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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. Man, I wish that first synth solo could have been tightened up, it still sounds waaaaay out of time to me Aside from that though, this song is pretty much untouchable. It's one of the most accessible and enjoyable mixes from the whole NiGHTS project, I'll echo everyone else who said that this mix makes you feel like you're flying, because it really does. It's fantastically evocative and emotional, I really love all the various vocal touches as well. That's some classy stuff, Stevo. Love this!
  2. I've thought about it long and hard (tee hee,) and decided that you can be back in the makeout club. We meet every Monday and Thursday from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM, PST. Your 25 dollar entry fee and proof of vaccination must be submitted and processed before you may attend.

  3. Hmmm, you know, that's not a half bad idea. If it really pushes that late, releasing within a week or two of Christmas (or at least on Christmas vacation) might actually be a viable idea. Would be pretty cool if it worked out that way
  4. Holy mother of god did we just get an updated WIP for this project? I think we did. And I can say with confidence that it's good. Damn good, even. Theophany's made quite a splash on OCR this last month and when he's teaming up with the incredibly-talented Jeff Ball and OCR-legend Harmony, the result is nothing short of brilliant. This is the 5th time that Jason has delivered a genre-bending, pristinely-produced, emotional remix for the project that lives up to the reputation he's built for himself with his recent Metroid mixes. In short, thanks to Theophany for being one of the key factors in making this album what it is today. Your efforts are appreciated more than you know Just in the interest of full disclosure, right now we're waiting on Theophany to put the finishing touches on his track (and possibly get one more instrumentalist on board) and do some nifty gapless playback work to merge it with mine and Cody's Game Over arrangement, Prophecy to finish up Enchanted (no idea where this one is at right now) Theophany to whip up a bonus remix of Water World with a more ambient spin (since the main album version, while being an absolutely mindblowing arrangement, does get pretty aggressive at times, which might not be what everyone's hoping for in a remix of Water World) and Tweek to finish up his mix for Chase SNES if he's still on board... I haven't heard from him in ages. On the music front, that's pretty much it. Everything else is locked in and ready for evaluation. Art, trailer, and website are still lagging behind, not much progress to speak of there. Hopefully this will change soon, we got a mockup sketch for the front cover the other day and it's got massive potential to be incredibly awesome. I've got full confidence that Mav will handle it with the utmost care and effort I feel like a broken record here because this is pretty much the exact same thing I said months ago. But we are making some progress, and I can ultimately say that Theophany's track alone will make all this waiting worth it, not to mention all of the other goodies that are still not quite ready yet. Much love, everybody. Your continued patience and support is immensely appreciated <3
  5. Hey, this is pretty cool. Just listened to your whole EP and it made for some really nice easy-listening material. Downloaded! Keep at it!
  6. Yup yup, these are both encoding errors and I'm aware of them, they'll be fixed in the final package Good ear though!
  7. "What the hell is the Internet?" -- Sir Francis Drake, c. 1942
  8. Please get in touch about your DK3 track as soon as possible, there's a few things we need to clear up before release!

  9. Actually, my guess is that José will tackle the release preview, Drew is just handling the teaser video that we're releasing on our own. We haven't started work on the actual trailer, which will be a lot less about showcasing individual songs (the teaser we're working on has approximately 30 second clips accompanied with game footage) and more about advertising the project as a whole. What we're going to release soon will be a lot more like the video preview we've already put out, except... prettier EDIT: Sniped!
  10. Yeah, or being gay I have no idea what the political climate is like in Slovenia but I wouldn't put it past some countries to take a hand for drug use (no offense meant, in any way!) And yes, the artwork for this project is gonna be off-the-hook. Some of it's still in development but rest assured it will be SWEET when we start to get more previews that we can share!
  11. ... *pokerface* You got me good, hahaha. So should I assume that was all a trick and you really were heavily under the influence the whole time you made your song? And I'll just say that the little thumbnails next to each track should serve as a bit of a preview of their own... I wasn't entirely sure what you meant by "images," but to clarify, the tracklist pictures themselves are just for the thread, the thumbnails are a different matter...
  12. Yikes o__o Those images are just for the thread because I was bored and wanted to make it look pretty so you guys would all have something to look at while we finish up the project. Anything for you guys ~<3
  13. Hahahaha, soooo much caffeine. And the puns... they were just bad at first but like anything, they've got a way of groan on ya' Seriously though, this must be one of the first times that a lot of the backend album work has actually been done in person, and it's infinitely more fun that way Mike's been totally awesome throughout this whole process, giving me rides, allowing me to crash for up to 2 or 3 days at a time at his place, showing me all sorts of cool places to eat, and generally keeping things entertaining... it's been one of the best parts of the whole album experience For a guy who hasn't even played DKC3 to dedicate that much time to making songs, fixing other songs, mastering things, and making sure the final release package is as stellar as it can be is pretty commendable. tl;dr Flex is a pretty awesome dude, give him money or something!
  14. But if you mix the two together... add some broth, a potato. Baby, you've got a stew going.
  15. Hey, on Maverick Rising do you want credits as Omni-Psyence or rexxz?

