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Everything posted by Kizyr

  1. Oh yes. The Sega CD version of both Ecco 1 and 2 had completely different soundtracks from the Genesis ones. They're actually some of the best on the Sega CD (which is saying a lot--there were some games with amazing scores for that console). (On a side note, I actually picked this game up for $3 in a bargain bin.) I'm glad to see the Sega CD versions get more recognition for this. KF
  2. Well, it's not the exact Lord's Prayer, so there's at least credit due to Talisman A Capella for that part of the original arrangement. Either way, even though I'm not as fond of the vocals, it would've sounded a bit too empty without them (as an instrumental piece), I think. KF
  3. Dangit, I thought this was July 27th when I first saw the Facebook notice. I'm gonna be out of the country on 6/27 so I can't make it; but if I could, I would've been there. It sounds awesome. KF
  4. On that note, I enjoyed Doug's remix about as much as this one. Though for entirely different reasons. Anyway, awesome mix. First there's the fact that it takes a lot of skill to pull off an all-percussion remix that still has recognizable elements of the source tune. It wins on originality alone (at least in terms of what's made it through the judging process here). The fact that it's still really damn good is a bonus, though, and shouldn't be understated. KF
  5. Any word yet on when the panel will be? I'm still waiting to hear about acceptance/confirmation of a panel I'm co-hosting, so I'd imagine they're still a little ways away from fixing the schedule. I seem to remember last year it was a bit of a last-minute thing. KF
  6. Oh man... A honky tonk version of Hill Top would be awesome. I actually never liked that particular theme originally, yet it's still catchy. KF
  7. Can you drive from there? From Sevierville, it's... maybe 9 hours? Possibly less if you don't make any stops.0 Plus a cheap alternative to hotels in downtown Baltimore is getting one along I-95 between the Beltway and Baltimore; from there, it's like a 15-20 minute drive in each day. Also, if you know anyone even along the way, you could split costs. (Or, alternatively, if any of the folks in Nashville are going, they could pick you up along the way all the same?) Just tossing out suggestions here. KF
  8. I'll definitely be going again this year! May even have a panel this time around (got it in before deadline this time). The BBQ last time was fun. I'm in if you have another one this year. KF
  9. I'm really liking this soundtrack already, based on the previews. Considering I don't have a 360, I won't be picking up the game, but the soundtrack's a different story. KF
  10. Only down-side is that the American-accented Swahili is really noticeable and mildly detracts from it. Otherwise, everything else about the song is awesome--instrumentation and timing being the best aspects to me. Awesome mix. KF
  11. This is actually something that really amazes me. By all rights, I should've been really upset after this film--same with most any other Star Trek fan. But, I haven't talked to a single fan yet who didn't really love the movie. I mean, I was even expecting it to be subpar and looking for stuff to criticize. I found a few (Nero's motives, angle shots/shaky-cam, Spock+Uhura) but nothing detracted from the film enough to keep me from enjoying it. KF
  12. If I rewatched it, I'm sure I could pick up on a couple hints here and there. But my main point is that it added nothing to the movie, and could've been dropped entirely without losing anything. (The only purpose I see it serving was that it 'humanized' Spock, but that was already done through Kirk--and the kids at the beginning--insulting him and his mother.) It still felt really out of place and rushed, though, regardless of the hints (perhaps underdeveloped is a better word for it). And dammit, I liked Star Trek Enterprise! There were some lousy arcs in there, but on the whole they did a lot with the series that they hadn't done elsewhere. The franchise was still going downhill at that point (as it had been since the Dominion War ended in DS9). I won't argue that. KF
  13. ...not to mention Diggi Dis already has a really good one along those lines, Mamacitas in My Valley. I think your post would've been significantly less silly if you dropped the photo. KF
  14. There was a thread in Requests a while back (can't find it now unfortunately) with a few good suggestions for country music remixes. I'd definitely be up for it. ...well, I'm rubbish at remixing, so I'd definitely be supporting it at the very least. KF
  15. MAJOR SPOILERS BELOW While the forking road isn't new, the fact that this didn't end with One Giant Reset Button is rather new. I think anyone who's watched enough Trek fully expected that, when the Enterprise was about to be sucked into the black hole, that they'd somehow come out the other end 25 years in the past and undo everything that juts happened. So, when they made it out, continued with the movie, and rolled the credits, my reaction was something like: 1) Wait, where's the ending? 2) Damn, they really did something new! MINOR SPOILERS BELOW Overall, as a Trek fan for most of my life, by all rights I shouldn't have enjoyed this, yet I did--hell I'd even see it a second time in theaters, given the opportunity. To break it down here, the good: - Characterization, especially Scotty, Bones, and to a lesser extent Sulu and Chekhov - The update to Kirk: still a womanizer, but not constrained by having to act like Shatner - The update to Uhura: much more well-rounded - Ship designs (internal and external) and action scenes - The occasional dialogue references to TOS. (Bones and Chekhov, in particular.) - Leonard Nimoy The bad: - Nero. For being a genocidal monster, he was horribly underdeveloped. (I heard that Abrams did have a backstory for what he was doing for the past 25 years, but it apparently 'confused the test audience'.) - Angle shots. I @*(#%ing hate angle shots, and they used those constantly in exposition scenes. Shaky-cam comes a close second, but that wasn't as frequent. - The Spock-Uhura love story. It only came up in 2-3 brief scenes, practically came out of left field, and could've easily been sacrificed without losing anything to the movie. Of course, this might just be my prejudice against Vulcans speaking. The kind-of-endearing bits: - Sulu saying he knew hand-to-hand combat. Soon as he raised his hand, I was crossing my fingers hoping he'd get to fence. - The redshirt on the orbital skydiving scene. He's wearing red, really excited, and carrying all the charges--I'd've been disappointed if he didn't get killed inside of five minutes. - Captain Pike. Really, knowing his fate in TOS, I can't take him seriously. KF
