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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Bump - I recommend doing those tracks as soon as possible so you all don't get hit by the deadline and lose your tracks!
  2. Unfortunately, he's serious about these views.
  3. Haha, I actually know nothing about metal magazines - if I want to search for music, I got great sources/friends to tell me.
  4. itt Atma cements that his views on gaming are not to be ever trusted
  5. You should PM Noir himself/herself for the sheet music if he/she has it.
  6. Yeah, CoD 4 is great...although I haven't played online in a month due to a dead router. I got a good number of friends still addicted to that game though.
  7. You have to remember, Nintendo was in a tenuous position before the Wii's launch. If they catered to mainly hardcore gamers, they would've had another Gamecube on their hands in terms of sales, if not worse - many were expecting this to happen anyway. Nintendo opted to expand the market, and succeeded, so if there's anyone to blame for their direction, it's those who didn't support their product beforehand.
  8. Could be the read speeds off of the SD card - not sure how fast it reads them though.
  9. You misread my comment completely. Coverage != support. He may have had media exposure, but as a news item in itself. I do not recall a single instance of people en masse supporting him in his efforts, much less one. I do recall people distancing themselves from him though.
  10. Disagree - as far as I'm concerned, the Wii has close to the number of AAA titles as the 360. It's just that it doesn't have as many decent games. No console this gen so far has a lot of AAA titles, but that's just the way it goes in ~2 years of a console generation.
  11. How is the game itself? Seems like it didn't really catch on with people.
  12. My guess is that Sony wanted it forgotten as soon as possible - I actually liked that they came out and said that they screwed up, better than their normal approach of being above all faults.
  13. Well, my view is that since XP isn't really supported anymore by Microsoft, I might as well future proof me for the next few years, and upgrade whenever it'll be necessary.
  14. Alright, bought me my parts for my desktop, here's some of the goodies I'll be playing my TF2 on possibly this weekend: 3.0 Ghz E8400 Core 2 Duo 4 GB of DDR2 RAM 500 GB hd GeForce 8800GT
  15. Ah...its been a while since I got a hold of my PSP so I'm out of the loop (just got it back Sunday), but soon I can grab me some of my games and start playing it again.
  16. I knew it wouldn't have downloadable tracks but no online multiplayer? Looks like you gotta get the 360 or PS3 version if you want that...I guess EA's view is that if you're able to spend that much money on Rock Band, you should be able to shell out for a console too if you want the full experience.
  17. Are you getting the slim? The fat one is the easy one to crack if I remember right. The slim one requires a fat one if you want to crack it, unless something has changed recently.
  18. I hated FF:CC, so no way they're getting my money for this franchise unless it gets an overhaul.
  19. This site is a great idea! Edit: Have fun with my partial backlog: http://backloggery.com/main.php?user=bahamut
  20. Yeah I figured, they overcharge like crazy. And guys, it looks like I'm building my desktop soon. I may be joining you guys sometime within the month.
  21. Where are these millions of misguided people who bought it? I have not seen one ever mentioned by the media, which you would expect if so many did buy it, or ever seen one in person. The point was that Jack Thompson's influence over politicians was long lost as more and more saw him as almost universally disliked, so why give attention to such a non-issue? Furthermore, he was disbarred a while ago, which was an end onto itself.
  22. Just looking at that 8 GB of memory...you paid ~$4000 for your computer?
  23. Bumping up for good measure - another track opened up zomg!
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