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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Bingo. I have zero problem with companies profiting. I have every problem with those who choose to infringe on consumers rights or to act as a cartel instead of adapting to the changing market and remaining competitive with newer companies.
  2. Yet another predictable bump - come on people, I know you all want to be on a project like this, submit a wip to Taucer or me and let us welcome you in! (or reject you )
  3. Ok, so I said more than necessary - I still think it's good for people to know causes for why nations are even discussing such a treaty, and consider it a supplement to what is, to most people here, an outrageous proposed document.
  4. I don't agree with it being irrelevant - identifying the driving sources for this international effort and detailing some of the history would be just the opposite.
  5. The RIAA is not wholly irrelevant, as such organizations have been lobbying for this type of action for a while. My despising of the RIAA comes from their actions, which clearly is aimed at protecting the business model of the big 4 labels - I worked for a quickly rising startup organization for college students that got shut down because the RIAA chose to wield big money in lawyers, and we did not have the money to pay for our lawyers; our plight would've brought us into a case decided upon by the Supreme Court, and it would've been highly unlikely the RIAA would've won, but again, the money was too much. They did not even attempt to contact us prior to try to help them with copyright infringement. With these type of decisions, it's clear that the RIAA does not care about working with companies taking legitimate stances, and instead choose to cherry pick what companies should remain according to the wishes of the big 4, and in such a situation, those companies cherrypicked are forced to bend to their wills in what amounts to blackmail. How is that relevant to this document? Here we have a situation where according to the supposed information about this proposed treaty, ISPs can be coerced into giving customer information without a warrant. Provisions such as this fits in line with the wishes publicly expressed by the RIAA, highly suggesting a link with them and our government in spurring these discussions. It also fits in the consistent pattern of the RIAA's willingness to trample on the Constitution for the sake of copyright enforcement. In addition, the RIAA and/or the big 4 record labels have a history of pursuing questionable actions itself, such as the copyright extension of the "Save Mickey" Act, DMCA, and price fixing.
  6. Wow, Darke tore shit up today with the high score - even with my insane run on the last defense, he still pulled out on top.
  7. That type of shit is partly why I never would want to go to their server. Supporting that bullshit is retarded.
  8. Well, plenty of good artists who focus on the music are on RIAA labels - Dream Theater for example. The problem is that the big 4 music labels focus more on marketing than getting listeners to buy music for the art in it, and so when those listeners deem their marketed music not worth buying, they complain about not getting their money. My response is that they should not have focused on such a shortsighted strategy and have little right to complain when it backfires. It's like if Apple customers suddenly got sick of their marketing and decided to buy another product - Apple would have little right to complain, and instead would have to adapt. In any other industry, this would be the norm, but the RIAA labels are so invested in their strategy that they do not wish to adapt with the changing market, but instead insist on imposing their will for extortionist handme outs.
  9. Wow what bullshit. And this is why I've stayed away from purchasing RIAA label music & movies for the most part and bought competitors' music (movies I've generally just axed watching them largely).
  10. It's possible I think. Or I can put in a rock the vote (just enter rtv in chat to all) or mandatory voting towards the end of a map. I'm also thinking of extending map time to 1 1/2 hours too since sometimes even 50 minutes is too short for good team back-and-forth action. I need to download an FTP client first though, which will probably happen sometime this week as I'm nearing a break time in OCR-related work.
  11. Your interpretation is your interpretation. Sometimes it can be better than the original. Nobody said it has to be the same or similar as the original composers - it's about making the song you make your own.
  12. I just started it yesterday and...I kinda think this game is dull and as much of a FF7 whoring game as I expected a spinoff to be. It definitely rubs off as fan service with the story so far what I've played of it (and missions 18% complete so far), and the combat is fairly bland too. Thankfully I have custom firmware on my PSP, as I would've been pissed if I paid $40 for this product as it is.
  13. Speaking of which, you should do a track for the DKC 2 project
  14. 24 here, my Wii has gotten a fairly good amount of use. Fire Emblem and Zelda combine for ~70 hours, and Brawl has gotten a good amount of playtime too. However, with all 3 consoles and a PC vying for my gaming time, it tends to get stringed out. Combine that with the DS/PSP, and you have a gaming dilemma.
  15. The location was the standard sentry location - the problem was, the demos stickied the upper left (from your vantage), so the only way for me to have taken it out was to go through the far right (from your vantage again) by the rocks, but I had to take on the 2 demos in a face to face battle, which made it tough since they knew how to live as long as possible.
  16. Are you dense? Some locations make it tough to kill sentries fast with most classes unless you kill a game by just doing an uber, which makes it impossible to defend in a small game - I'm not that much of an asshole. In addition, I was mainly complaining about dhsu doing it in 3v4 on a team of 4, not your usage. I was just fooling around as spy, as I'm a terrible spy.
  17. I've said it before though that I would enforce it after some people have abused it. I know how to take out a sentry, but every single time tonight, after killing everyone, I'd have to spend time taking out the sentry, and by the time it was gone, the demos respawned again and beat me with numbers. It's total bullshit for a 3v4, and there's absolutely no excuse for an engineer with that and unbalanced teams.
  18. Man, I said no sentries in small groups, AND especially not for uneven teams...I haven't banned anyone yet for this, but next time I do see that from anyone, it's a ban.
  19. Wow I wish I could've voted more...that song that won is terrible.
  20. I finished voting. I might just stay up the rest of the night and vote for the finals, I have to stay up till I leave at 4 am anyway .
  21. Well if people want it earlier, that'd be fine too - what're the thoughts on the time? Also, tonight might be my last night on TF2 for 2 months or so, so I'm going to need someone to volunteer for server administration and stuff. If any of the admins need to use the admin commands in game, remember just type @menu to all or type it in the developer console. It's looking like my desktop is too big for any of my luggages, so that's why it'll probably be my last night for a while.
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