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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. Pretty cool man. Happy birthday by the way.
  2. I didn't read through all posts, so I'm sorry if this has already been addressed... but the "Tale In Piano" link isn't working. I'm a little crushed. Thanks in advance to David or anyone else who fixes this.
  3. Funny you should say that. I've been fiddling around with it for the past couple days... Though I've never made a remix to date and am a total noob... I'm hoping to make it my first project! ... to be honest I'd rather someone with talent do it. So I'll keep my fingers crossed.
  4. You stole and expanded on my superb idea!!! THIEF!
  5. Thank you both very much. I cannot believe this has escaped me for the entire time I've been visiting OCR. So many pointless discussions I would have loved to have participate in.. missed.
  6. Yeah.. no seriously I feel pretty retarded... but where the hell are the "other forums?" ever since I joined this site I've just clicked on community discussion on the homepage to take me to what I thought were all the threads. Edit: Just found the fucking link at the top of the page for the first time. WTF how do you access that page from the home page? ANYWAY. How the hell do you get the idea to pull something like that... (starburst picture)
  7. Sorry for the noob comment... but before this thread gets moved or locked... where exactly do you find the off topic threads... or is that what the "competition/announcement/help" section is. Thanks.
  8. YOU DON'T KNOW WHO CROSBY IS!?! Edit: and now I've read the rest of the replies and see that my post is rather redundant. and I second the go canucks notion. Luongo rocks the socks. I'm a hometown fan though. DON'T BOMB THIS TIME SENS.
  9. My contribution this month will be my sig. HAVE FUN EVERYONE!
  10. Not I, my friend. But then again... unless it's something ABSOLUTELY UNPASSABLE.. (and I cant think of anything that would be).. I'm skipping the next FAC to try and make some music. CUT TO THE CHASE AND SAY WHAT IT IS!!!
  11. Clearly, we just know art when we see it. Must have been all the blood. !! Suggestion for some month: the Ratchet and Clank series has a lot of cool stuff... Though as a NINTENDO fan boy... I can't say I've ever played it.
  12. lol, Well won Matt!
  13. The best virtual console game out thus far.... BOMBERMAN '93!!! That game is AMAZING. Well, for multiplayer anyway. Actually.. that may be because I already own all of the other great games in the selection.... I bought Gradius for the Virtual console.. how goes Gradius III compare? Anyone know?
  14. Whoops.. lol Tooo late. Oh well, I'm going golfing in half an hour so i wouldn't have been able to work on it until late anyway. Miiiines in.
  15. Sooo.. are submissions due 5 mins ago? Or within the next 24 hours.
  16. Oh.. my God. I can't even LOOK at bag on heavy. It hurts my head. There are like.. 4 arrows overlapping at all times. Although.. I don't own that version and have only played it twice. lol The song that gave me the most fun the first couple times I played it was Tsugaru. Twilight Zone was cool too... For some reason I find those kind of step pattern REALLY fun. Not the most challenging... but overwhelmingly fun. lol
  17. Hey, this is a noob question, but I've never seen an ITG machine in my city and haven't got a clue how it differes from DDR. (except it seems as though - from what you've said - that songs exceed flashing 10 footers) I was wondering if you could clear up what makes it different for me. And as far as more feet go... isn't that completely relative to the game and it's difficulty? It could be like saying 30cm is way longer than 12 inches, because there are more. unless they're VERY precise in measuring how difficult something is.
  18. Hmm.. No way am I gonna finish. So sad.
  19. That's awesome! I was worried about the lack of posts in the thread. This'll be my first project ever with the use of Photoshop. (I downloaded the 30 day trial just for this) Here's hoping it turns out okay.
  20. No problem! Thanks for maintaining this competition! lol
  21. Woo! 90 copies at a store nearby! And onto the road i get!
  22. I'm heading to stores early tomorrow... probably in vain. I still can't pick up Wii points, Wii Play or even a controller anywhere in the city. (out of stock EVERYWHERE) I'm getting pretty impatient.
  23. Please do! I <3 Castlevania and would love to see ANYTHING from it. Draaaaaw... By the way...
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