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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. I'm using the nn-xt from Reason. And actually I figured it out when I just woke up this morning so thank you guys that helped xD.
  2. Hopefully I'm using the right terminology when I explain the problem: I have these 5kb samples (it's for a contest) and some of them sound like melodic bits of a synth or somethin. The problem is, they play for like half a second. How do I go about stretching the sample so it plays as long as I hold the key? Sorry for bein such a nub, I've been playin with the envelopes and shit but I can't seem to figure it out .
  3. I can see why you called it "The Dark". Not really my cup of tea but this was done well so that's all I'll say about it, good job.
  4. Pretty sweet remix. I enjoyed it so that's all I gots to say lol.
  5. Congrats Andrew! You've always been a big help when it came to any advice I needed from you and I'm sure you'll deliver the same quality feedback in your judging but that also means you're an enemy now lol =P.
  6. Wasn't really feelin this. Don't get me wrong though I felt this was structurally sound and I thought everything fitted together nicely I just didn't think this sounds right as a dnb song probably just me though, sorry man.
  7. Great stuff dewd I don't really ever comment on piano solos so I don't know what to say except great stuff lol.
  8. Damn, lovin this man.
  9. It's called fucking respect which a lot of you guys don't have apparently. Sure you're free to say what you want but ultimately zircons right. It's fairly easy to keep negative stuff to yourself especially if it doesn't call for it this bein one of those times. Not like any of you guys would be dumb enough to do it, but if you were to make a thread about your mom died you would not appreciate someone saying that I didn't know her so therefore I don't care. Why is it so hard for people to say the good stuff about him but then for no reason say the bad stuff especially in a thread regarding his death? Shame really.
  10. Yeah I was worried about that as well. Maybe N Korea will stop being stupid when they hear Michael Jackson is dead =(.
  11. I'll be playing all his music for a while to pay my respects. I wish he would have done a concert here in the US because I woulda paid anything to see him. R.I.P. Michael, you will forever remain the King of Pop!!
  12. Ooo great stuff. I was waitin for someone to do this arrangement is good and I really didn't have a problem with the production everything's clear but anyways nice piece =).
  13. His birthday is the same day as mine? Damn that's messed up but happy birthday to the both of us lol.
  14. Cool track nice espionage feel. Sounds like somethin you could use for a tv series. Good production, everything fit together nicely I was fixed to the song the whole time =).
  15. Thanks man. I wish I could get more ears though I'm about ready to just sub it because I'm tired of doing every little thing to this song it's givin me a headache lol. But if I could get more feedback on the final product I would greatly appreciate it. Edit: I subbed it, so here's hopin lol.
  16. Doesn't work.
  17. Ok bumping for a second time because I think I'm finally ready to submit this. Click here to hear the version I'm thinkin about submitting to the judges.
  18. OMG why was this sooo short? I don't have anything to critique since this is orchestra and I have no experience with that, but I will tell you that I really enjoyed how this was put together. I really wasn't expecting the end since it starts off so slow at the beginning good stuff man.
  19. Oh my various Gods! I can't fucking wait!!
  20. So I updated this with the kicking being dropped a few along with the hi hats in that interlude section. Somethin still sticks out like a sore thumb to me though. I was listening to this with my sony in-ear headphones and the high end stuck out like crazy. I know that in-ear headphones are a lot different than normal speakers and other types of headphones but still they should stick out as much as they do in with those headphones and it bugs me so if anyone else notices that on other sound sources let me know because I'm thinkin about changin it.
  21. The breakdown's never been there until evktalo and Geoffrey Taucer said somethin about adding one which I'm still not sure about but if other people like it then that's totally fine with me by the way that instrument is a glockenspiel I think. I didn't hear any distortion in the kick but I can turn it down, same with the hi hat. Not sure what you mean by "YESable". To me it sounds like it's just enough to get yes's but it's not a hit or anything like that. Maybe that's not what you mean but that's just what it sounds like to me =/. But yeah thanks Rozovian, appreicates the feedback, now if I can get some more peeps to show some love.
  22. Hah cool, thanks. Gonna hold on to it a little long because this is the last time I sub this so I want to make sure that everythings spot on I know how picky those bastards are so they've scared me into not subbing until I get feedback from all of the veterans on OCR lol. Not really but you get the idea =P.
  23. I really like how you've done this especially since I've taken a class on jazz and know the format, you've done this well. While I would like to hear this with better samples, I know how hard it is to obtain em. But good stuff though man I hope to see this on the front page eventually.
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