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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. Hey man I got your PM, I'll listen to this as soon as I have headphones around Sorry for the wait!
  2. Very nice to see you two working together again - the last ambient/skryp collab racked up hundreds of plays on my library so I'm interested to see what you guys did here. Overall, I'm hearing how you utilized Marc Star's track and some of the into yours but you developed an entirely unique character for your re-ReMix so I don't personally feel like any of the sample usage here is too direct or that the mix relies too much on direct sampled material to prevent it from passing. This might be a good one to get DJP's opinion on though. I'm impressed by the intricacy of this track, the glitching gets kind of ridiculous at times but I understand that that's the direction this genre is headed in, so I'm on board with it. Overall, the production is great and when the beat starts pounding, your mix sounds fantastic! No complaints there. Few nitpicks... What happened at 2:55? That was a sloppy transition guys Also, the ending fade is so abrupt, I'm almost tempted to go conditional on that and request a fix but let's see what other judges say first. Like the ReMix itself, my thoughts here are scattered and spastic but overall I think I like what I'm hearing. There's a couple of parts I'm not totally sold on but overall, this demonstrates a high level of musical competency from both artists and ends up sounding very fun and engaging from start to finish. Good luck with the rest of the vote! YES EDIT 7/25: revised, see below
  3. Pretty nice song but it's hard to enjoy with that drum loop being on autopilot like it is for the whole song You've got some okay fills but it's such an up-front part of the mix, it's difficult not to be annoyed by how static it is. The rest of the mix is fine and a part of me thinks I'm getting hung up on something that's not really that big of a deal, but right away I was bothered by that aspect of the mix here and it made it difficult to really focus on the rest of the song NO (resubmit)
  4. Very solid concept that's well-executed, it's clear you went the extra mile to make this "not just another metal mix" All of the little instruments and synths that are added around the traditional metal template help make this stand out amongst the dense forest of metal mixes that are out there. No qualms here, I like this a lot! YES
  5. Ooohh yeah, this is sick! This is a great example of a mix that's built on an EXTREMELY solid foundation (I love the plucked bass synth that the song is built around) so that every little detail and addition that pops up in the mix is just icing on an already-delicious cake. Your production is spot-on, much better than any submission I've heard from you so far. The slightly-detuned lead at 2:13 is awesome and helps retain some of the ethnic vibe from the source. Source usage checks out as far as I'm concerned, I didn't do a terribly thorough comparison but I heard it throughout the mix. Great trance mix that isn't particularly flashy or extravagant, but still sounds fantastic and extremely enjoyable. Nice work mate YES
  6. This is sweet, pretty much exactly what I've come to expect from Pete - aggressive drums, over-the-top glitching and stuttering, and a nice mix of ethnic instruments and synths to create that "temple-y" feel that you seem to love so much. The level of detail in this mix is really what sells me on it. Your samples aren't the best and the sequencing is hardly realistic (the sitar particularly that comes in for a few seconds just sounds bad, I'd have replaced that with another instrument personally) but on the positive side your flutes sound pretty expressive, and the drumming/synth writing is insane. The arrangement drags a little bit, but it's not a major issue. I think you still have a bit of a way to go before you fully nail down this style and get the production exactly where it needs to be, but this is a step in the right direction compared to your previous subs and I'm happy to throw another YES your way. Keep it up duder YES
  7. Love the processing on your intro synths. This is pretty much standard WillRock faff but it's good stuff. It's the little details in here that make the song stand out, like the subtle piano transitions, or the little details/automation you use on your synths to give them some personality. Take note everyone who's reading, this is a mighty fine example of a very simple concept that's executed with the proper amount of finesse, detail, and care to make it stand out. I'm digging this YES
  8. Not much else to add here, the sequencing and sample usage here is extremely rigid with no dynamics or humanization to speak of. The samples themselves aren't very high quality either. The drums kind of just come in at full-force and there's no real lead-up to their entrance. I really like that distorted synth melody that comes in at 1:04, that's one of the most interesting sounds you've got in the arrangement. The writing here is very dramatic and sticks with a pretty cohesive mood, but I can't say the same about the instrument choices themselves, there seems to be some degree of randomness to the sounds being used and, like Fishy said, there's not very much cohesiveness going on here. Just some random stream-of-consciousness thoughts on the mix, I think Fishy nailed it with his assessment of what would need to be fixed for this to pass so I don't have much to add. NO
  9. Gah, I hate to keep doing this to your subs but the mixing here still sounds messy, Mike The balance and overall mastering seems way off; your kick drum is weak and when you do several quick hits in succession, it just sounds like mud underneath the rest of the mix. The toms are probably the worst offender here, they're extremely boomy and compressed oddly, so they drown out everything else when they play. Truthfully I'm not sure what's causing the mixing problem with this song, but something sounds really strange here. Sample-wise, I feel like the strings are too weakly-sequenced to suffice here, at least when they're exposed in places like the intro. When they're layered in, the orchestral elements work a lot better. Not a dealbreaker but if you could add a bit more humanization to the string writing, I think it would really help the intro reach its full potential. On the plus side, your arrangement is absolutely fantastic and your performances are among the best I've ever heard from you. This is a really great arrangement that lives up to your reputation from back in the day, but the mixing is not where it needs to be. I'm comparing this to some of your older submissions from 2004-2006 to try and figure out what's up, since I've been noticing a lot of production issues on your recent submissions that are really difficult to pin down. Maybe another judge can clarify what I'm talking about here (or chime in and let me know that I'm totally nuts ) Either way, I'm not comfortable with how the overall mix on this sounds as it is. I'll be keeping my eye on this decision though. NO (resubmit!)
