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Posts posted by Tenucha

  1. Okay, here we go.

    -The beginning of the song sounds like you're coming into the middle of a song break. Try to build into what you have.

    -The lone kick drum is pretty cliche. Get some more drums going.

    -The staccato synth playing the melody should be changed. It doesn't fit at all.

    -I like the first little break, but it's short and a bit jarring when that staccato synth comes back in.

    -Ah, more drum elements, but they're too repetitive.

    -Get everything in the same key!

    This is very repetitive. The lack of dynamic changes and static chord progression make it boring to listen to. The synths could also be better. You need little builds to keep the listener's attention or else it becomes background music. Keep working on this, though. You're remixing a great song and I like the ideas you have here.

    I totally agree!

    A bit more drums would be cool... maybe some jazz or funk genre style drumming... keep it simple but not repetitive.

    -I like the first little break, but it's short and a bit jarring when that staccato synth comes back in.

    Fully agree here as well.... try easing it in and build it up. Having that synth kick right back in is very jarring.

    The end was very off IMHO also. I could tell that prehaps you were trying to "break it down" for some kinda ending solo (or atleast thats the impression I got) but it just didn't entirly work out...

    I am a big Chrono Trigger fan also and am very familiar with the source tune.

    However I'm also just a listener...

  2. The vocals feel distant from the rest of the song for some reasson.

    Like they dont exactly belong.

    I dont know anything about creating music so I'm not entirly professional about this.

    I think it be cool if the beat followed her vocal "beats" towards the end.

    It just feels to me that the lyrcis need to be married into the rest of the music a 'lil more.

    The music itself seems very cool however dont really reconize it has Real Emotion.

    Doesnt mean its not a BAD song. I really like the music!! :)

    If you can get better vocals please do stick with the Japanese version as I think that one turned out far better then the American version (not quality but just how the music felt and sounded using the American language versus Japanese).

    I hope this was a 'lil helpful at all...?

  3. I LOVE IT!

    The progress so far is awesome!

    I have been HOPEING someone would pick up on some Shadow of the Colossus tracks to remix. I love this game... however I am having problems placing which song it is. I do own the soundtrack so if you told me what track number it is I could pop in the CD and check it out!

    I saw it was listed as "Counter Attack" and "The Opened Way" except I think all the songs are in Japanese on the case... I'll have to find it and look.

    Great job everyone! I just listened to all 3 variations so far in a row!

    I'll be sure to save this to the HD and abuse it over the speakers when its done!!

    Looking foward to the bass and viola bits added.

    I wonder if there maybe some guitar shredding that will be added? :)

    A little Paul Gilbert, if you will haha

  4. Puff is all about uthrow to down b combos, guy won a match in the tournament in less than a minute, EASILY, by just doing that four times, really really funny

    I mean sure you can DI out of it and stuff, but god damn thing I don't want to get near it

    Jiggles is fun to use on occassion in a fight... but at the same time very obnoxious.

    Shes easy to pick up on so I have gotten to where I can prolly when a few matches. I have against some friends just goofing round against there top characters hah.

  5. Ok I couldnt think of a better topic title.

    I was thinking about it and here are a couple songs I thought would be cool to have remixed.

    These are more suggestions then requests... I think these would be great and I think would offer a bit of varity and maybe something challenging (especially with Okami and Colossus IMHO)

    The Fountain of Dreams (Kirby/ Smash Bros Melee).

    Funky Kong (DKC2)

    music from Okami

    music from Shadow of the Colossus

    more Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Jim 2



    Thats.... all I got a tthe moment... heh

  6. There's no doubt that this mix is cool and fun to listen to but there's just something about it. I hate leaving largely negative reviews but' date=' what can I say, it's easier to write about our problems than our praises.

    Anywho, maybe I'm just used to MiXers that crank everything up to the point where clipping and limiting are either apparent or held off by the smallest decibel percentage possible, but this "rearrangement" is too quiet. It's not even that it's all that quiet per se, it just somehow comes off as being far away; like somebody sat my speakers in the other room or something.

    It's not bad though. I enjoy it. I'm probably just going to turn the master a bit.[/quote']

    Agreed. This is exaclty what I came here to say.

    I love the song.

    Unfortuantly... I listen to this song in the car and I gotta crank up the volume... then crank it back down before the next song blows out my speakers.

