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  • Real Name
    Randall Senus
  • Location
    Altamonte Springs FL
  • Occupation
    crappy job

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Looks like I'm a little late this year. Here is $10 for y'alls! I will now return to my regularly scheduled lurking already in progress.
  2. Donated $10 again this year. I challenge all the noobs as well as the infrequent posters, (like myself) who enjoy the music here to donate to this site as well.
  3. 20 years?! Wow. I guess it's time to break out mine again and play some tetris. If I remember correctly, a lot of gameboys came with tetris, didn't they? Good times...
  4. I used to consider myself a hardcore gamer. I used to play at least 2-3 hours a day in my younger days, starting with NES. One of my main goals was to be better than anybody else in games, and for the mast part I was. But as I grew older, I realized that there are other things in life other than video games. I have grown more into more of a casual gamer these days. Overall, I would define hardcore gaming as not having much interest in other activities besides video games (having no life) as well as wanting to be better than everybody else.
  5. I'm willing to throw in ten dollars again this year. Always happy to support this awesome site!
  6. I bought a new 72 pin connector for my original NES. Since then, I haven't had a single problem with playing games. A new 72 pin connector is only 10 - 15 bucks. If you can find an old NES somewhere real cheap, then I think that is the way to go.
  7. Kits are not required to replace the 72 pin connector. I was able to replace it without any kind of instructions. After the replacement, I haven't had a single problem with my system.
  8. How many languages have you collected so far?
  9. Smokey and the Bandit were classics. Jerry Reed will be missed.
  10. I don't rent, but I did borrow Guitar Hero II for the PS2 from my local library. I had fun for a week and didn't spend a dime!
  11. Wow. This is truly sad news. His "Temple Trance" piece is what brought me to this website in the first place. My prayers go out to you man!
  12. I grew up mostly on Ninja Gaiden I and II. I still play those games a few times a year. The first one still provides a good challenge!
  13. How about 30 bucks for your SNES?
  14. How much for the SNES? Also, what method of payment would you prefer?
  15. I like it. But there is a lot of empty grey area in the lower right portion. Other than that it looks great!
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