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Everything posted by LagunaCloud

  1. It sounds good, but I agree with Radiowar it's a little loud on the bass
  2. I like it, keep up the good work!
  3. all right some major melody modification shortened it, didn't add any more instruments I just don't know if it's necessary maybe if that's the general agreement, but here it is http://www.heartsteps.com/remix/a/MidiFinal.mp3
  4. I agree completely, but he was interested if his mix was worth it which I could hear potential in it, whether how bad the drums were or how off some of his instruments were he could definetely improve it, not that your critism was bad just sounded harsh for something just brought out.
  5. are you on? you're not popping up as online... Mine's LagunaCloud@hotmail.com
  6. do you have a messenger account, if so I can take you step by step of what to do?
  7. the mix has just started, before you can really critique the arrangement give him time to fix his errors, but he does have a point, you may want to up quality of your sounds, and fix strings at first
  8. goto channel settings and all the volume's pans, etc tabs look for pitch. Then just dink around until you get the sound your looking for
  9. Don't worry about it, just trying to help whenever I can
  10. something like this? http://www.heartsteps.com/remix/a/untitled.mp3
  11. I made a quick drum beat, try sounding more gentle with your beat, the original was more background and and feel inspiring, but don't let that make you not play with a beat trying being creative, and maybe listening to this will help you come up with something. http://www.heartsteps.com/remix/a/drum.wav
  12. Yeah I'll post some drums in a moment, it's not that they are off beat, just loud and kinda not really feeling like the music your setting
  13. I like the sound it has, it definetely has the sound of something that could be awesome, the drums seem poorly sampled though, the flute is wrong but you know that or else you wouldn't have commented on it. Anyway did you finish Tyrano lair? I want to hear that in completion! that was good!
  14. Thanks the for tip, I'll get to work on that right away...tomorrow. Gotta go to sleep now, and btw I'm only partially using fl, my program can rewire to other synthesizer programs, but for some reason it only sends basic information like tempo, and oh we started playing now, so what I have to do is save the track that I'm using and import it to fl, but if I make changes to the track I have to do it over again, so I want to get the arrangement good before I dink around with soundFonts
  15. Ok so now I would say that I'm done arranging, unless you guys think it's too repetitve or whatnot I didn't put any soundFonts on it yet cause I didn't want to have to reset all the controls that I have for vol,vel,etc.. until I was sure this was the final, so do note those MIDIsh instruments are still there. Here's the Link: http://www.heartsteps.com/remix/a/midiTastic2.mp3
  16. I think you should submit this mix when you're done. I want to see what you do with that power house of a software pack you have,
  17. I'm taken aback at this mix. It is awesome and I can't wait for it to be finished. Hurry up!
  18. This is an interesting mix, but it seems to be lacking a theme of some sort, to me it sounds like your playing ( however VERY NICE PLAYING!!) is nothing that can catch an interest. I didn't like the build up halfway to all of a sudden a different kind of beat and subtle melody, that build up felt like it needed more of a take off after that like at a rock concert when that drum build is used, then the guitar comes and rocks the house or the singer comes and sings, ya know not building up then backing down to less than what was just being played. Don't let that discourage you though, I'm really not one to be such a critical analyst, in fact I can't wait to hear what you do with this, the instruments were awesome and the playing was awesome! Keep it up can't wait to hear more!
  19. I guess the best way to describe it is that it sounds like your trying to rush a few more beats out of it at the end. also the song begins with an ominous feel, and you bring it back to that towards the end but then the drums come in and take that feel away, it just seems wrong to me.
  20. It doesn't follow it close enough to be a sound alike but it does sound similar to the midi at points, but not close enough to be bad I don't think as for the drums they sound fine (however to me the ending drums feel out of place)
  21. wow thanks that's really cool, I've never known this before, you rock man! I've always used purchased software
  22. I like where your going with this but there are a few mistakes that I noticed at points it sounds like your bass is lagging to your melody, like at around 1:30 I don't know if you want that in there or not but the bass is usually the ground for the rest of the melody, I don't know to me it sounds off I like where you go just under 2:00 the sound and fx you use are really nice. hmmm I don't know if I like the ending, I kinda like what you had before you added the drums, but maybe turn down the choir a little bit. Just some thoughts
  23. Thank you that kinda comment makes it all worthwhile, but I"m not done yet, fixed some errors in that mix and mastering and I'm looking into purchasing a new soft synth
  24. I hope this shows up in a future final fantasy that completely rocked!
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