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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. Seconded. Wtf?
  2. I understood his appearance had changed the least... thats sure what they make it out so sound like in the blog. Albeit we have seen just about all his B moves in the trailers... and they don't seem to be any different... but that doesn't mean he doesn't play entirely different!
  3. Lawl ^ And his dog was just humping him in his sleep. This is messed up. EDIT: Oh THAT'S what was happening.
  4. Oh. Well if you just wait for one of them to charge you, mid charge they are completely vulnerable. No phasing. It worked really well for me. If it started charging its bolt, I'd just give it a half charged shot, which would provoke it to charge. Freeze them in one shot, and shaaatter. Oh, and the gear puzzle in question (unless I'm thinking of a different one... which I really don't think I am) is the one where you need to find an adequate vantage point to grapple from, flip the thing in the air, then blast it onto the axle with a missile.
  5. Please leave it. sephfire r 1337!!!1!
  6. What!? Missiles rape the metroids in this game. One missile and one charged shot and BOOM. That puzzle was pretty cool. I was awfully giddy at that point. That is SO freaking awesome.
  7. Given that they had a bio-hazard scanner in the ship, I agree that the level of corruption should have been related to the amount of times you entered Hypermode. But it would've been tricky to make that work wouldn't it? I mean, what if you reached 99% near the very last leviathan, and then needed to use Hyper mode to get past it. That save file would just... be impossible to complete? That would kind of blow. The PED suit on its own accord though, I had no problems accepting. On a semi related note (END GAME SPOILER): Does the number of energy tanks you've accumulated throughout the game bear any influence on the phazon meter? Having only played through once so far, I can't compare it, but it didn't appear that it would, which would make a "minimal energy tank play-through" awfully cheapened.
  8. People really lack sarcasm detection on the interwebs. And to appease Red Shadow: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  9. Poo. I was hoping there was another. I must admit I was a little excited when I saw the Wi-Fi logo. Err.. I'd have to disagree. ?
  10. I love VGmusic too. Geeze, that IS old. Why have I never seen it posted on these forums! Was it this? Because it IS a very nice looking boxart. http://www.ebgames.com/product.asp?cookie%5Ftest=1&product%5Fid=230015 It's fake though, I'd assume, given that it's in ALOT of other places as well without that Wi-Fi logo on it. (http://www.amazon.com/Nintendo-Super-Smash-Bros-Brawl/dp/B000FQ9R4E) And because a few of them (most notably link) are in poses I'm certain I've seen before. Like I said though, it's a very nice looking cover. And whoever made it did a good job. If thats NOT the one you were talking about then God damnit Bigfoot, find out the link.
  11. that's what she said.
  12. Lets have a vote! Everyone who has muted the game music and played their own say "I'm queer." Everyone who hasn't say "I love VG music." Also...
  13. I definitely have to agree on this one... That definition is just ridiculous. Duck hunt was a FPS, and its main appeal was NOT multiplayer.
  14. On my hunt for unfound items at 94% I finally found the God damned ITEM LOCATION INFO. I can't believe I spent so much to wandering over EVERY single room, when by chance that could've been among the first I checked. Baaah
  15. Ohhh, wow I never tried exploding stuff. Which is strange, because i've drained just about everything but a shield. Watching those Wasp things Squirm and try to get away is fun. Is it effective?
  16. Same here. I really wasn't expecting that. Brilliant. Wonder what other things like that there were that I might have missed.
  17. Man, this is awesome. I was gonna buy this if i ever saw it in stores again... so this is freaking great. !!! Thanks Gecko!
  18. There were alot of freaking doors, that just wouldn't freaking open... Very frustrating at times. Aside from that the game is <3
  19. Obligatory lulz!
  20. You forgot Fox, Falco, and IC. Oh and Samus' dB is sick for recovery!!! And if you really wanna stretch it, I've seen Mewtwo's nB used very effectively for recovery. lol
  21. wow.. thats awful luck.
  22. You don't have it modded do you?
  23. Wow... so I uh.. JUST found out that you can jump while in morph ball by raising the wiimote quickly.
  24. Oh my God. thanks....
  25. I know I shouldn't respond to your comment, but I will. Sure he really shouldn't have generalized on all of America, but he did live here for 24 years supposedly, so it's fair for him to assess where he was compared to where he is now. I know there are a lot of good people out there... but I'd also have to say there are just as many "not so righteous" people. I've got no idea how it's like in Japan but unless I have some indication to someone's intent ANYWHERE, I couldn't participate in something like this on the premise alone that there ARE alot of assholes here. And the internet is possibly the worst place to judge someone's character. Anyway, he sure should have stated it differently, but his idea was far from ill intended and it really didn't seem like he meant boast his self-righteousness. I just want everyone to play fair and get along. <3 Oh and Bahamut, great idea but to scary for me. My games are practically my children. I hope it flies well!
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