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Everything posted by HideousBeing

  1. Sure, it's rediculous, but I can see it happening. I just wonder how they would make Samus (normal suit, not Zero Suit) and Samus Kirby do it.That reminds me- remember how in the original SSB, when someone took electrical damage, their skin became a skeleton? (Samus was the exception, she just appeared as a poor model of a woman with no constructive coloring.) Anyway, I wish they would put that back into Brawl. It would be more difficult, because graphics expectations would now demand a 3-D skeleton instead of a skin, but it would still be cool. Not to mention, they could make Samus appear more realistic when being electricuted.
  2. z does not set bombs. The only way a bomb can lay on the ground is if it is knocked out of a characters hands when they are holding it on ground, or if the bombs are thrown upwards, where the peak of their assent is practically laying on another platform. If a bomb has hardly any downward speed, it will explode on contact with terrain.
  3. It made me laught to think of it. Imagine Mario with his cheeks bloated, spitting watermelon seeds viciously. btw, have you played Yoshi's island? That is how they're used in the game.
  4. Wouldn't it be weird if they accomadated underwater combat in Smash? There would be stages where characters could fall into a pond, swim around, and would have an arsenal of attacks or version of the midair ones underwater. Certain attacks wouldn't work like Din's Fire, and Fire Breath. BTW, I wish that on Brawl, if he's included, Bowser would be able to blow fire further, or just straight- not downward. It would be so much cooler if he blew fireballs like in the first Super Mario Bros. Also, it should make it so if you're holding a Bomb with Link, and you press Down B (or the equivalent), he just sets it down on the ground. That has always since the first Zelda game been Link's move with Bombs- throwing came later. It would be a cool and a great help if Link could set Bombs like he has been able to in all of his games.
  5. I am posting this from the new Web browser right now, and man is it sweet. Rather a pain to type though. This took me two minutes to write, lol.
  6. They already had a POW block in SSB on the Mushroom Kingdom stage. Here are my suggestions: 1. The Bug-catching Net from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past It would be used as a weapon like the bat, parasol, star rod, beam sword, fan, Lip's stick, and home run bat. It could also be said to be from Animal Crossing which is even more likely. 2. Bullet Bills from the Mario series. They would be used as a throwing weapon like shells, and Bo-Bombs. Except, you would throw them, and they wouldn't fall over time. They would just keep on going at a constant rate until they collide with something (upon which they would either explode or just deal damage and keep going) , collide with the terrain, or exit the playable area. 3. Question Mark Mushrooms from the Battle Mode on Super Mario Bros 3. They would do just what they do in the game: switch you with your opponent, or a random one of your opponents. They could also use the Warp Block from the Mario Party series, which does the same thing. 4. Watermelons from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. Any character could pick up a watermelon, which they would then proceed to swallow. They could shoot the watermelon seeds out of their mouth with limited charges like the ray gun and superscope. Press the throw button or combo to spit out the watermelon. 5. I already posted this, but the Kuribo's shoe from Super Mario Bros 3. This renders your character unable to move in any way but hopping. You could give small hops to walk across the ground, or large hops to try to deal damage. Landing on a foe's head would cause heavy damage like the Hammer. The downside would be the inability to do anything else but hop. Can't attack, throw- just hop. Oh, and you would lose it right away like in the game if you took damage. It would make the original sound effect too, when you lose it.
  7. Yeah, I remember. I've read back that far. This thread is so extensive, it could be divided into several chapters. It'd be like: 1-Character Speculation, 2- Brawl announced (yes this thread goes back to before Brawl was announced; you can see people's reactions to when it was announced at page like 13 and they're still funny to read) 3- Final Fantasy Character Inclusion Debates (this could probably be divided into chapters also, lol) 5- "Items, Cheap or not?" debate, 6- WiFi speculation, 7- Stage speculation, 8- Melee Tier debates.Oh, and one more: 9- Who's gay and why debates sparked by little differences in opinion.
  8. I thought that Adventures was too much like a Zelda game. They take Fox out of his ship, and give him a primary melee weapon, with a weak distance weapon like the bow,and they make dungeons similarly to a LoZ style. Not that that's a bad thing for some people. One thing I loved about that game was the effective way the designers modeled the grass and fur. Layers of dots on a transparent background as skins, all stacked a little above each other. Makes a real good fur and 3-D looking grass, while conserving data and cutting lag/chop real well.
  9. Items already screw up the balance of the game. You make it sound as if items themselves help balance the game. Sorry, no.Edit: Can anyone give me instructions on how to "put" a document (this one's a Microsoft Word file) online so that others can dl it? Can this be done on this site, or would I have to link to another site where its possible?
  10. I object! Sicko!
  11. I can't imagine an M rated Smash game. It brings a funny picture to mind though... Link slashes Mario and blood and guts fly, spattering the surrounding area. Characters slip when stepping on the gore. When characters hit the screen from an upwards KO, their bodies get broken apart, and the screen gets blood all over it, obscuring the view for the players, until it runs down it and drips off. The Home Run Bat Smash attack, instead of sending you flying, would cut you in half, or bash your head off. Haha, this game would be called Super Smash Bros Slaughter. By the way, I hope it never comes to this. A game like this would disappoint me horribly.
