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Posts posted by Tenucha

  1. I have actually been avoiding reviewing songs.

    I blew out these computer speakers off a FFIX remix (what a way to go heh).

    So it's really hard to really judge a song until I burn it to disc and put it in the car... which even then the spearkers arn't great anymore.... there were a couple of times the volume was too loud (say... I was listening to ZZTop and then I switched to the Advent Children soundtrack) so some kinda guitar strike or something helped my rear speakers in there "decay".

    I guess my "ritual" would be to find a song that, in trebel, sounds really good on the computer. So far its been songs I'm familiar with from games. I then make a whole mix of my favourite (so far there are 3 discs) songs I had downloaded and then I drive around with them and then listen to them with my headphones on during class.

    If I can rock out to it and loose myself while doing art... or if its really good for driving (the newly submitted FFVII "Speed Limit" is a great freeway driving song :3 I also drive a large '84 Buick LeSabre V8) then it's good in my book.

    It doesnt always have to rock out either... I have a few "slower" pieces to even the playing field... but just as long as I can truly enjoy it in what I have to do throughout my day...

    Yesterday I was pulling weeds... and thinking how funy it be if I had a few Super Mario Bros 2 remixes playing hehe

  2. It finally worked for me!

    Now I dont know how much help I can be...

    I have never composed a song, I'm not even sure I have enough rhythm to do so.

    And honestly... Final Fantasy IX's "Black Magic Synthesis" blew out my 4 speakers on the computer with the bass... so I literally can only hear tribel.

    That said... It did sound good!

    I also agree that it sounds a bit like a midi.

    I grew up in the NES and SNES days also... infact the one Turtle game I owend was TMNT2: Arcade on NES. Ahhh memories...

    However the reasson I kept check out this site and then eventually joined the fourms... These artists took the 32bit midi music from the game and traslated it into a new medium.

    Your song has a geat start but you need to bring it out of the 32bit and into the surf rock genre it seems to want to be. Make it sound like something you can throw on a mix with bands like Slayer and so on (well... you used a guitar sample atleast).

    I did like the voice sampling also, it worked well.

  3. Actually, most of the Special Tracks, including Heads up for Tails, don't work. If you check the official website of Project Chaos, you'll find a solution to fix the broken tracks. :)


    Ohh see it sounded like they were fixed since it was worded as though they replaced the batch but its unknown how much went out.

    I did download GoldWare already however apparently I need some other program... and I'm running on a computer with less then 1gig on the HD left... so I cant exactly download more addons for this project... *sigh*

    That's the only fix?

    Can someone maybe possibly host there own "fixed" copy for this total stranger new to the fourms?! :puppyeyes:

  4. This thread is so bad.


    More often than not, I find using 'fun' to describe gaming a poor choice of wording.

    What do you use insted?

    Personally I try 'n use other more descriptive words

    Yeah, it's really true. I love Disgaea for instance, but I wouldn't really say ANY part of that game is "fun" per se. It can be very satisfying, addicting, entertaining, etc, but not really FUN.

    Ya, obviosuly you're having fun if you still go back and load up your game.... so what makes it "fun"?

    Shadow of the Colossus is a fantastic game. Would I say fun? I dont think that word can support this game. It's a ride... it's more then just "fun"

  5. I think my highest ring count (From Sonic 3&K) was something close to 300.

    I think way back when I still had these games on Genesis I had something around 200 rings at max.

    I'm pretty sure I've gone through Sonic 2 without losing a single ring, although I've never beaten the last boss.

    Also what the crap are you talking about.

    Transfuse... the artist whos work you have in your Metroid fanart signatures.

    He's got several of his pieces up for auction now and one of them was inspired from the "One Girl in All The World" remix

    I think I have only really beaten Sonic2 with Knuckles.

  6. Oi!

    I ment in general amongst the original Genesis games (which i tried to get at by mentioning I was playing Sonic Mega Collection).

    I guess specifically I ment Sonic3 & Knuckles.

    I hadn't played these games in years and so I was bascelly seeing how well people can hang on to there ring by the end of a stage.

    Right now I bascelly loose them by the time I get to 100 rings.

    Maybe I shoudl head to bed... Mmm...

    you do realize that there are like 7 games in that game and no one knows what youre talking about

    P.S. nice Transfuse signatures

  7. Not enough Funky Kong love!

    Funky's always been my favourtie Kong.

    That being said it's my favourtie song on the whole mix! Which is a good thing since it's the only Funky theme remix on this site X_X

    Lots of great tracks here that really compliment the original arrengments. I hope one day the original DKC audio group hears how there music inspired this project.

    Again, my fav songs ended up being the faster more rock songs.

    My critique would be... with Funky's theme... emphisize a bit more the "Stirkes" (I dunno what else to call 'em) that start around the :41sec mark.

    Also Candy's theme, IMO, was the weakest song... I know the source material was kinda... cheep porn-esque but the vocals on the remix were not all that satisfing.

    Anyways! Great Project!!

    I also vouch and suport a Kong in Koncert 2. That one has alot of songs and alot of fun can be had... Alot of pirate themed stuff going around so that could be quite fun.

    Plus hearing how Wrinkley and Swanky's theme remix would sound hehe... not to mention the new Cranky and Funky themes... ohh yes..!

  8. So... thanks to Project:Chaos I have gone back and been playing my Sonic Mega Collection on Gamecube.

    I have to to re-realize how hard it is to hold on to your rings in this game.... Just when you break 100 rings you loose them all thanks to an illplaced item as you speed by so fast you almost glitch in the loops.



    So how long can you hold on to your rings? Do you loose them after every save point? Can you hold on to them throughout multiple levels and rach upwards for 200 to 300?