  7. You heard it, folks. Our very own Beatdrop will be on the next DDR title from Konami, with his song "Until Forever". He did this through a Broadjam contest and snagged $1,000 in the process... as well as some extra attention from Konami for future work, I'm sure!!! Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS and major props to him and y'all DDR players can look forward to hearing some goodness from our favorite industrial remixer/former judge. Movin' on up! :)

    PS. Check the song out on Beatdrop's new album "In the Dark", available here:


    How awesome!

    Congrats Beatdrop!! I'll definatly give your song a go once I can get healed and back to dancing!!

    That's funny cause I kinda thought DDR was dead (or that it was on its last leg at least). None of the malls around here have one in their arcades anymore; there were quite a few up until about 2 or 3 years ago.

    Really? Its in' date=' like, every arcade around here including movie theaters

    The most fun I had in public was going to see Snakes on a Plane in random cosplay.

    I was Spike Speigel and my two friends were 1930s Leon and Claire from Resident Evil 4 and Code Veronica.

    Alex (Leon) and I decided to go a few rounds on DDR in our nice suit cosplay. We got very funny looks.

    This is especially awesome news and the song in question, "Until Forever", is flippin' amazing.

    I'm sure by now plenty of folks have gone and downloaded Beatdrop's albums, especially given the fact that kook has made them audible for free! Sucker!

    :shock: URL?

    Wouldn't it be weird if someone ReMixed "Until Forever" as a submission to OCR?

    haha well its completly doable isnt it?!

  8. I'm going to need some stuff to play. I'm particularly interested in "abandonware" titles from around '95 to '02, before I started PC gaming.

    In short, suggest games that I have missed because I did not game in that period of time. Thank you.

    The only PC game I have played was Microsoft Monster Truck Madness 2.

    It was alot of fun.... I think there are still websites where you can download new trucks and tracks to addon in to the game.

  9. Today's update does confirm one important thing: Gamecube/classic control. "Tilt the control stick"? Doesn't seem like they're even hoping to optimize Wiimote control, which is relieving to me.

    Good... I do really like the Gamecube's controller.

    Interesting that the undeniably popular title that wil hit the Wii wont even be using the motion sensor controller! haha

    But... yes... there is a control stick on the nunchuku attachment...

    I really need to find a Wii before this game comes out otherwise it'll be like Christmas seasson all over again! (not that finding them has been easy since then...)

    The cracker launcher actually looks really cool. The effects for the weapon look like they'll be really cool. Hope they continue puting up more new items.

    Haha ya this thing looks like itll be alot of fun.

    And damn... anytime they show a screen of Fox McCloud I keep hoping to see Falco announced again!!

    He's my secondary to Luigi. Zelda/ Sheik is my 3rd... I decided I'd figure out how to use her better and the fight

  10. what's worse is when kids actually stop listening to a band (or at least stop letting on that they like them) when they get a big break or air time

    a good example would be say anything and their single "wow, I can get sexual too"

    this band rocks, and they've amassed a pretty huge following in their rise from indie to popular on myspace... anyway, they recently got the video for their single played on mtv's trl, and legions of their so-called fans immediately began whining because trl is for preppy kids who don't listen to real music

    first of all, you don't own the bands you listen to, and you probably don't even have any say as a "fan" because I'm guessing you downloaded their album with a torrent because you're a geek-chic hipster cockfag

    second of all, good music being broadcast to the masses begets more good music

    third of all, are you really that dedicated to your stupid image that you would abandon a band who sells a lot of albums? this isn't the third grade when you stopped wearing your "it's only funny until someone gets hurt... then it's hilarious" t-shirt because billy showed up to school with the same one

    fourth of all, dunna nunna NUH nunna NUH NUH dunna nunna

    I dont know where this whole topic is coming from...

    I do agree with this however...

    It seems there are alot of "territorial" fans who only want there band exclusive to them.

    There is a problem with this... how is a band saposed to grow and expand when there fans are trying to keep a tight restricting grip around them?

    My only problem with seeing a band grow and gain popularity and so on is HOW they go about it. If they totally have to change there style, sound, approach and what they are about... then are they really something you want to listen to?

    Not saying that becasue of this they arn't worth listening to... but prehaps its just not your style anymore.

    There is a band who I totally support and I really want to see them rise.

    The band is called Tub Ring.