  16. Atomic Robo! That alone would be worth checking out. ...although the only comic shop I know near here was one in Georgetown that closed several years ago. KF
  17. A. More difficult Didn't even have to think twice about this one. I grew up playing games that you had to practice to get good at; now, I'm used to games that you can beat as long as you spend enough time at it. That's always been my hunch, until I played Starfox 64. I remember the original Starfox requiring practice to get good enough even to make it to the last planet (let alone the last level--Venom was tough from orbit to core). Starfox 64, though, I beat in one weekend... Every other game seems to follow a similar pattern--maybe not as egregious, but I rarely if ever feel like I have to "practice" a game anymore to get through it. Although these days I play mostly turn-based strategy, RPGs, adventure, and rhythm games, so that doesn't really apply as neatly. KF
  18. Although, from a strictly non-legal standpoint, a settlement is probably less likely to create more bad blood between them. It's also probably easier to reconcile later on if the case ended in a settlement, instead of going all the way through the courts. Then again, neither party may be particularly interest in reconciliation. KF
  19. Mad Gear will sometimes have game soundtracks available at conventions. (Their convention schedule is here.) Additionally, you can take a look at their eBay store in case anything else comes up. I usually get rare/hard-to-find games from them, not so much soundtracks, but I've found they generally have really good prices for what it's worth. Other than them, I'd say play-asia (already mentioned) is your best bet. "Yousef", if I had to take a guess? (There're 3 or 4 Yousefs in my family, I think, so it's the first that comes to mind.) KF
  20. Came in a bit late, but I filled it out. It's a well-designed survey. The questions are clear and unambiguous, so I really hope you get good results (the only other issue would be getting an appropriate sample size, but that depends on what sort of conclusions you expect to be relevant--if it's meant to be applied to self-identified gamers, then it looks like it's on the right track). Might seem an odd compliment, but I appreciate a well-designed survey that doesn't have misleading or confusing questions. There're plenty that I've quit filling out partway through on account of the lack of that. KF
  21. The natural scenery in East Tennessee is pretty gorgeous, but personally, I'm really not a fan of Knoxville in particular. Interesting photos, though, and Knoxville does kind of fit the theme you have in mind. I'm from Nashville, if anyone's at all curious. Lived there until I moved away for college. KF
  22. Is it one-to-one, though? Does 1 Sith = 1 Jedi? I'd think that some Jedi would be much more powerful than average, and likewise for the dark side. So, considering Vader's power (or the Emperor's), he could be worth several average Jedi. I mean, at the end of most JRPGs, it takes the entire party to defeat one single bad guy. And in DnD, you'll add the party's levels to figure out the right CR for their enemies. KF
  23. I once lost my voice in the middle of a debate tournament. That was probably the most fun I ever had during all my years of speech and debate. More recently, during a bad cold, my voice went down into the ultra-raspy area--which sounds like where you are (though sans the cold). First, if you can, check with a doctor to see that it's not some kind of infection, or serious. Usually (in my experience) this kind of thing has passed in 3-4 days. You may even be fine on Tuesday. Second, rest your voice completely! No talking--use notecards and hand signals. And this: Third, hot drinks should help. If you're drinking tea, don't make it too hot, obviously. You may want to stick to herbal or non-caffeinated tea (rooibos, spearmint, e.g.). Though, all my evidence on that is anecdotal, so at this point, do whatever you feel comfortable with and just give it time. Really, the most important thing is (1) and (2). Good luck. If it persists after 4 days then... well, you should be good by then. KF
  24. My vote: e) something else (feel free to elaborate or invent!) = tracking/capturing eye movement The same way a mouse operates, but your eyes will move the cursor, while you could hold a controller to do things like "click" or otherwise. I don't think any innovation that'll increase the movement or effort to play every game will catch on for long. With the Wii, most of its extra capabilities only come out in certain games (in the better ones, it's not done arbitrarily either--you're not shaking the controller to select menu options in RPGs, for instance, but just hitting the down button)--really, I think the Wii's success can be attributed to more judicious use of the Wiimote's capabilities in its games: the more active the game, the more active your use of the controller. Also, Nintendo's had a lot of experience with peripherals--more of them failures than successes. There're already developments for this in PCs (as a mouse replacement), so the technology isn't too far off. It's only a matter of time before it gets incorporated into console gaming. KF
  25. This reminds me why I like GameTrailers so much more than G4. Funny how everything in the game got mediocre responses, with the sole exception of the stellar soundtrack! Again, congratulations. KF
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