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Everything posted by MadGonzo

  1. Like ZeroPunctuation... however Yathzee makes me laugh and I clicked this one away after 2 minutes
  2. Age of Empires II and the expansion, been playing since the release
  3. and: BAM!, offworld mining colony!
  4. just watched it... and yeah they made some subtle changes which are very effective. lost 'most' of that weird cutscene feeling the original was. Still, they could have removed most of the smack talk scenes, or kajah-gang gayness. But I think the main problem is that everyones opinion is already tainted from the first version. Besides these issues, the quality doesnt match one bit. The original AC had this weird monochrome feeling, dont get me wrong; I wouldnt want it to be a shiny/glossy mess. But they atleast added some color this time around. Overall, if you havnt seen AC or are looking for another watch, now would be the time....
  5. Question!: Why did the runtime go up from 101 min to 126 if they added 45 min new footage?.. did they remove alot of stuf aswell? or did they actually only add 25 min new footage?
  6. Keyboard cat is one of the better things to spew out of 4chan this year. but it got boring after the fifth time. Still, whenever keyboardcat tilts his head for the last couple of notes I begin to smile. also: Nekofrog, you the first person I found who loves 'Its always sunny in Phily.'
  7. very Kydish, indeed, I like it alot Not really fond of the vocals but no need to take them out. check out the assassins creed OST for some more Kyd inspiration ( enter the Animus ) EDit: my bad, THe track is called Acces the Animus...
  8. enjoyed it alot aswell. beside its major fails. still a solid game and refreshing.
  9. this weeks was really good, finally some laughs
  10. hmmm ... where did the music come from? those weren't OCremixes.. anyone know?
  11. Go Audix!
  12. Dang I thought I had the ending right this time,, but I geuss its still to hard. And it is probally youtube. the source is in pretty good shape, I did make it abit softer on the bass side. Thx man
  13. ugh just woke up... bought and downloading now... together with 'SGX-hero of the gray area' and I did it in one order SGX EDIT: Ugh dollars are worth more now!
  14. Oke oke I think im done with this track now. I added some more stuff but I dont want it to get too crowded and I still want to keep the source in the track since it is more of an edit than a compplete overhaul. Hmm I did the mastering and it sounds good to me... however some of you might hear different errors with it. so if you hear any errors be sure to tell me. And hy, I just did a wave sample that I chopped up. mirroring would be extremly difficult.. maybe even impossible
  15. Normaly I would agree... but this is just not the case with Age of Empires. AOE I was surpassed by AOE II.. but AOE III never surpassed AOE II.
  16. thx for clearing that up Hybound. I tried to look into barry, but its hard to find some info on him, so if you can give an more info on him be my geusts Hy. any other crits?
  17. wait wait... SGX your releasing this? what happend to progresivegrooves. Also: here he is working on Emerald Lounge EDIT: and only 6.99!!
  18. ZIRCON.... FInally !!!!... I will own it the second it is released on the 10th. been listening to the preview since oktober, only 5 days to go
  19. Oke oke... been working on this track for some time, and I think im almost done now. I dont plan to work on the composition anymore, I consider it finished. However I have done almost nothing on mastering, so that will take up most of my time. And some other parts that need editing would be the guitar solo, its a place holder for now. Some background information: The main sample playing throughout the track originates from hybrid's Arp thing, which should be considered the source. source: http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=-LEhyusZ4ZM Now what I need help on is: A: Are you interrested in this track. ( as a listener ) B: Help on mastering. C: The guitar part D: Finish the track file: down below... sry tindeck is down??? http://www.mediafire.com/file/ywzuydytywz/Arp Thing WIP.mp3 UPDATE: PS: Dont ask me why that dude on youtube through it was cool play with his glowing ball, put music on it and then upload it to youtube... ugh
  20. ever since that "epic/orchestra' track I have checking most of your stuff... but this is to hardcore techno-ish for my taste... im sorry Jayy
  21. hey skry. Here is an idea.... remix Zircon's entire album because all the remixes you have done.. from Red july to warhead and have been Hawt sex. And when Zircon finaly drops that DnB album be sure to remix that into slow-jam album...... EDIT: Goodwip for the win
  22. but it was still scary as hell
  23. Hiring a band would increase prod. values by a mill. ... just so expensive
  24. in reason 3.0 you can use the time stretch like fishy said... but cant actually change tempo. as for the sliders; you can automate pretty much everything ( expect tempo ) bij clicking the record function on the deviece you wish to automate and then while recording just move sliders up and down, turn knobs. enable buttons.. etc etc. just search for automation and reason in google. as for 4.0: It uses the same basic techniques but you can now do the same for the tempo, by just adding or subtracting while the song is being recorded
  25. dude been listening to it all day... great track... love the heavy bass although it might be abit overkill
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