  10. Right off the bat, your synth samples sound really low-quality and generic, this sounds like the kind of thing that would be right at home in an actual retro game soundtrack but here it just wasn't capturing my attention. I feel like your arrangement is competent enough but the sound choices are just too bland for me to feel at all engaged in the remix :\ Sorry. Other judges have rightly pointed out that your drum writing is pretty interesting and you use a lot of cool fills and techniques to make that part of the song interesting, so props on that. However, the rest of the song is just not grabbing me. Also, the arrangement is really short and doesn't offer enough room for expansion, and the sound choices kind of stay the same throughout the whole song so there's not much development in that area, either. Not feeling this submission, but you clearly have some talent so keep trying and experimenting with more unique sound combinations to help take your remixes to the next level. NO
  11. I'm definitely with the rest of the judges here, I was a little nervous listening to the intro here. The super-dry synth wasn't really impressing me and I didn't really have high hopes for the rest of it. However, once it kicked in I did a complete 180 on this track. You've got a lot of really lively melody lines dancing around each other and, despite working with some pretty basic, generic samples here, every synth has a lot of energy and life to it. This is how you do it when you're working with a basic sound pallet Your use of fills and transitions is also really impressive here. Totally digging this! Short, sweet, and on point. YES
  12. Just stopping in with a quick vote, I think this pretty much addresses all my concerns that I had with the last one. Great resub, this was literally just inches away from being a YES last time around and I think you nailed it with the production and the polish here. YES
  13. Original Decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37859
  14. No technical comments right now, just wanted to let you know that this is beautiful. Especially the intro, when the marimba/vibraphone/piano/strings were all going together, it's just magic. I was a huge fan of your last mix and this one is shaping up to be just as enjoyable, if not more <3
  15. This is exactly how I felt about this song. On first listen, when this came past the judges panel I wasn't sold at all on the performance or the execution, it all felt too underdeveloped and rough to me. However, now that it's posted, I can see what all the hype is about. I guess the song just needed a few listens and some time past so that it could "click" in my head. Glad I'm not the only one who felt this way I've chatted with others before about this subject, and I've come to realize just how much potential that various Zelda tunes have to work brilliantly in an indie rock style, and this just confirms my suspicion. It captures the quirky, carefree, childlike nature of the original in both the lyrics and the arrangement, and makes me feel the same way while I'm listening. Great stuff
  16. This is revolutionary, I've never heard anything like this before but I can honestly say it's been executed delicately with the utmost tact and respect for each respective style being merged, and of course Shnabubula is probably the best-equipped musician in the community to pull this sort of thing off. Bravo!
  17. Always been a huge fan of your work and I feel like this is some of your strongest material to date
  18. Superlative. Not got much to say about it that hasn't already been said but every single instrument and sound in this mix adds its own bit of emotion to the overall piece, you can feel that sense of sorrow and melancholy coming through even in smaller instrumental parts like the bassline. Beautiful work dude, glad I could help it along to completion
  19. Hey guys, this project is actually going to come out in 2012!
  20. This guy is good. REALLY good. Welcome aboard dude
  21. I was digging this last time but even I'll admit this resub fixed a lot of issues I didn't even notice last time. Still a YES from me, but a much stronger one now: YES
  22. Original decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33556 RESUB decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=36066 ------------------------------------
  23. I'm just posting here real quick to cosign with Drew, he covered exactly what I wanted to say about this. I feel like it's just too difficult to make out any details here and really get a feel for what's going on because the noise is so strong. NO
  24. This is a HUGE improvement on the older versions I heard, I feel like you've really gotten a better hang of mastering. Mixing-wise, I think your leads could stand to come up here a bit, and I feel like the small filter you threw on the percussion in the intro happened too fast to really create an effect. It was just a little bit confusing to me. Overall, I like your writing though, the bass kind of ripped into your melodies but with some rebalancing, the writing will all sound really nice. However, I still feel like you're limiting yourself by working with such simple synths in pretty much all of your songs. I can understand that being a trademark of your style, and it does make your tunes rather identifiable, but there's a whole world of possibilities you haven't explored that you could accomplish by using more complex synth samples, or alternatively, utilize more automation/articulation on your leads to give them some more personality. Portamento, pitch bends, LFO tweaks... all that stuff can really help give some personality to your melodies, even when working with simpler sounds. Just some food for thought
  25. Any production issues on this are pretty much superficial, this is a pretty strong arrangement with some neat processing and writing despite the exclusive use of very basic chiptune synths. It gets pretty noisy at times, I think that's due to the drums being overcompressed, but at the end of the day this is pretty great. Could have fooled me into thinking this was old-school halc at times YES
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