    I wanna hear it!

  9. I had a revalation, or a revolution...just a thought. I haven't really been up to date with games, but i have played a bunch of old ones and have experienced a not so good emotion. Alot of video games suck. Not just crappy publicized remakes of movies n such. The Series for an entire company is based on a plummer? I can definately understand how they can be fun. I do believe the potential is much greater then what games have. All the final fantasy series gameplay is boring. Its just that, boring. Gameplay needs a boost because they are excelling on everything but. Mario games are so basic it can boggle the mind. They spend Way to much time on making superb grphics and sound. Wher is the complication of controls? Smash brothers has glitches and ways to master it in competition. It could be so much better. So why, why do they insist on making games simple. The more you can do, the more you can master and have fun. To anyone how can reason, share my understanding of blan games, why are none so innovative?

    I think maybe you are just board and are taking it out, mostly on video games.

    Are games boring? Sure some are... but to the magnitude that you suggest? I dont think so. DDR and Guitar Hero... there are two games that are highly fun and challenging as well. If you dont think so then you just dont have an interest, right?

    Yes there is a series whos hero is a plumber. He's also been around since the 80s.

    If you want to talk about simplistic games... look back in the early days when you play a complex of pixels and you go from point A to point B... if your lucky there's a hazard with a simple pattern blocking your path. Dont fix whats broken... that kinda gameplay has passed on all they way up to current games but I seriously dont see Mario or Final Fantasy (which you named off) as being so simple its boring.

    Look at the basic concept and sure it looks ridiclously easy.

    Compleat 3 sets of stages (underground, aquatic, on land) and then access the boss dungeon. Repeat for 8 stages. This i back when there really was no story to play to.

    The original Zelda starts you off in the middle of an open field... Ready, GO! The only reasson to grow board here is becasue you dont have a fairy or plot to drive you from one place to another.

    The original Final Fantasy was the same way. You started out outside of a castle and the King proclaims you to be thr 4 Warriors of Light and then sends you on your way to the dungeon up north... that was the first minute of gameplay.

    Final Fantasy is getting a bit more on the easy side as its catering to casual gamers more then your "nerdy RPG" gamer set. It started off with VII ... it caught on with a huge audence and proceeded from there. VIII made its self harder then it really was and IX, my personal favorutie, was the best out of these more recent titles due to story, locations and side quests (all of which are in the previously mentioned games).

    Once X hit I noticed a signifficant loss in something. I neverr reached a game over, I beat it in a record time I'm sure and when I reached the final boss the game automatically taught all my characters the moves I had not yet learned on the evolution chart thing... plus giving me Auto Float, Regain, Life etc on the final boss... and THIS is the game everyone is obsessed with saying its THE best and there favourite. And why?

    Most commen reasson I see: The graphics.

    We are in a gaming age where the machines are powerful enough to fully emerse the player in a realistic 3D world to be explored. Maybe becasue it's a 3D plane it seems easy to access places then back on the NES or SNES/ Genesis days when you had to locate the secret places thorugh concealed walls and so on.

    Becasue of this the actual gameplay has taken a backseat to vivid story and graphics

    and there is a large audence of people who are mistaken this as true gaming experence.

    I think there are alot of fun games that are out there for the sake of being fun.

    Not all games need a point further then the lead hero's ocupation... as long as it delivers and you enjoy yoourself. There are now a lot boring and lackluster titles that try to feed you pretty graphics and tell you its good.

    I just dont think theres any true way to say gaming is boring.

    BTW I just woke up from a nap so excuse me while my mind is everywhere ><; :banghead:

    Your agument can be appliced to anything... such as... Music nowadays is boring.

    Personally I think this is a very true statement... however I have found a TON of bands and preformers that meet to my ear's requirments

    simple games can be difficult.

    Very true. These games end up being my very favorutie.

    Ever try Rez?

    Can you get any more simple with a current-gen game? (Hey its on PS2 which is stll current)

  10. I think the Dragonball Z Budokai 2 and 3 games have got some tracks begging to be remixed.

    I only own those two and have only rented Tenkaichi Budokai and have yet to touch the second in that series... so I dont remember the soundtrack in there....

    However I think the Budokai songs would be excellent for some remixes!

    Theres some rock and ska tracks already in the game!

  11. I reserved the TMNT movie baised game ahead of time becasue you can get a reprint of the very first TMNT comic from GameStop. I think that was worth it.

    I missed the days when you'd get a packed-in offer.

    I didn't think that would ever happen again. N64 had a few going for it but it was much late rin its life.

    I like more for my money rather then spending more so I can be attiquette. (sp?).

    PS3 I think is trying that... however it's got FAR more then what I want.

    There coping Nintendo and Microsofts achevements/Mii thing now and ripped off "Second Life" essentually and using it as there "Home" thats saposed to be a free program (however if you want to do more you gotta pay).

    Now someone answer this... I havn't been keeping up to date on the specs and I dont own one.

    Are the PS3 game discs blue-ray discs? Becasue I honestly dont care to own a Blue-Ray reader. I wanna buy a game console not a DVD player... I already have one of those. I THINK the PS3's games are Blue-Ray discs but I dont remember...

  12. The Star Fox theme I was hoping to see here was the theme to the first stage, Corneria.

    Unfortunatly I dont remember how the song goes on SF64... however on the SNES I thought it truly rocked and really helped me get into how awesome a game it turned out to be.

    Sometime ago I did get a "remix" of the song of KaZaa. It's hard to say what it is. It sounds like an arranged version of the song compleate with a guitar solo in the middle of the song and everything... it was a very awesome song!

    Anyways that is but 1 request I have :)

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