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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Lol late for this one as well. Happy belated birthday to the both of ya, keep makin rockin music!!
  2. Sorry I'm late man but happy belated birthday OA!!!
  3. My setup has improved as far as aesthetics go I guess you would say, equipment is pretty much the same: EMU 1212M ATH-M40 audio-technica headphones.
  4. Damn, that is brilliant, thank you! I gots another question though. What kind of bpm analyzer do you guys recommend? I use winbpm but for some reason I can not get the beat right for the Rick Astley song, "Never gonna give you up" song. Either I'm gettin it right and it's off at some points or I just suck camel dong .
  5. This is my main question: Is there anyway to accurately change the tempo of a sample to whatever you like. For example when using Fl Studio, you can simple drag the sample to stretch it or shrink it but you still won't be able to figure it out unless you use some bpm analyzer. Is there a way to shrink and stretch and know exactly what the resulting tempo is gonna be? Or with Audition there's a slider where it'll show the percentage of the ending tempo and the slider will say faster or slower depending where you take the slider. Maybe this doesn't make any sense but hopefully it does and someone can help me.
  6. The front ones are low on the base where the tv sits and the rear ones sit high on the wall a little behind us. And that center one is on top of the tv. I know what you're talkin about with the db settings and stuff I never tried it with this reciever though, guess I should find out lol. But if this setup is fine, guess I won't mess with it that much. Thanks for the help guys!
  7. I meant to respond sooner but school and work has been double teamin me . But here are a few pictures. I guess I'm fittin the speakers to the room. It's a sound system from Yamaha I'm not entirely sure if they're consumer grade or not it's actually my roommates system. But yeah there are the pictures and a crude diagram of a birds eye view of my setup and arrows showin which way the speakers are pointing. If that isn't a good setup, anyone got any ideas on how I could arrange those speakers to get a good sound?
  8. Omg I love this! Ragtime is so sweet great stuff man!
  9. I like the old school feel of this, so sweet. Good stuff man.
  10. Haha sweet, Brian's the man.
  11. The last one, "The White Lagoon" is probably my favorite out of these. Good work on the rest of em though.
  12. Thought I'd bump this to see if I could get more feedback...
  13. Haha dang sweet remix brah. It's got a smooth but energetic sound to it I like it. Good shit sir.
  14. A topic a while back asking about making songs in surround sound brought up something about majority of people not having their surround sound systems properly set up. I'm curious to know what makes a surround sound system properly set up as I have one and I would like to know if mine is set up correctly lol.
  15. Well for one I was just clearing up the difference between the two. And second I don't think it's all shit but for the most part it is but that's my opinion so I'm not forcing my beliefs on you or anything, I didn't say anything about not listenin to the radio you go ahead and listen to whatever you want to listen lol. I shouldn't have to explain depth when I'm talkin about the two. Listen to Mos Def or Pharaoh Monch compared to Gucci Mane or Young Jeezy and you'll know what I'm talkin about (hopefully).
  16. I think you guys have the stuff mixed. The shit they play on the radio is definitely not hip hop. Hip hop artists have depth to their lyrics and kinda educates you while rap has no depth and it's mainly about money, sex, drugs i.e. the stuff you hear on the radio. Don't get me wrong though I completely understand where you guys are comin from because I don't see how people can listen to the stuff on the radio now and it's all trance influenced but then they listen to real trance and they're like I can't listen to this. But please let's not get hip hop and rap mixed up. While the beats of hip hop are heavy on sampling, they never front like they didn't rip the sounds from somewhere and if synths are used they're never any trance type sounds. You guys are smart, you'd be able to tell the difference, hip hop is actually worth listening to lol. My apologies for the wall of text lol.
  17. Haha well once again I don't mean to sound like a douche but I wouldn't post this if I thought it sounded "generic" in anyway xD. Although I did start this in 2007, put it on halt to allow myself to grow and come back to it when I got better as an artist so back then it sounded pretty bad I don't think this is the case now. And length isn't an issue this song is 3:50 anyways lol =P.
  18. Psh it has two different names I just wanted to know which one was used more lol. Anyways more feedback ppl. Actually I'll probably just sub it as it isn't that far from bein done after I listen to it with a few more tweeks.
  19. Haha ok that's more clear now thanks xD. Yeah I only have the pad playing one note it's not harmonized I'll look into that. Imma check out the other stuff as well. Is the song Valley of the Fallen Star or Cosmo Canyon? I guess I'll just put both lol.
  20. Yeah Muramasa looks pretty fantastic.
  21. Amazing work like usual lol.
  22. Hmmm the idea for somethin like this isn't bad at all but the writing could use a lot of work. I was scrambling to follow the song the whole time. Like there were no transitions really so to speak and I couldn't hear a lead instrument a lot of times. There was one part when you dropped everything and had the ethnic percussions goin. That part was cool, but those percussions weren't really layered enough to stand on their own. Everything sounded upfront too, meaning there was really no depth to the song. I like your overall idea but this could use some more work don't give up on it though, you can only grow if you keep working on your craft.
  23. Thanks again Mokram for the feedback, there are some things I don't agree with though. -I have strings in the beginning with the pad and they're harmonized. What do you mean by adding in more strings? And as crazy as it sounds I wasn't goin for some dramatic intro with a lot of texture because I feel the song doesn't really need it which is why I just added the filter effect. -Drums not introduced? I'm not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean how the drums just come in after that first string section? And why is it that I NEED a crash? I'm confused about that -Which snare are you talkin about because I have around 4 different ones in different parts of the song and I don't really believe they are that loud or that bothersome. -When you said prominent sfx, do you mean the gurgling sound or some other sfx? I don't mean to sound like a douche but I just think that those tweeks you're talkin about sound more personal than anything. I do believe the flute was still piercing which I'm changing. If I got more feedback about the other stuff then I would lean more to believing those tweeks are needed, but I'm not gettin that kind of feedback like I had hoped =(. I really do appreciate your concerns though, at least two people are listening. All the views I get, I should be gettin that much feedback in my opinion I don't ever visit a thread and not respond in it but that's me and I'm not gonna get into all that because it's true and I don't feel like offending people lol. Anyways thanks again and hit me back up with clarification on my concerns about your concerns lol xD.
  24. Haha wow, fuckin tight man. Another great pianist to get my hopes down lol xD.
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