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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Half that is being very generous.
  2. If I recall correctly, the Zune isn't supported on Macs, so if you ever anticipating buying a Mac in the near future, it's something to keep in mind. Personally I think even 80 GB is excessive if you want it exclusively for music. If you plan on using it for video as well though, I'd check which one is supposed to have better video quality, and battery life as well - every iPod I have owned has had terrible battery life excepting the Shuffle (excluding the Shuffle, I have owned 3 iPods), and I can't imagine them having gotten any better over 1 generation.
  3. Not just satisfied having a 360 & PS3?
  4. I updated my firmware last night to 3.52 M33 finally. I <3 my PSP so much now, I can play all of the PS1 games I want, and PSP games. I'm excited about the insane number of games I can play now on it. Btw is it just me or does FFT: War of the Lions have crazy slowdown?
  5. Hear that people - CAG is a gift to gamers.
  6. Sorry I didn't post anything about the server yet - I've been immensely busy with a take home final due tomorrow and another final on Saturday. I'll definitely have stuff figured out by then or Sunday though.
  7. Here's the final standings: http://www.ourstage.com/music/archive/38/2008/4
  8. So, SGX is #2 - go vote guys, it's the last 25 minutes! I just finished my voting....946 battles are a lot to go through
  9. You know, I listened to the album some more the past few days, and I have to say that it is more subtle than I originally envisioned. I've been finding it very enjoyable in a deeper way than most music, which is a pretty rare compliment from me.
  10. These rankings are so volatile - SGX slipped from #10 to #23, how that happened I have no clue.
  11. Kinda hard to vote when the site is basically down though...
  12. I think people with terrible taste are dominating in this month's competition. There is little way most of that top 10 deserve to be there. The current top 3 all are terrible.
  13. Yeah it kinda sucks. And 946 songs is too many...someone tell me there's actually less.
  14. I'd say just pubbing/pickup judging by everyone's response (probably is more fun that way anyway) - most of us aren't zomg hardcore about the game, but it'd be nice to play with other OCRers for the very reason DarkeSword mentioned. So, are there any particular map settings that are favored for this? Server settings, etc.? Pyrion recommended these guys for a server, sounds like it might be cheaper than the first option I posed: http://www.ghostsofdarkness.com/gdgaming/index.php I keep people posted once I get the server chosen & ordered as to monthly fees.
  15. So, I did a little google search, and one of the first few results gave me this: http://www.gameservers.com/game_servers/team_fortress_2.php I got an excellent ping with their Atlanta location of 25, which strangely is better than what I got from Chicago, despite Chicago being a mere 2 1/2 hours away from me. First question - do we want a public server or private? The max pricing for each (meaning max # of slots available) from this particular company is $39 per month for public with 26 players and $26 per month for 26 players for private. I'm guessing other companies are fairly similar in pricing, although I'm sure not all are equal connection-wise. If anyone has a better suggestion, chime in, but with the number of people we have on OCR that plays tf2, the monthly fee should be nominal.
  16. So, a bunch of us were talking, and wondering, how many people would love to get in on an OCR tf2 server? It'd probably involve splitting the costs monthly.
  17. Maverick Hunter X was always one of the crown jewels of the PSP. Unfortunately, I did find even the remake a bit easy, Vile included.
  18. They're not really that good...
  19. Hooters is overrated - food is overpriced, and the whole allure of looking at girls with big boobs dressed provocatively isn't as good as it sounds. However, eating at the inner harbor doesn't seem to lend to terribly many great choices that is within most people's budget...man I remember eating at the Rusty Scupper with my parents & brother and it costing ~$150.
  20. Seems like SGX is clearly in the lead here in electronic - it appears to be that winners of last month in each division are getting killed by countervoting.
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