Streets of Rage bum
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Everything posted by Streets of Rage bum
OCR00940 - Castlevania II "Simon's Symphony"
Streets of Rage bum replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
dunno why, but there seems to be alot more negative reviews then i thought there should have been..... I really got entertained by this remix, i'm not sure if it's just because it's the 1st time i've been exposed to DJChrono's style. It doesn't get overly repetitive at any parts, and the tune itself is VERY true to the original Cv2 theme. Luv the drumbeats btw! also the "horn solo" at 1:00 was very fun ! -
OCR00934 - Ninja Gaiden "Sudden Loss"
Streets of Rage bum replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
hellya! i think only twice in my lifetime have i ever made it passed all these parts without getting sent back!!! The tough part is when u beat the possessed Ken and then u fight the superJaquio, but they take away whatever special weapon you had after beating Ken.... Anyways, this tune is exactly from the cinema where Ken dies after blocking a shot intended for Ryu, then he dies in Ryu's arm's. Still one of the best stories ever in a video game series, part 2 is good too onto the mix, this is a totally cool take on the theme. it's super hard not to compare to the other mix of the same tune called "Death of a Legend" by Russell is it? (sorry if i got the name wrong...). but for me, i just see it as rock version vs. classical version. both evoke different emotions. Although there is a part in Goat's version that seems to be made up....after the thunder sfx? Anyways, glad u kept workin on this mix so that it'd see the light of day on OCR! way2go! -
OCR00911 - Streets of Rage 2 "Go Back"
Streets of Rage bum replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Not bad, it's alright. There's actually not much to compare this to on the net, cause no one's attempted to remix the 1st stage of SOR2. So i'd have to say it's a good job, BUT for personal taste i do rather have the hardrock mix version (for those of you who know SOR2 the game very well, there's an alternate version of 1st stage music in the Soundtest screen!), it's got much harder drumbeats and bass was emphasized, even on the ol' Genesis sound chip, it WAS ROCKIN! -
Cool stuff, gotta dig those guitar strings! the intro piece is quite cool too! especially the percussion drum and laser effects. And for the actual theme...? well, it's great guitar work, but it seems to just tease us with the starting of the theme, but you could've added in just a bit to give one full loop of the 1st stage music (cause i believe the tunes starting are similar) . But still, it's a worthy Download for sure! (also, this was the LAST good DoubleDragon game worthy of the Double Dragon name! IMHO)
Niiiiiiiiiice stuff! even at 5:40, the track did not get boring for me at all! and ya, it really did put me into the feel of being in the environment that Samus would've had to deal with......certain parts were kinda eerie i'll tell ya that! I thought the choices of what tools to use for this remix was dead on! So overall, i'm giving this mix the big thumbs up, soldier!
OCR00847 - Double Dragon "Hammer's Garage"
Streets of Rage bum replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Hooray, Double Dragon finally gets a mix at OCR! Well, i still think the perfect DD mix would be a rock/techno mix, but this one was still quite entertaining. It's pretty fun to listen to if you just like a happy kinda dance tune, but if you're a DD fan, you'll definitly enjoy it ! -
OCR00841 - Contra "Bases Loaded"
Streets of Rage bum replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
seriously, this has got to be one of the better Contra mixes out there, to tell the truth, there ISN'T very many mixes of this super popular shooter! And no, i don't find it too repetitive, actually, if i'm right, it only cycles 2 times fully. Also i thought the mix had a nice ending too! And ya, this isn't the boss music, it's the music for the corridor stages! Funny, cause i swear some of those drum beats at the starting sound like footsteps running down an echoey metal hallway JUST like the game! anyways, if this one sounded this good, imagine what these two coulda done with the other stage tunes, better yet, Super C, that game had niiiiiiice tunes! -
OCR00838 - Lightening Force "Bio Tech"
Streets of Rage bum replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Finally! it's about time someone did a mix of the greatest shooter series on the ol' Genesis. The game had awesome music even with the limited soundchip of the Genesis. I can barely remember the MiamiVice tune (too busy watching KnightRiders and A-Teams hehehe). But if you're comparing to old themes, the instruments remind of Airwolf (show about old black superchopper). Overall, i liked the theme, it's goes through many phases so it doesn't get stale (which was nice since there was only 3 different instruments used i think....) Very upbeat, and not too repetitive. Ok, here's the downside, I played/own ThunderForce4 and i don't remember this tune at all, someone's gonna have to refresh my memory. AND, it was called Lightning Force not TF4 (must've been Japan release). -
OCR00817 - Castlevania II "Simon's Town"
Streets of Rage bum replied to Disco Dan's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
i like it! It's very true to the original yet it adds another dimension to the theme. It's techno but not hardcore. There's also a part of the mix that's original but don't worry it fits in just perfectly! Try it out! -
Whoa man....this mix makes me think this game was better then it really was (i always preferred D.Dragon over A.Beast). But anyways, i like this track, ESPECIALLY the cool drum beat at the starting, it gives it a real coliseum/pantheon kinda feel, like the action is about to pick up BIGTIME! Throw in the voice clips and that seals the deal, "never give up!" and DL this remix!
