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Everything posted by MadGonzo

  1. oke oke, long time since I had done some music, but sunday I had been working 4 houres straight on this track and finished it. So its DnB , and I had never tried some real DnB just some slower types, and was kinda new , had pendulums Hold you colours in my head, im not very fond of theyr other tracks. I used fruityloops with some VSTi's Battery, Ravity massive and Hypersonic, I used some vocals, which were Xemnas's ( Kingdom hearts II ) rambling about hate and stuff . to show the FL file I make a recording and its posted on youtube. I am finished with the track and will not redo anything, however love to hear what things to keep in mind next time working on a new track, so yea tell me what ever you think myspace linkage http://www.myspace.com/novaeternia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYXk8mvzA-w
  2. nice, always loved this track, even today I was still listing to "Bpoi-halomcv2" , it was one of the first versions, and althoug Im no fan of the vocals , Ican tell that the mastering has gotten so much better
  3. dang to late in my timezone, ill get it first thing tomorrow
  4. jeez, man I have been ghosting this thread just for this awsome album. ohh wel perfection comes with time....
  5. more WIP-zing
  6. just WIP-ing around
  7. I might be up for this... it has been awhile since I opened photoshop though, anyways .. do I pm the work once its done to the host , or just post it in this thread...? is it oke for members to post maybe Thumbs or WIPs just for fun..*taunting*
  8. hah, where does it state my location???... or do you have a sense for ducthmen. Aha, so the drums are actually to varied, k ill work on that. however , the climaxing is a prob, I need some ideas on how to build it up, anyone got any nice climaxing techniques.??
  9. bump --- Anyone.........?
  10. sry for the dump... but anyone?
  11. here is a heavly reworked version. hope its a step forward http://www.soundclick.com/bands/songInfo.cfm?bandID=541032&songID=5674791
  12. Another track, ,made with the piano version of Desaid island from Final fantasy X, which can be found on the Final fantasy piano album. like my other im hoping to sign it up for the OCR charts, so tell me once again if its OCR standards, also if its to plain give me some ideas on what to add, where and when. I was heading for a house/techno vibe with a pinch of mellow, its still underheavy production --->http://www.soundclick.com/bands/songInfo.cfm?bandID=541032&songID=5674850
  13. did something after a long while, this is the remix from chrono triggers 1000ad. equip- used: miniscare-2 midi keyboard reason 3.0 mainly just messing around alot with automations, man now I really feel sry for not getting more knobs on my controller. anyways , id like to submit it to OCRs charts, so tell me if its OCR standards. ... or if it isnt violá ---> http://www.soundclick.com/bands/songInfo.cfm?bandID=541032&songID=5670469
  14. yea im streaming it and its hella nice , but sounds so midi
  15. I voted yes, its realy good and has a nice style going on, but would be cool if you could do some more work on it, maybe add more instruments to make it sound more action packed, and natural
  16. I am having issues with your uploader try a different one or get an account on www.soundclick.com
  17. im realy lovin it, keep it up.
  18. Man when I saw E-Bison I knew I had to check. still playing your Time management, and was hoping for another CT remix ill check this new track out.
  19. could anyone point me to a tutorial or article about the MClass devieces im interested in them
  20. Haha nice one klm09 that composer probaly cut his ear of after composing that any way, just google Sheet music, and you'll find tons of results
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