  12. I never understood why Melee earned a T rating and still don't. It boasts completely bloodless violence that is harmlessly cartoonish. (i.e. person gets slashed by a sword and goes flying fifty feet.) For that matter, I wonder why LozOoT was rated only E. In some dungeons, the Shadow Temple and Underneath the Well I believe, there were bloodstains all over the walls and floors. Beneath the Well, there was also a room where there was some green toxic liquid in which skeletonized hands were sticking out of. The well also had a room where there were seemingly some type of torture devices. There were chains hanging from posts and similar apparatuses to a cross- all with bloodstains beneath. Also, the combat features animated blood flying often, though it is usually discolored green or blue. Slash the walls in Jabu-jabu's Belly, and blue blood will fly. At the end of the game, Ganandorf once coughs up blood clearly, and when Link executes the final few blows against Ganon, he throws blood all over the place. So can anyone explain why ESRB rated LoZOoT E, yet SSBM T? Maybe they just change their standards over time... One more question: Those of you have played LoZOoT and LoZ Majora's Mask, why is Ruto's model from OoT made to where a dress in MM as Lulu? Tell me Nintendo didn't offend because Ruto was naked originally...
  13. That's pretty much along the lines of what I'm thinking too. I think he wants the game to have a much more serious atmosphere. Maybe it'll incorporate something similar to the Soul Calibur series, such as each character has a story and a background behind them. Who knows?
  14. Sakurai, when discussing the new theme for SSBB goes a bit off on a tangent and says, "I also want to change the atmosphere of the game itself a little, too. But you'll just have to look forward to how I'll be doing that." Reference: http://www.smashbros.com/en/music/index.html We don't know what this means just yet. Any speculation?
  15. I believe I read somewhere that Sakurai is no longer working for Hal Labs. He has taken control of the Brawl project himself and has his own team of designers. Sakurai himself is neglecting all other projects to work on Brawl, having taken on the role of director and game designer for the game.Edit: Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masahiro_Sakurai and http://www.smashbros.com/en/story/index.html. These links should shed some light on this issue.
  16. Thanks a lot man.
  17. Hey guys, I need some help here. I need to know the names of some moves of characters on melee as given by the "Smash" trophies of those characters. Could someone please find and list the names of the following moves for me? -Doctor Mario's Down B. -Falco's Neutral B. -Young Link's Smash B. -Pichu's Down B. -Jigglypuff's Smash B. -Mewtwo's Neutral B. -Mr. Game & Watch's Smash B. -Marth's Smash B. -Roy's Smash B. Thanks, and please use the exact name as it is given in the trophy description, not little slangs like "shine" for Reflector.
  18. Do I smell something burning?
  19. I've noticed Nintendo's website is not showing much of Brawl, and it is difficult to find a link to the actual site from the Nintendo website. When can we expect them to start advertising it? Will it be around the time that the release date is announced? I think they may announce a release date at this coming E3, which will be July 11 – 13, 2007 at several hotels and Barker Hangar in Santa Monica, California, btw.
  20. I've been wondering, what does it take for a game to be rated Adults Only? In the violence field, ESRB says "extreme graphic violence" or something like that. How could it be any worse than in any normal game rated M for violence? I assume it must be the suggestive themes? (i.e. men graphically killing babies with chainsaws or something) And what about the nudity part? Will a woman, completely naked, exposing total front and backside nudity require a game to be rated AO? Or can Mature handle that? Maybe there must be actual graphic sexual activity? Help me out here, and please use examples.
  21. I would rather have Zelda's transform be replaced with Light arrows, because I (even though I play as her) see Sheik as a too imbalanced character. She is currently at the top of the tiers. Also, Nayru's Love, dubbed by you, "her stupid crystal reversal thingy":lol: , is a necessity for Zelda. Not so much in use as a reflective shield, but when Zelda finds herself in close proximity with a faster responsive character, it is a great offensive attack. Zelda would be in trouble without it, not to mention it would be dumb if they removed one of the gods' magics. They should keep all three. Of course, if she changes to a sword-fighting style, she may not need to rely on the move as much.
  22. I totally agree. If Zelda ends up being oriented around her sword for her move set on brawl, she should enhance it with her magic. Zelda, -it takes a little while to realize- is actually one of the more "heavy" characters in Melee, while in her Zelda form. Her attacks are slow, but powerful. She is quite an exception, because she gets knocked far for a heavy character type. Zelda's smash down is faster than her neutral ground attack, and I usually find myself relying on Nayru's Love to beat off someone close to me, because it responds the quickest. Zelda's greatest asset is her midair lightning kick, a deadly attack stronger than many characters' smash attacks. Few players realize how benefitial Farore's Wind can be in combat as well. Its reaction time is practically as fast as Fox's shine, and a person hit by it will fall over. I would like Zelda to remain a strong, slow character in Brawl, by "beefing up" her sword with magic.
  23. Not the right word to misspell there.
  24. It would be wicked sick if Zelda fought with a sword in Brawl. Chicks with swords are hot.
  25. It's kind of wishful thinking, but yeah, we all like to think that Zelda can actually use the sword that she drops as a gesture of capitulation in that TP cinematic.
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