    They tottally rock hard. I would love to see these guys really make it big with there music... there life is music. The group has a side project band called 3-2-1 Activate! which is a different genre of music then Tub Ring and also the music's direction and lyric focus is different. The vocalist (Kevin Gibson) and keyboardist (Rob Kleiner) from these groups are in another side project called Super 8-Bit Brothers where the two program 8-bit game music (played live over an iPod) and totally geek out over video games (I got to play these two at Super Smash Bros Melee while waiting for Tub Ring to preform at this concert). The the keyboardist, Rob Kleiner, also has a solo gig where he has already put out two CDs out. (all of these groups are on MySpace for anyone curious :))

    The band competed in the TRL room for MTV2s "Dew Curcuit Breakout" contest thing.

    Tub Ring placed 2nd in this compitation. There music is also featured in Amp Snow Boarder 3 for the Xbox360.

    There new album was just released, The Great Filter.

    It is distinctivly different from there previous albums to the point that it discourged fans... at the same time it is still a really good album just a different sound.

    I'm the type of guy who is excited to see music and bands I enjoy get a larger audence.

    I have stopped listening to bands becasue they became too differnet, sure.

    I had a friend who was wearing this overshirt that I own. I pointed it out to him and he ripped it off his body and threw it away. I am not this guy.

    I dont care about how much my music taste effects my image... I like what I enjoy.

    I just had some ICP fan girl try to guess what bands I like.

    I didnt like any of them.

    She then tried to guess what bands I liked baised off bands she didnt like

    I didnt like any of them.

    She then had me check out this band that she was SURE I'd like becasue they sound like this other band I like, Mindless Self Indulgence.

    I didnlt like them.

    She got pissed at how I couldnt like them and then she claimed the only reasson I said that was to spite her.

    People are really weird about there materistic positions nowadays... what is your image?

    People trying so hard to define themselfs that no one is relaxing and letting there true selfs and style and image flow out of them...

  11. Warp Zone will be rockin' the nintendo tunage tonite a the Paper Heart Gallery in Phoenix at 8:30.

    here are some videos so you can see what you're gonna miss if you don't come


    I live in Phoneix!!

    I was this was posted sooner!! ><;

    Actually I'm checking out there webpage... there AZ baised anyway... and there alright.... So I'm not totally bummed I missed somethign

  12. Note that my intention was to still have most of the discussion take place back on the other thread, and that this thread was for voting and explaining "disagree" votes... but what the heck:

    Regarding playback at Otakon or for a gymnastics class, the policy should be rewritten to specifically require accreditation for public performances. I don't think either would qualify as a public space, but I'm not 100% sure. I'll look into this.

    This was at AniZona's 3rd year this past Easter Weekend which is a very little Arizona baised con.

    It might be public space depending on location... the dance room was bascelly one of the conference rooms with all the chairs stacked along the walls haha

  13. What does this mean with regards to allowing my girls to do floor routines to Remixes? This would seem to conflict with point B, as I can't really announce that it's from OCR and give the URL and the artist every time somebody practices a routine (ie every time the music plays during practice,) and the only way I can think of to do it at a meet would be to take out an ad in the program at every single meet; which I'm not sure would really qualify under the terms of use anyway.

    It would conflict with point C, because I have to edit and cut the songs so they will be the right length for the girls to do routines to, and often I have to take chunks from different parts of the mixes instead of playing one contiguous chunk of the mix. Would this violate the clause against modifying it for redistribution?

    In short, would I still be able to allow my girls to use OCRemixes as routine music, or would I have to go and get these mixes directly from the remixers, or from VGmix or R:TS (or wherever else I may be able to find them)?

    Its a good point.

    Because of my position at local anime conventions... the DJ ended up hearing some of my OCReMixs and ended up playing a few of the more heavy rave tracks from this site (Which I was not present for... I think there was a Tetris and Mario theme... perhaps Star Fox's Metrorave and maybe a Final Fantasy as well) during atleast one (that I'm aware of) rave/ dance over the conventions weekend.

    Obviously he didnt get on a PA to announce it as an OCReMix...

  14. Probably my most favourite thing on "LIve At Sandopolis" is, not only how hard it hits but how much it feels like it was inspired from Dream Theater haha

    anyone mind if i use this music for my vid?

    it's basically going to be a gameplay video of S3&K set to different music, and this is perfect for the job...

    Check the 2nd Draft topic.

    Just make sure to credit the song, artist and include OCReMix.org in the credits.

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