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Posts posted by Jaybell

  1. Obligatory Treasure plug goes here.

    If you're gonna be choosing one of them tracks you listed up there, then I would suggest Katamari Damacy, if only because we need a Katamari Damacy remix on this site.

    Chu chu chudu chu chu ch chudu chu chu chudu chu chu chu chudu katamari damacyyyyyyyyy-yyy-yyy-yyy-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

  2. As far as I know, the menu music/multi man melee/target test/home run/whatever else was all composed for the game, and I think they're fair game for remixing. It just so happens that no one has submitted a remix of them yet. The music for the character's stages wouldn't be remixable, though. (Except maybe Flat Zone, I think. