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Posts posted by Tenucha

  1. The only thing I can see that might need changing is that the submission licence implies that mixes can be distributed by OC Remix without using the OC Remix name.

    I thought they only ment that if you, the mixer, wanted to host the song say, MySpace, or on your own website... you can without the OCReMix name attached...

    Otherwise if you get it from OCReMix then it IS an Overclocked ReMix and therefore you gotta keep all the tags and names assigned and so on.

    Thats what I got out of that o_0

  2. I would agree to these terms.

    They seem fair to me for both the artist and the site.

    I have included a couple remixes in a video but gave credit to the artist and (OCReMix) in the credits (I'll get the video online for viewing purposes and then get the attetion of the YouTube group).

    The idea of a mix getting removed helping Overclocked is completely bizarre, of course. But take the rest of that policy into account. If I may rephrase it into terms which apply to our current situation:

    "Not everyone who is requesting that their remixes be removed is trying to harm Overclocked Remix."

    On this note... if a remix is violating any form of applicable laws including copyright infrignment... then it would benefit OCR to remove the conent from the website.

    It doesnt mean it will happen or not however this gives the site the right to remove it.

    An instance would be if a submitted remix were to pass and get hosted here and, later on down the road, someone from the team or just a listenier realizes that there is too much original work being used (this is just for aguments sake... I know the Judges Panel wouldnt allow a remix thats so obvious like this haha) from the original source.

    I dont think this constrans the artists or anything... I think it gives everyone a heads up.

    This really is no different from any other "Dont cross our content policy" on any other website or community's Terms of Service.

  3. I'm currently in the process of researching/writing a paper about film and game music -- specifically, how they have to fulfill two purposes (that of blending well with the scene, and also being very listenable). I'd like to cover which games and films get different things right and wrong as part of the paper. Lord of the Rings, for instance, fits well in the context of the film and sounds good when you listen to it on CD.

    My problem is that I can't think of a game with great music for your car / concert hall that doesn't fit into the game well at all. To further clarify...

    Track 1 from the Oblivion soundtrack -- fits well, and sounds good.

    Tairon's Theme from Ninja Gaiden (and the game in general) -- fits well, doesn't sound all that great to just listen.

    ****** -- doesn't fit well, but sounds awesome.

    Anyone have an answer? It doesn't need to be the current generation of games, but if it is, great.

    Depending how the soundtrack is treated...

    I have the Chrono Trigger "The Brink of Time" CD and I listen to that quite regularly... its all cool jazz/electornic "remixes" or covers of some of the game music.

    I'm so tired right now... there are games with music I would LOVE to listen to elsewhere but I cant think of much right now.

    REZ is a game that runs off music and the music is great standalone... if you can find the OST X_X

    I been listening to Tommy Tallarico's Earthworm Jim Anthology pretty regularly since I got it it January from Video Games Live. I love that CD... I skip a few of the more goofy songs just 'cus some arnt that good to drive to XD

    Okami has a great soundtrack but I dunno about driving to it or anytthing... I do own an Asian Drums CD and another dance type CD called Illusion Sorma so maybe I could drive to Okami heh.

    I would classify Shadow of the Colossus' OST with The Lord of the Rings.... very pounding and epic with alot of softer more dramatic songs as well.

  4. Lemmy guess...

    That Ice Cap Zone project thing was an April Fools, eh?

    Every single point you made about that damn source is true. I started a Dream Theater style mix of it this morning. I kept thinking about how I need to change direction from the AC version. No matter what you do, you can't compete with a professional studio recording complete with full orchestra. Doesn't mean you can't try, but it makes you feel shite.

    I love Dream Theater... though I only still own Train of Thought.

    Are you gonna host what you did with the track? I'd love to hear that version.

    One Winged Angel is THE song from FFVII. Though the whole OST was outstanding it's One Winged Angel that really has a certain flaire about it... and it shows when you listen to all the "cover" re-arrangements on the Advent Children OST.

    I just cant wait fo rthis project to be released!

