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Tuned Logic

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Everything posted by Tuned Logic

  1. Not to bring this back from the dead, but this is a blatant rip of zohar's arrangement.
  2. Thanks a ton, man. You rock! I'll be jamming to this for a while, haha.

  3. Any way I could get a lossless version of the DBZ Another S remix you did? I'm basically obsessed with it, but aghhh 128 kbps on good speakers! :P

  4. Cool instrumentation. Was a bit muddy at times. Try to pan some stuff left and right to clear out the soundscape a bit. The sustained winds are too loud. Somewhat conservative; try adding a little more of your own flavor. You do have subtle changes in chords and such, but add a part or two that is different from the source. Nice work so far, and good luck with it.
  5. It's well within limits. There are original and source elements constantly.
  6. Woah. Mad props. I'm gonna have to try that.

  7. Hey man, do you have the chords for Another S from DBZ:HD you mixed? I love your rendition, and it's inspired me to give it a shot, but I can't find chords or midis of it anywhere...

  8. This. Is. AWESOME. Great, great source. And you made it so much better!! Mad props. P.S. Pleasseee send me the chords/piano score/midi/whatevs!
  9. A few people have been asking about what I've been up to lately, so I thought I'd share. I've done a couple of cover songs/videos that I've posted on my Youtube channel. (http://www.youtube.com/user/TLogicM) I've also been working on a few mixes for the site, one of which is currently in the judging process. Some games I'm thinking of covering or have already finished covering are: Megaman X5 Megaman 8 Metroid Prime Metroid Prime 2 Chrono Cross Xenogears There's probably a few I missed, but those are the biggies. My second album is also well underway, and I should have it finished by the end of the calendar year. (For those of you who missed the first one and are interested, PM me for a code that will let you download the entire album for free!) You'll be seeing more of me come later this year; I finally have some space to think up some new ideas due to less stress surrounding school and whatnot. My LATEST updates will be posted here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tuned-Logic/107796329291069 Become a fan so you know what's going down
  10. Very cool mix. I'm not sure what changes I'd make, tbh...
  11. Not bad at all. Some sounds are a bit lo-fi compared to the mood your friend is trying to capture here, but all in all, nicely done. The drums are very fitting, and I love the synth that plays in the background. At around 2:45, that synth needs to be toned down; maybe lift off the sustain there so it doesn't sound like a big mess. Keep working on this; it has a lot of potential.
  12. Great source choice. IMO, this is one of the toughest pieces to remix because of Mitsuda's very unusual rhythmic and melodic approach. Needs more chorus voices or something similar, as that is a large part of the original source, and I don't think you have improvised enough on what you did add, since it does sound like you sampled the basic riff from the source itself. It's good background music now, but the original was EPIC. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy this mix so far, but it needs more oomph. Keep it up!
  13. It's a great source piece to mess with, for sure. Your basic melodic premise is very different, but interesting. The dissonant part at 1:00 or so could go either way, but at first listen it didn't sit amazingly well. I'll give it another listen later. The dynamics of the remix are fairly flat. The existing drumwork is good, but try to add some supporting percussion elements or background synth sweeps to give the piece more dimension. Your basic framework is very good, but just add more to it. Also, the main lead could be changed to something more dynamic (or even just add some reverb to it so it fills the soundscape more). Good luck with this!
  14. I love Metroid Fusion a ton; this isn't one of the source tracks I remember too well, though. You have a good mood set from the start, but that constant chime gets irritating by the time you're half way through the song. Try using it more sparsely. Also, the flutey lead that starts around :25 is really lo-fi... I don't know if you were going for that, but the rest of the parts sound deeper and more high quality, so experiment with different sounds for that. The biggest issue I have with this is it just drones on and on without a ton of evolution. Similarly to the original, this would serve well as BGM for something in-game, but as a standalone piece, it needs to be fleshed out more and made more interesting. Good luck with this!
  15. Agreed. This is a tough source to mix since it's so simple. Your mix is somewhat dissonant, too, which gives it kind of an eerie feel. Try and expand the idea into something more elaborate; you've got an interesting starting point that could go many different ways.
  16. Oh, man, thanks for bringing MM8 back from the dead! This is really well done! Hmm, maybe I'll take a stab at something from this game...
  17. Glad you all enjoyed it! L99, I think there already is >50% source in there, tbh.
  18. A jungle-house style compilation track of my two favorite source tunes from CT. 99% finished at this point, I think. What do you think? Sources:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPjRTvMAptg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSwK-C2vZBQ
  19. Slicing meaning what? Using MIDI isn't really cheating.... that is unless you're clicking in the notes with a mouse or using loops, but even then, a finished product is just that. I play out individual parts (I guess you can call those slices) with a MIDI keyboard so I can EQ them all separately.
  20. Very chill. Well done.
  21. This is totally badass!! Nice work! This would definitely get posted, IMO. Edit: Well, maybe a tad more original material would be a good idea to be safe, but I love it the way it is.
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