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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. ??? I (like a large percentage of buyers on release day) am gonna have to send my Wii away to be fixed or more likely, replaced. Dunno if it's been talked about in this forum alot or at all, but it's something to do with the ridiculously high temperature the Wii gets to, and how it fries the GPU. I only noticed it when I played Mario Strikers, and there was a BIG glitch in the image display. Didn't read much into it yet.... but I know I've got to send it away to be fixed. Anyone else have this problem? Was it solved? MP3's so close too.... I'd better be able to play through it without annoying visuals or I'll be pissed. Then I'll send it away after I beat it and school starts.
  2. What? He looked freaking badass.
  3. Yeah, when someone said that I immediately thought of SMB3 where if you don't turn off the game you restart with your inventory maxed out in P-wings. Also, in CV3 you restart with the partner you ended with instead of alone. But yeah, like you said, from what I hear it's nothing compared to what they did with it in Chrono Trigger.
  4. hahahahaha I didn't even understand until I tried belting it out in the announcer voice. Thats great.
  5. really? I never heard of that. I <3 cartridges for their load time. And for their aesthetics! But mostly the minimal load time. Anyway, thanks for the info.
  6. I wish he were, cuz right about now I'd like to beat the crap out of him. Anyway, I've got to be at an airport in 3 hours so screw this. I'm the first to fall. G'night suckers and I hope it doesn't disappoint whenever the hell it's posted.
  7. I'd tend to agree with you... but I'd rather believe I'm waiting up for something worth while. Too bad, I really liked you CV submission.
  8. Glad to hear that for me. Sorry for you however. Now where the F*** is the freaking update? I've been clicking refresh for half an hour like an antsy cracked up hobo without a fix. And just to help pass the time, you gonna enter the first new FAC atma?
  9. Maybe that's the Australian release? I hope? I'm almost CERTAIN they'd want it out before Christmas.
  10. I wanna go to bed damnit. But not without an update.
  11. I felt the need to verify your counting skills, and discovered an error. In any case, I will probably be getting 6 of those... which will put me out around 400$ before Christmas on those alone. When the hell am I gonna send my Wii away for repairs on the faulty GPU??? Theres a constant stream of awesome that I shouldn't be without!!!
  12. Yay! Thanks man. I'm ashamed as a gamer to say that I've never played a Chrono game. I really wish I could get my hands on a cartridge or they'd release for VC.... because I refuse to play a ROM of it. You can bet your ass I'll get an entry in regardless. Great starting choice by the way.
  13. You still planning on starting early? Sooner the better! School starts in September do remember!!! And I really don't know what kind of time devotion to expect from first year....
  14. lol at this thread.
  15. Same. And ALOT of trouble. Have you played it on Hard Mode? The boost guardian was tolerable in normal... but Hard was a BITCH. Must've tried that shit close to 20 times over before completing.
  16. I've only watched the Peach/Yoshi one thus far... but holy poo. You two are FAR batter than I expected to see. You're lucky to have someone, ESPECIALY you WIFE who can match you pretty well skill wise. People I know just don't know how to play well... and I'm never gonna get better. lol Great vids.
  17. thank you very much.
  18. I can't really tell from that picture... but if link has some of the wicked techniques he had in TP like helm splitter or mortal draw, that would be F***n sweet.
  19. lawl.... "Come on, now! Where are you sticking that thing?"
  20. In the picture Ike has his sword sheathed in the ground, which leads me to believe it's never going to have an attack arc (unlike Roy's). Instead once he plunges it there it'll cause a wall of fire in front of him, and likely wider, taller, or both when charged.
  21. Really... if you liked the original, get this one. Also, if you like getting pissed off over games, get it. So far it's been ALOT of fun multiplayer. and ALOT of challenge campaign mode.... Personally I'm more than content having spent 65$ on it. Edit: wait... was that sarcasm after all of my hate filled comments?
  22. lol, please let me know when you get to the Striker Cup. Perhaps you'll have some insight as to a strategy of sorts. I swear... as gay as it is... I miss being able to score multiple goals with super strikes in the fire and crystal cup. In one elimination round of Striker Cup... the SOB blocked all 6 of my PERFECTLY TIMED shots. I nearly cried, as you RARELY ever get the time to pull that off... and it lost me the game. anyway... enjoy! And keep me posted! while I cool down..... .... ...
  23. insanely hard? you're damn fucking right. I don't know what the fuck I'm missing... but I can't beat the fucking game on NORMAL MODE. 6 HOURS LATER STILL ON THE SAME GOD DAMNED FINAL CUP. I've already broken a few things. This game.. is ridiculous. Fun with friends.... but honestly WHAT THE FUCK!?!??? I don't remember having this much difficulty ever... EVER before with any other game. I love the challenge and all... but there doesn't seem to be much more I can do. It's just fucking frustrating. Maybe the difficulty is intended for 4 very good human players on the same team. I don't know what the hell else this is all about.
  24. Against computers sure. But human V human, the scores are alot lower thanks to the ability to save superstrikes. The gimmicky stuff threw me off a little bit at first, but being able to turn off/on whatever you like for multiplayer makes this game pretty sweet. EZ, If you liked the original, I think you'll like this one. If not... maybe, but probably not.
  25. Hey man, this is already really good. And considering it's an "EARLY EARLY EARLY wip", I can't imagine what the final product will be like. I look forward to it greatly. It's already just as listenable as any other OCRemix. keep up the awesome work.
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