  5. I also feel this movie did an outstanding job of making up for, not only lost time but for the 3rd movie above all else haha.

    It was great and fun... the story seems deeper and more involved... I noticed some people complaining elsewheere 'cus there wasn't more action... uhh it's called developing a story ><;

    I woulda like to have seen it a 'lil darker but this was great... I'll totally be getting this on DVD and I'm looking foward to its sequal

    Is anyone else kinda pissed that Don gets like 4 lines during the entire movie, and Mike is only occasional comic relief?

    They didn't even really show either of them fighting at the end.

    Yeah yeah yeah clash between Leo and Raph see also: all other TMNT movies.

    Don's my favourite so I felt a 'lil cheated from more Don time... but atleast when he WAS on screen it was good

    And this Raph and Leo fight was a bit more then what we seen in the previous movies

  6. Try opening the files in an audio-editting program, re-encoding them (as mp3's/wav's/whatever), and burning the newer, re-encoded files. Should work!

    As I have stated... I cant get the programs to run properly as I apparently have alot of missing components the program needs to run...

    I'd just like to say that I love each, and every person that was involved with this. That is all.

    Agreed. There was obviously alot of passion, detial and care that went into creating each songs remix. Very worthy soundtrack.... and with great replay value.

    There are still a umber of songs I havn't been able to download yet... *sigh*

  7. Joined! YAY Me!!

    I would like to do an AMV or something using music from this site... if I ever do that I'll let ya'll know haha

    were there any videos of the meetup at Video Games Live back in June? oh and I STILL WANNA SEE A VIDEO OF ME PLAYING SPACE INVADERS!!!!

    Too bad I'm about the only person in Arizona who checkes out this site X_X

    The VGL was a good turnout... cant wait for the next... but I'm not meeting too many people who know what this site is....

    I'm passing on the word... until then I guess no meetup in AZ? :(

  8. Like I said, most of music from ffac is remixed from ff7, but there are some genuine new ones.

    Here's "Cloud Smiles". It's the one where Cloud comes back to life (or something like that) in the pool in the church at the end of the movie. In my opinion, it is better than at least half of the original ff7 songs.



    The big black dog that keeps appearing in the film. It hangs out around Zack's buster sword, it appears when Aeris(Aerith*) just finishes talking to Cloud in the white area after Loz and Yazoo do that massive magic attack.

    *In the origional version straight from Japan, Aeris should have been translated Aerith. They fixed it in kingdom hearts and advent children, and this has been subject to many questions on why it is currently spelled like that.

    I didn't like Cloud Smiles so much...

    I usually go "Aww he's smiling" and skip the song. *shurg* I think there are better ones. The song being better then half the original FFVII soundtrack is kinda an unfair thing to say... I mean... when did FFVII come out? It's a classic anyway.

    The "big black dog" is a wolf. Get it, Cloud's newest wardrobe features a wolf symbol?

    The wolf appears in areas that still burden Clouds mind... Zack's grave, The Forgotten City, and so on. I think the signifficance of the wolf fading at the end means it's finally lifted from him... thus going into "Cloud Smiles".

    And ya this should stay to ReMix descussion.

    That said... how are the songs coming? After I heard that Red XIII theme... I wanna hear more!!

  9. I would love to do it, but I suck at rock type music. I'll probably try to make a remix of this song eventually - Corneria was the ultimate level, dude.

    haha yup... right there as the first stage no less!

    Well Zircon's latest SMW remix features a guitar that would go perfectly in a Corneria remix.

    Ohh I should probably go hear it anyway!

    Which track? I gotta head to class right now

  10. well the Corneria theme from the SNES game was much different than the SF64 Corneria and the SNES one is still my favorite Star Fox song ever

    Same here. It was an amazing song... and the first song.

    Thats why I'm kinda amazed there arn't more remixes. I think there was one and it was pretty good from what I can tell... But I'm invisioning a truly rocked out track

  11. ... Help me out with a Project: Chaos disc 3 song?

    I tried posting in the Projects comments but its gone unnoticed.

    Somehow we began talking about it in the FFVII Project topic and then we got hushed.

