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Everything posted by HideousBeing

  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lord. Where do you begin with this post?
  2. That was stinking hard. Edit: Thanks for the advice JS, I'll be sure to keep it in mind.
  3. Anyone who's interested, here's a couple of my Wario matches. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUD3GoAa8is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35gPIylicXU
  4. I'd rather not start a new thread, so I'll just ask this in here. Does anyone know if arranging your own songs will be an option in Wii Music? Or is that as yet unconfirmed?
  5. It's funny when game companies release a strategy guide with their multiplayer games. Within months, it sounds like a newb's advice. They developers know nothing about the metagame before it is released, and yet, still fancy themselves as the best players there could be. I mean, there were strategy guides for StarCraft, SSB, and SSBM
  6. I don't understand how WiFi matches can be awarded any merit. Although, I'm sure the better player will win most often.
  7. Just curious. Who's the acknowledged best smasher from OCR, and who does he main?
  8. Just got it, and Oh man, those are cruel challenges. They know we're gonna do all of them too.
  9. You don't need controller johns as CF. He's practically a screaming john during the entire match.
  10. Last summer, just for kicks, I actually leveled Mario all the way to 30 only in Mushroom way. Basically, the first chance I got to cap out, I did it there. Before even following Toad to Mushroom Kingdom. It got sooooooo monotonous. It would take about an hour to level up near the end IIRC. It was awesome to trash Mac in a couple of hits. It was also funny, because while Mario was capped out, all the other party members would join at their normal levels. I'm just glad I didn't pursue this goal with FFVII. I'd still be doing it.
  11. http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00002SVG3/ref=dp_olp_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1221373786&sr=1-1 Wow, my copy just got pretty valuable to me. Also, bigger digits are funner, for which I like SMRPG more. It's annoyingly repetitive to deal damage in absolute digits. And starting at one? You gotta be kidding me. It was funner when hoping for a bonus role that would take out a baddie that would normally take two hits. Debate: Who's cooler? Grubba, or Johnny?
  12. It's my favorite Super Nintendo game. When Square and Nintendo combine their efforts, you either get a cataclysmic explosion or a game like this is produced.
  13. A lot of gamers are bugged by an "incomplete" game. You have to get everything there is to get to discard it on your shelf. It's always annoyed me that I didn't get every blue coin in Super Mario Sunshine, which prevents you from getting every star.
  14. You had to have someone else play those arcade games for you? I'm not gonna say anything to that. Anyway, the most upsetting thing about collecting, and what it's being ridiculed for here, is when it's random-based. You cannot control which stickers you collect, or rather, which trophies appear for you to get. It's frustrating to have no choice but to hope to accomplish something in a video game, because that's literally what it boils down to. Edit: In Melee, at least you could ante more coins in the slot machine to increase your chance of getting a new trophy.
  15. I'll just say, "It's a remix of some of Nobuo Uematsu's compositions" or whatever. They don't know the artist of course, and you just dismiss him as an avant-garde Japanese composer.
  16. sephirothken from super smash bros melee. Few people have beat that boss.
  17. Laaaaaaaaaaaaag.
  18. Roy's a bit of a girl herself. I got a question. How do we know that Jigglypuff is a she? It seems to me that every reference to her defines her, like all Pokemon, as an "it." The trophies all say, "It sings..., it can fly, it's light..." Seriously, how do people know she's a girl?
  19. We all know that Kirby + Samus = a sick little Kirby encased in a Samus helmet who can fire charge shots with his hands.
  20. Win. I'm with you.
  21. That'd be nice. They need an entire week to prepare for the awesome announcement of Captain Falcon. Seriously, I can't wait to see how he looks on this game.
  22. Megaman X II or III, I don't recall which, has the "Damn" at the end. Megaman goes, "Damn, it's a dead end."
  23. Whoa! Humbled, here. Well actually, I never played DKC II, rather took the word of another guy that it was one of the most difficult games to complete for the SNES. Something about a few of the DK coins being real hard to find. As for Sunshine, I haven't gotten all the blue coins on any level but Corona Mountain. How many blue coins are there on each conventional level anyway? I'm gonna say thirty...? Seriously, how do you guys do it? How many hours do you have on your files where you've collected every single blue coin? There's just so many random things to try or do that give you them. I can't imagine being able to get them all. Bad? Who said it was bad? I may have come across wrong, but personally, I like the difficult games the most.
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