm done, I knew why you responded that way.
  16. So I got my ubersaw - what a cheapass weapon. 2 hits and BAM, uber tends to be ready from being partially charged. So, while we have a good bunch of regulars, we should have nights where more people try to show up than usual (at least to encourage the server getting filled up like the first night). Any candidates for day of the week for that to happen?
  17. It's relevant because invariably with a band breakup, there are thoughts of its legacy on its genre (possibly beyond as well). The main inane comment in the thread is this because he clearly shows he missed why the comment was made:
  18. When you click Find Games, click the Favorites tab, and Add Server IP or whatever that button says.
  19. Bumping this up - again, if you want a slot, feel free to donate . Tonight I won't be on because of a going away party for a friend, but go ahead and go on the server at 9 EST if you like the settings, and it shouldn't take that long for the server to fill up.
  20. Sounds like you haven't heard many other power metal bands...there are plenty better than Strato. However, for a band that influenced others in the genre positively, despite long periods of mediocrity themselves, this sucks that they have had to deal with so much drama and that it broke them in the end.
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