  16. That's it We've now got a WAV for every song on the project, mastered and encoded as an MP3. However, since Baha still isn't back yet and he obviously needs to hear the final product before it's shipped to evaluation, I've decided to allow the next 2 weeks for any fixes to be made. If you wish to make any changes to your final WAV for this project, it must be done in the next 2 weeks or you're out of luck! Spread the word, we're moving on after that!! EDIT: MP3 semi-final pre-eval packages are being sent out right now, please check at LEAST your own songs and make sure they're the correct version and that you're happy with it! These next 2 weeks are your chance to speak up if you're not happy with anything before it goes into eval! Hope you all enjoy!
  17. Wow yeah, totally missed that you updated this one. Since we don't have any queue system for Mod Reviews, it's really easy to miss updates like this when the song is updated so quickly so don't be afraid to PM somebody. This sounds good to go though, it's not the most ambitious mix and the production/arrangement leaves room for improvement, but I'd pass it. Can't wait to hear where you go from here
  18. You know, listening to your mix, the connection wouldn't surprise me at all x) I always come up with the weirdest visuals to accompany your song in particular, it's such a trip This is kind of a tangent, but I'm a very visually-oriented person so with almost every song, I come to associate it with a color, gradient, or pallet... I love how when I listen to this album straight through, I end up seeing every color dozens of times throughout the whole experience. For example: Mono, your track is kind of nebulous to me but it always comes out sounding like a pale, mossy shade of green to me with some whitewashed earthy hues mixed in. Not sure if that's because of the personal object/setting associations I've made with your song, or if I just perceive certain tones/instruments/moods the same regardless of the context of the song. I dunno if anyone else views music in this way but I thought I'd share that since it's something that I'm pretty sure I've done ever since I was young when I started seriously listening to music. Game music is weird because the game music is inseparably tied to the environments they're originally used in... I wonder how my visualization of the DK3 soundtrack would compare to someone who's hearing it for the first time without ever playing it... Maybe some of the remixers on the project who haven't played the game could chime in on this? I swear I'm completely sober right now.
  19. I think now would be a good opportunity to announce that the whole album was actually made while totally stoned. Think about some of the track titles here. "Intoxica," "mojo gogo," "All Mixxed Up..." "Funky's Joint?" I'd sure like to get me a fresh bowl of 'Spanish Jitters'... Search your hearts, you know it to be true. Yeah, I figured most of you would understand, but I'm really trying to get something nice to share with y'all as soon as I can in the way of a preview or something like that. Not having anything to tide the wait over with sucks... before I was directing this I was right with you guys F5'ing the DKC2 thread every hour looking for updates, and I must have listened to their preview hundreds of times. I know what it's like, haha
  20. Not much to report, we're still waiting on Enchanted and a few other semi-optional songs. The video is delayed because of Drew Gourley's lack of computer, which I think should not be a problem anymore. Trust me dudes, I'm bored too. I'm off working on a bunch of other projects right now because there's literally nothing to do here until a few people get their stuff done. I've got a 95% tagged/encoded batch of songs and I'm about halfway through my evaluation of the project, so I can't really think of much else that can be done by me :\ I'm trying to push as much as I can without sacrificing the quality of the end product. You'll thank me down the road when this project releases (later than expected, but still) and these last few tracks are on the project in finished form, they're going to be worth it. Same goes for the preview that Drew's working on. I'd rather wait and release something awesome than do something half-assed. Sorry for the delay everybody It sucks and we're getting lapped by a bunch of other projects, which pushes our release window back further and further everytime another project wraps up... all I can do is promise you it'll be worth it even more than you could expect from the previews and tracklist that we've dropped so far.
  21. YO! Whassup dude? :-D

  22. We've actually got everything mastered, the project is pretty much done now on the music side of things. I just need to pick up the last 3 WAVs from Cyril that he's mastered and then I can formulate a tentative release package to submit for evaluation. I'll probably hold off until Bahamut returns from boot camp though, so he can put his seal of approval on it. But yeah, things are good This project's almost done.
  23. This... is so cool!! Keeping this *chills* What's with that super-distorted crunchy percussion (?) that comes in later in the song though? That doesn't sound so good to me :\ It's kind of a sore spot in an otherwise-chill song that should pass without much trouble whatsoever. What's going on there?
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