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Everything posted by Kizyr

  1. Ok, put me down for the New Year's Party as well. It's gonna be at the hotel again this year, right? ...will all the James Bonds join in this year too? By the way, and sorry if this has already been mentioned on every other page already, but... is anyone gonna update the List of Attendees in that first post? KF
  2. They don't seem like that depressing stats. You're forgetting that not everyone is as much of an audiophile / whose ears aren't as trained as your average person on OCR (including folks like me who don't contribute and just bring that average down). I mean, it's the same way that I figure most people couldn't tell the difference between Korean and Japanese, even though to me they sound totally different. I probably couldn't distinguish between 128 and 192kbps, although if I'm burning to a CD then I'd still prefer FLACs or anything else lossless. On the speakers, though, they do look pretty sweet. KF
  3. Well, that did it! Looks awesome. It's gonna be easy to get used to this new layout. NICE WORK. KF
  4. Just watched the video, and I'm seeding now. Can't wait to give this a listen. ...why is it a gig in size? Are the FLACs really that large? KF
  5. Only one minor issue... The "workshop" link at the top of the forums covers up where to enter your username. (Using Chrome, by the way; this may not be an issue in Firefox.) Otherwise, aesthetically, I like it. It'll take some getting used to (kinda miss the sidebar) but it does look better. KF
  6. At the very least, thanks for the link! The Sierra games are tough in that music only played an occasional role--there wasn't a constant background track, for instance. Though, there were a few games that broke that mold (Quest for Glory IV, in particular, then you had the later Kings Quest games with vocal soundtracks and all.) My personal favorite is the Faerie Battle theme from Quest for Glory IV. Best song of the game. Erana's Peace was also good. The Faerie Battle one would lend itself towards an electronica remix, and Erana's Peace... I'm not sure. KF
  7. I was wondering what was going on. Well, this gives me a reason now to check out ThaSauceCast. KF
  8. I just got my (signed) physical copy! # 551 out of 1100. If you check out Christopher Tin's blog, he has some photos of his home/office with the stacks of CDs waiting to be signed, and waiting to be shipped off. I don't mind the (very slight) delay at all; it was totally worth it. The lyrics/liner notes (including translations of everything and the original sources) alone make the physical copy worth it. I'm gonna be buying another copy of this as a present for someone else shortly, who I know would really love it. KF
  9. Oh man, I just got the Calling All Dawns digital download yesterday and it's amazing. Yeah, I agree, there's a lot of intent behind the composition of the album as a whole, and each track has this amazingly epic feel to it that's juts brilliant. I mean, like, eyes rolling back in aural pleasure kind of brilliant. I can't wait to get the physical copy. But apparently as something like 1100 people took Christopher Tin up on the pre-orders, he has that many albums to sign before mailing them out {^^}. KF
  10. A. Stereotypical (but, it's improving) While I think there are definitely exceptions, and that the exceptions are becoming more frequent, I still think that female characters on balance are more likely to be portrayed stereotypically than male characters. Just to clarify (sorry, I'm a statistician so I feel that I have to use really precise language...): take any random male character and any random female character from a game or series, and the probability that the female character fits into a stereotyped gender role for women is higher than the probability that the male character fits into a stereotyped gender role for men. But, my intuition is that (a) the disparity between the two is gradually decreasing (meaning that over the years, it's become less likely for female characters to be "stereotypical"), and ( the probability of both is decreasing (meaning that, overall, male and female characters are less likely to be "stereotypical"--meaning they're more original). At least, that's my intuition. By the way, it may be interesting to do a cross-tab on opinions of this coming from men and women who self-identify as gamers. I'd be surprised if something similar hasn't already been done. KF
  11. Hey! I should be here that weekend (and most of my other friends will be gone that same weekend). If it's ok with Brushfire, then count me in. KF
  12. VGDJ episodes always feel too short no matter what the length. Kind of like episodes of Firefly, or MAGFest. KF
  13. Flash Games in general (or Newgrounds--no, wait, that might trigger flames in response)? Madden [any year]? MMORPGs in general (or any one in particular)? The Sega Game Gear (6 AA batteries lasted you 4 hours--I still remember that)? Just tossing out ideas here. I can't think of any specific games off the top of my head; just groups of them. KF
  14. Oh, I got this one. It's from Tales of Phantasia. The title is Mysterious Japon; it's the song played in Suzu's home village. KF
  15. You should totally make your next Game Flames segment in this condition. Just record some comments right now and worry about editing them later. Looking forward to Episode 70. I'm sure it'll be [insert suitable hyperbolic praise]. KF
  16. I just left one this morning. First time I was actually able to call while the show is still going on {^^}. How'd you just happen to get the 843 area code to get "VGDJ"? KF
  17. Yarr. Poor timin' and luck, it seems. I'll be there sure as a hurricane in August next time. KF
  18. Ahoy! Ye can be putting me on the list o' peoples what be definitely attendin'. [i will definitely be attending, if that wasn't clear] This be sadder news than a tavern out o' grog. Maybe next year? KF
  19. I wonder, is that how he felt when he first met you? I'm fine with receiving hugs, but I'm rarely the one to initiate one (with someone I've only just met). I never know if the other person is comfortable with it, so I chicken out. KF
  20. I definitely like the sound of this. Unless it occurs on a day when I'm too busy or out of town, I'll make every effort to go. ...I'm not a good musician (and really awful at live performance) so I'd probably fall into the latter category of "interested in just going to see the show". As for what I'd like to see played... I'm open to almost anything, though (especially if it's live) I have a bias towards vocal mixes and hip-hop. And DJP performing Hillbilly Rodeo live. Herndon is a bit out there, but hell if I'm willing to travel up to Baltimore or Philly for a meetup, then Herndon is no problem. What kind of a place is it? Small and comfortable, wide and open, big/multi-level, or what? It wouldn't really affect whether or not I'd go; I'm just trying to get a picture. KF
  21. The same thing happened with me when I first met zircon, pixietricks, DJP, DragonAvenger, Jose... actually, every remixer on here I've met in person, I think (which is maybe 20 or so?). Except Larry.* I'm usually good at being able to come off as normal for the first few seconds, and after that I'm comfortable enough to where I don't have to worry about blurting out anything stupid or staying quiet out of nervousness. Also, a lot of folks around here come off as very friendly in person (at least in my experience). It makes it really easy to get over any initial nervousness. KF * Kidding, Larry's cool.
  22. Sounds good; I look forward to it {^^}. I also ordered Christopher Tin's album yesterday (after listening to the preview tracks), and took a listen to that FL9 demo. Both sound amazing. I'm especially looking forward to getting Calling All Dawns signed. KF
  23. This is what I get for taking a long hiatus. This is the best news since the FF4 release! I listened to all of VGDJ 1-67 a year after the last episode aired. (Y'all also had like 1-2 meetups literally three blocks from where I was living at the time, too, that I missed.) Anyway, I'll start listening in once I can get home and download this tonight. Looking forward to it; comments thereafter. KF
  24. Oh I'm definitely getting that Christopher Tin album. Looks impressive. Also, does the new site torrent have updated ID3 tags? KF
  25. Aw man, I'd definitely be up for going all the way up to Philly if it were another weekend. That day's the day before a major holiday, so... I'm going to be occupied that weekend. Sorry. Maybe another time. Last time I went up to Philadelphia it turned out to be a lot closer than I thought--just 3 hours or so (I could also pick up anyone along the way from DC to there). KF
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