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Tuned Logic

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Everything posted by Tuned Logic

  1. Okay, I added more content and an ending - have at it!
  2. I really like both of these. Steady Nature is great, but I do think the main instrument is a tad sharp on the ears. Very good ambient feel to it. Huh is also great, and its more relaxing than the first piece. Both are good chillout songs. Keep up the good work!
  3. I'm quite ashamed to say... I never played FF7. Yes, I know, and yes, I will... that is if I can find a copy that's not through the roof in price. I just don't think it can match Chrono Cross and Xenogears, but we'll see... Anyway, I added a little more to the song, and I just need to insert one more section. After that, I'll post another update.
  4. Oh, you need to copy and paste the link. My bad.
  5. lol maybe. It's one of the only songs from Uematsu that I like. I don't respect him quite as much as most, because IMO Mitsuda outdoes him. He's still really good, though. Here's a source link for those who don't recognize this source tune: http://www.squaresound.com/midis/ff7/secretsleeping.mid
  6. I'm kind of confused... Pretty much the whole song is the source; I guess it's not as recognizable as I'd thought. To me, this sounds more conservative, but I guess I got carried away. I mean, I guess you all are referring to the middle melody of the song that you want repeated. But, if you listen, starting at where the tempo changes, from about 1:23 to 2:23, is that same melody. I guess I'll repeat it one last time at the end. I thought liberal mixes would be welcomed here *shrugs*.
  7. True, true, but there just isn't much to work with from the source. I didn't want to come off sounding repetitive .
  8. Thanks. Well, actually if you listen, I used the main two opening two chords of the original for much of the first half. The pitch was differentiated, so you may have to listen closely, but they're there. And yes, I realize I need to fix the ending. And the guitar solo wasn't me playing directly, I just did some mad EQing.
  9. Thanks. Any other comments?
  10. Remix of Secret Sleeping in the Deep Sea. Enjoy; comments appreciated! UPDATE 2/12/08 http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/ehkv/Hidden-Under-Waves-Ext4
  11. Man, this is really nice. Very relaxing. I think the second half could benefit from a very light drum beat, but of course, I love drums I really like the violin; keep it up!
  12. Yes, I agree! Please finish this!
  13. Wow! Haha, Brink of Time influence? As much as I thought that album was different and interesting, it never even occurred to me that this sounded like it. Although, now that I think about it, it does have a similar genre feel to it, doesn't it? I'm honored... I think. That album was controversial to the extreme! I still enjoy listening to it every once in a while, though.
  14. This is good. I like your instrument choices, and the drum section in the second half is rad. Add a little more bass to the kick in the first section. This sounds more like a MIDI rip than an all out remix, so try and add some of your own sections, like a new melody or something. The drums are a good start on that. Keep working on adding some of your own flair; I like where this is going.
  15. Thanks, I appreciate the comment!
  16. This song is now done I'll submit it within the next day or two. Wish me luck!
  17. Okay, I did some updates to this puppy. I changed the pitch; I was messing with it, and I found a pitch I liked more than the original . Did some tweaking to accommodate it, and I tweaked some guitars and drums. I'll probably submit this soon... P.S. I changed my name to something more interesting
  18. Mmm, I like. Reminds me of Xenogears.
  19. Wow, thank you for all of the comments. I guess I'm finally where I need to be; this is my quintillionth mix of this song, but this is the first one I actually feel good about. Here's the real shocker: I made this with Garageband. Yes, Garageband. I switched from FL Studio when I got a Mac, and this is the first mix I made with it. I think I'll stay So, is this submission worthy? Again, I really appreciate all of the comments, and I'm glad everybody is enjoying it.
  20. Enjoy! UPDATED 1/8/08 -More tweaks and fixes I think this is my final version. UPDATED 1/4/08 -PITCH change -Guitar tweaking -Drum tweaking -Other tweaking I thought it sounded better in this pitch. At this point, I think it's pretty much finished, and I'll probably submit it soon. Any comments still welcome! http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/dwjb/Turning-Time-Around-Submit-Version
  21. Wow, really nice work. I have a WIP for the same song (my umpteenth), and this melody never ceases to move me.
  22. Happy birthday, man.
  23. Hmm... Make sure the square at the top labeled PAT is filled in and not the SONG one.
  24. I'm trying many ideas with this tune (Memories of Green) until i hit the bullseye. Please have a listen and leave comments. Thanks for your support. EDIT: Whoops, forgot the link. That would be helpful, wouldn't it? http://www.sendspace.com/file/jw12mc
  25. Sure thing - here you go: http://www.sendspace.com/file/m1t333 I made some improvements over the last version anyway. On a side note, I know that the dB level goes a little high at 1:15 -- I'll fix it.
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