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Everything posted by LagunaCloud

  1. So I updated the mix again it can be found at http://www.heartsteps.com/remix/a/midiTastic.mp3 let me know what you think of it. On the midi note I was looking at synthesizers and something that's a little within my price range was the fruity loops orchestral content, I was curious if that would be a beneficial purchase, ( well alot would be better than the instruments I'm using), but maybe someone with experience with that content can tell me if it's worth my money.
  2. What kind of computer do you have?
  3. it is true that I don't have better synth's but it is also true that I'm not planning on using these instruments in the final.
  4. Final Fantasy VIII was the game that first rocked my socks off for music, I would gladly crank the sound system for that game. I'm ready for awesome mixes of that game
  5. I thought that was amazing, there was just something ( and I'm definetely not the one to be saying this I'm guilty of it :\ ) but something was lacking I don't know what I'm no expert, maybe a solid theme, but anywho what instruments and program are you using those instrument samples were awesome!
  6. Man I hate multi posting, but I just updated my mix, not at all close to being done and I know that some of the instruments are not good but that will be fixed when it's all said and done. I just want some opinions, comments or complaints...I'll take them all http://www.heartsteps.com/remix/a/intro.mp3
  7. Hahahaha I knew there was something different about liquid but the truth is out now!! Great job!
  8. I like it, with more work it could incredibly awesome, something that I'd listen to at work, and in my car:)
  9. I like it, the mix definetely made me want to go and play zelda 64:)!! Keep up the good work!
  10. Wow you're idea has seriously helped me, it has been a very long time since I actually heard the original. Going back and listening to it has given me some inspiration on what to do next thank you!
  11. It's got a sound that is heavy on things like sound FX and rhythm so I don't know, maybe if you can add stuff like actual game sound FX or more rhythmistic backgrounds it'll probably sound pretty awesome when it's done. Can't wait to hear it.
  12. This mix sounds good, I like the jazzy feel of it, can't wait to hear the finished version:)
  13. Thanks for your thoughts. I'm working on improving it alot.
  14. all right after alot of wasted time trying to get this to upload I finally got it here's the link to the updated intro http://www.heartsteps.com/remix/a/intro.mp3
  15. Edirol is a built in synthesizer to my music mixing program
  16. yeah, um I either sample them myself, or use my Edirol whatever ends with the better sound
  17. I see what you're saying but it's still too repetitive and unintersting I think I need to either come up with a good piano bass or remove it altogether and let the strings be the bass
  18. I think you're mix has good potential, Just keep up the editing
  19. haha you guys rock I hope you know that, Oh if you're interested I've reworked the intro and here it is http://www.heartsteps.com/remix/intro.mp3
  20. Thanks for the tips, I will continue to improve it and post my progress. As for apologizing for being harsh, don't. Brute honesty is how I see my faults and how I improve. Thanks again for the time.
  21. I'm a new mixer and I've been working on Super Mario RPG Remix and I thought I got it to perfection but it was rejected, The link to it can be found here http://www.heartsteps.com/remix/Super_Mario_RPG_ToadofskysBattle.mp3 Please any help would be fantastic
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