    Can someone please host a fixed MP3 of "Heads Up For Tails"?

    I had downloaded GoldWave like the site suggest and opened the song in there and tried to go to "Save File As..." but it said I needed to download other things to complete that process.

    I dont have space on the HD to keep download more programs... I have less then a gig at the moment on the drive...

    So anyways... if anyone can help out with that it would be very appreacheated :puppyeyes:

  12. Hmm. Isn't it very similar to how the "theme" sounded on SNES for the same stage?

    I miss this game... I'll defenatly download it whenever its released and I have a Wii.

    Ahh so they had released an arranged OST? Very cool. It's on a mix sitting right next to Mindless Self Indulgence, Tub Ring, Dr. Steel, Real Big Fish and Propeller Heads

    The music on your page, Corneria Sound, is really good.

  13. I agree with Snapple.... The guitar solo rocks alot!!

    This track has come a long way (I only listend to the first version). It's very fun and I can't wait for a final version!

    I really like the begenning part where it almost sounds like you may have used that 'lil into distortion thing from the 80s cartoon theme.

    I cant really judge the rest of the song as all I can hear on the drums are the cymbols and the bass section is bascelly lost over these speakers... thats only 'cus there blown, its not your song so no worries

  14. Clearly you take your time in those stages then, what with having to have 50 rings and hit a sign-post. I didn't even think there were 7 sign posts that quickly.

    The last boss is amazingly easy with Sonic or Tails. He's only hard if you have to do it with Knuckles since he can't jump as high. Hell Metal Sonic is harder than the giant walking Eggman.

    Ya I just rememberd how hard it was to play Sonic2 with Knuckles... He cant jump high! WTF?! Atleast he KINDA sorta makes up for it by not clearing his rings.

    Recently I been able to hold on to my rings longer with Knuckles in Sonic2. By the Oil Ocean stage I had all but 1 Chaos Emerald and I shut down the game 'cus I was really tired and wanted to sleep...

    Setting aside the fact that it's completely impossible to hold on to rings through multiple levels (since they're reset to 0 at the start of each one and all)

    you might be interested in http://www.soniccenter.org/rankings/sonic_1/rings, http://www.soniccenter.org/rankings/sonic_2/rings,

    http://www.soniccenter.org/rankings/sonic_3/rings, http://www.soniccenter.org/rankings/sonic_&_knuckles/rings, and perhaps the ring attack divisions that site holds for every other sonic game, as well.

    Eh. Not so much. I just wanted to see how everyone fares here... and also see if many people still play the games or jus tlisten to the music.

    I got back into playing becasue of the remixes here.

    And ya... I know the rings reset after each zone and sometimes even afterr the Emerald levels. I'm talking about in a particular level is all...Like apparently if I play as anyone but Knuckles I loose my rings pretty easly.

  15. We all listen to music for the emotional experience we get from it, but emotions are fickle and can easily be influenced my many factors, as you said in the first post.

    That's why, ideally, emotional response is ignored when writing reviews. Instead, reviews should be based on things like composition, effectiveness and musicianship. Once a reviewer has a basic knowledge of technical things like these, he can learn to listen to music analytically every time, whether he feels emotionally engaged or not.

    That said, the OCR reviews forum isn't limited to professional, technical review posts. General feedback is always welcome. We remixers love hearing how much a mix resonated with you or moved you or helped you through a rough day, etc. It may not develop our musical skills, but it's incredibly rewarding. :)

    And you, sephfire, are incredibly rewarding to the ears :)

    I agree with the reviews.

    When reviewing something you have to look at it is it is. You cant let your own feelings and emotions control your review. I mean... you wouldn't want to pick up a GameInformer and see that Halo3 got a really bad review becasue the person reviewing it was having a shitty day and couldn't get the game of the controls or something... ya' know?

    I know I'm comparing apples and bananas here but still... basic idea is there.

    That said thats still why I avoid reviewing right now... INfact its hard to decide what songs I really wanna download since I have so many audio levels missing 'cus the speakers are shot

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