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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. What the guy below me said. Whatcha been up to, man?

  2. Got it now! Thanks for the heads-up, I'll also be getting you feedback on your mix ASAP!

  3. I can't comment on this right now because I'm at work but that is one of the funniest remix titles I've ever heard. Nice work on that XD
  4. Do you use AIM anymore? I'd love to chat sometime if you do :-)

  5. Damn, I'm only 10 songs deep into this and already I've almost given exclusively 3's and 4's. I may be throwing off the curve here but I seriously think the majority of this is incredibly enjoyable. I feel like I'm a lot more enthused about these remixes than most of the rest of you Those of you who entered did a fantastic job IMO, from what I can tell so far. I'm not feeling the "too much techno" criticism either... at least, not so far. I'm feeling a nice balance of styles so far, with a bit of a bias toward jazz and electronica. It's been interesting trying to guess who did what track, too. I think I've got most of them, but I guess we'll see if I'm right a few weeks from now. Good luck all
  6. These last three songs have been incredible. Seven Years... is just beautifully performed/sequenced (I can't even tell, care to provide some input on your music-making process? Either way, it's a testament to your skills) and so pleasing on the ears. I could listen to this unfold again and again all night. These recent songs seem like they're more polished than usual, as well. I'm not noticing as many timing issues with some instruments lately, and the production overall too seems to be even more realistic. I absolutely love how this is progressing. Keep it up man, I can't wait til you start getting to some of the later themes. You're doing great and improving with each song. (just watch your limiter on some of the tracks, I hear clipping here and there! )
  7. Yeah, go for it :-D I just wanna get some stuff on the forums even if it's in rough form, so people can start giving their input from the start.

  8. Yo dude, just wanted to say that your Skyrim mix is awesome and you are awesome. I YES'd that track so hard when I saw it on the judges panel.

  9. I feel like the somewhat-thin soundscape here actually works very well, given the pseudo-prog rock aesthetic going on here. It doesn't bother me at all, and thanks to a mighty-fine arrangement I have no trouble passing this one, personally. YES
  10. Haha, this source is burned into my head after spending way too much time playing Radiant Dawn, and I like what you've done here. However, Deia got the primary critique absolutely right, this either needs to be shortened or expanded further in the second half of the mix. Everything you've already got here is great and almost certainly OCR-quality, but the arrangement is pretty drawn out here. Also, words cannot describe how cheesy the self-namedrop vocal clip felt That honestly just sounds bad to me Send this one back our way! NO (resubmit!)
  11. Oh my god this sounds great! This completely addressed any issues I had with my last vote and just sounds so much better now. YESSS
  12. Hahaha, the intro on this is so sick! I wasn't a huge fan of that bell/piano hybrid lead, it sometimes has a hard time catching my attention over the louder guitars. It works much better as a background instrument. The organ works well, though. I'm not a huge fan of your synth solo either, I feel like a guitar solo would have been better-suited for that section, but I can acknowledge it as a personal preference. Overall, I see what the gentlemen above me are saying and after listening to this song the first few times, I was going into this vote ready to NO it for the same reasons. However, after a few listens, I really began to dig the treatment of the source, and your fills/transitions/intro/outro are so great that I'm inclined to give this one the nod. It's groovy, creative, intelligent, and well-produced. I'm used to progressive music sometimes being a little sparse on the instrumentation and I don't feel like this is so lacking in it that there's nothing to hold my attention. There's always something good going on at all points in the arrangement. Good luck on this one dude, I've really come around to this one and hopefully some others will agree, too YES
  13. I love that bassline, I didn't think something like that could work for this song but it's really the most memorable part of the mix here. You guys did a great job with that. Deia got it right though, this is a very enjoyable listen and your production is great, but in general I feel like it carries on autopilot for the most part. I like the subtle changeups and fills here but overall it just doesn't feel like enough. More dramatic/creative transitions, fills, etc. would really help this take off and reach new heights. The melodic parts are varied throughout the song but I honestly don't see much rhyme or reason to the arrangement itself. It seems like you just cycle through various pattern fills over a pretty static beat/bassline, and it's just not doing it for me. Sorry guys, you've got production nailed down and there's a few aspects to the song that I really like, but the arrangement itself just feels uninspired and doesn't ever really go anywhere. I'll be keeping this one on my playlist for some nice groovy background music but as far as OCR is concerned, I think this is still missing something. NO
  14. At first, I found this one a little dull, but after considering the source choice, I was able to get a better grasp on what you were going for here. You've got a nice knack for this constantly-evolving, ambient arrangement approach. I was digging the structure more than OA and felt like, for the genre you were tackling, it worked pretty well. The guitar work in the background is pretty cool but during the "solo" at the end, it feels like it's pushed too far back. The snare sound throughout the song feels kind of annoying to me, but especially during the ending it just grates on my nerves I would recommend searching for a new sample to use there. I'm with OA about the ending in general, it's simply too much, and the sharp cutoff at the end does not sound natural at all, like your song didn't finish rendering properly. Definitely something to look into. Some small stuff, but overall I was feeling this. It's a close call but it still feels like it's lacking in polish in some areas. I could definitely see a more refined version of this being posted someday though, it's a great take on some quirky, unusual source material. NO (resub!)
  15. I think my biggest gripe with this mix is that it just sounds a little too generic. There's not much going on with the arrangement side of things, and the sounds themselves are solid but nothing that hasn't already been used a bunch of times before. The sound choices are pretty static throughout the mix, as well... there's not many changeups or additions going on either. You'd need to expand significantly on either your arrangement or sound choices, or preferably both in order to get this passed. NO
  16. Hey duder, how's your Zelda track going? Post that WIP on the forums! :-D

  17. Gaaaaaaah where is the link to the mix? This is killing me here man!
  18. Well, this definitely isn't what I was expecting at all. It was a fun listen and you've got some good rapping chops but I don't hear the source usage in this at all, either. NO
  19. What she said. Killer track James, you've got your game nailed down at this point YES
  20. Oh man, this song blows by so quickly! Objectively, 2:34 is long enough to cover a full range of musical ideas and conclude properly, but I really would have liked to hear a little bit more here. This is pretty clearly over the bar though, arrangement is pretty conservative but the performance itself contains plenty of nuances and flourishes that personalize this to the level that OCR requires. Absolutely love it guys, and good job Aivi for finally submitting something! YES
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