Yes, it's a bit short, but so was the Pac Man jingle, and yet even that was masterfully extended. The opening bars of this title theme are heard in the Tower theme of Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, so there's an example of the theme being expanded upon right there. It can be done!
The ingame music would make a killer arena rock arrangement, what with the chants of "ROCK! ROCK! ROCK! ROCK!" in it. i wonder why mutagene only did the title theme and not this one.
Your production "Invertebrate Retreat" really made me think about Bren McGuire, better known as Turrican. Given as many times as he's had to save the world from The Machine, the song really sticks to him. Would you be able to write a ballad for him?
There's a really cool remix of the Medieval Tribe theme on
I'm wondering if someone could make a remix of the Cavelem Tribe's theme.
yeh, i've got that cd. Came with a DN logo ball cap. After megadeth's cover, it's hard to top. try doing one of DNII's main theme, though.
Oh, and DN3d's "Fahrenheit"
this particular tune from Castlevania can't be remixed too often, and I've found that the current remixes posted aren't to my taste. this isn't to say that they're not all good, just that they don't appeal to my own ears, and i'm one out of thousands of listeners, so you, the authors, shouldn't take it pers'nally. to prospective authors, use more pipe organs!
I'd like to request a remix for the music from the level "Buttville Pt. 1", titled "Living on a Landmine" by Tommy Tallarico. I have the track in FLAC format if someone will tell me how to post it, or you can goto Tommy's MySpace page (here) and it's there on his songlist.
I think also that this song was played during the bossfight with the robotic chicken at the end of "Level 5", Professor Monkey-for-a-Head's stage.