OCR00002 - Bonk's Adventure "Prehistoric Xmas"
Streets of Rage bum replied to Joe Redifer's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
coooool, this is one funky little mix, although it took awhile for me to link up the mix with the beat from the original T-16 music. Very jumpy and happy just like the music for Bonk's should be! um....i don't feel much Xmas jolly coming outta the tune though, instead it seems to have some Chinatown flavour to it, haha. DL this mix people! ps: when i said 2nd coolest caveman, it's because the guy from Legendary Axe 1 is the BEST! -
OCR00567 - Street Fighter II "China Street Beat"
Streets of Rage bum replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
ah...Chun Li, the 1st real female fighting character that was taken seriously! She rules! and so does this mix! it really does have a chinatown flavour to it! -
OCR00666 - RoboCop "CPC Zone"
Streets of Rage bum replied to m68030's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
sorry, but i think you guys made a mistake, this music is from Robocop for GameBoy, not reg. NES. I have the Robocop NES, and this ain't it. My cousin has the GB version, and this is the intro from it. But otherwise, it is quite the happy tune! -
OCR00746 - Mach Rider "Mach Schnell"
Streets of Rage bum replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
whooooa dude, damn man, i'd never think MachRider's music would ever see the light of day! But thankfully you decided to give it a try! Well, i DO remember playing this game, and when i was DLing the mix, i was worried that it might be a track that i don't remember from the game, but luckily, it's a mix of the ONLY tune that i remember from the game........(and the catchy tune was the ONLY highlight, the game itself sucked.) As for your mix, it's not bad, certain parts seemed a little too close to the NSF file, but i guess you were just using it as a background to lay the foundation for your remix, i like the drum beats, funky stuff. -
OCR00006 - Phantasy Star III "Legacy"
Streets of Rage bum replied to Joe Redifer's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
holy, it sounds like there's a whole friggin orchestra together playing this thing at a London Symphony concert! Really nice job DJP, and the ending is perfect, a nice soft gentle ending just like it should be. Too bad the Saturn wasn't around long enough to get a P.Star sequel, otherwise i'm sure this remix was a taste of things that could've been.... -
OCR00182 - Phantasy Star II "Burnt Mota"
Streets of Rage bum replied to m68030's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
wow, it sure is an epic at 6mins+. On its own, it's a really great piece, lots of variety and changes. Surprisingly not overly repetitive for a 6min piece. Unfortuneately......i don't even remember what part this was from the game.....heck, i finished this game like 4 or 5 times even...... -
OCR00009 - Space Harrier "Disco"
Streets of Rage bum replied to Joe Redifer's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I know this mix was posted awhile ago, but man, i've got it now! it's hilarious, very cool and true to the original tune. Space Harrier music really helped in making you feel like yer flying around with a jetpack at mach5! DJp, i don't know how you always vary your mixes so much, but keep up the great work! Such variety in your tunes. The P.Star2 mix was cool too, one of the few tunes that i can't get bored of. BTW, have you tried the 32X version of Space Harrier, i have it, and it's probably exact to the arcade, and the music is awesome and crystal clear! give it a looksie. -
OCR00394 - Blaster Master "Dancer Master"
Streets of Rage bum replied to Saunders's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Wow, this is one great tune! I can't believe there's been only 1 post for this mix... It's sooooo happy, it'll make you smile! I can't stop my head from boppin along to this tune when i'm working on the pc. anyways, i give this one a 9/10 why only 9? well, there's this annoying sound effect he uses at 1:36. If that sound had more variables of high/low then, i woulda gave this track a PerFect! ps: if i'm right, this was the tune from the ending credits right? -
OCR00729 - Streets of Rage "Going Up"
Streets of Rage bum replied to Disco Dan's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
hmm, not bad, it is quite jumpy beat, even though it's just a big loop, it doesnt' sound that repetitive cause of all these changes it goes through. for a 1st submission, not bad at all. Was this tune from the final stage elevator to Mr.X? i hear lots of elevator sounds in BG but not sure if it was just thrown in...... -
OCR00395 - Blazing Lazers "Industrial Bubbles"
Streets of Rage bum replied to Saunders's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
cool, it's amazing how a game like B.Lazers got a remix, yet T16's flagship guy Bonk's DOESN'T have a mix. but i ain't complaining, Lazers had a very strong soundtrack. I DO remember this level too, especially that guy in the background going: oow, oow, oww... This remix, captures the essence of the cold deadness of space, and also like it's name implies, there's this constant mechanical assembly-line feel to it. Very cool, i like the echoy chimes ringing too! great job. -
OCR00363 - Ninja Gaiden II "Sprinting Riffs"
Streets of Rage bum replied to Saunders's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
yes, DJpretz was right, if Gaiden ever appeared on PS, this would've been the soundtrack they tried to make on that stage. Upbeat, and fast, you can envision Ryu's boots sprinting away at the grass while he's rushing onward to save Irene! totally wicked track!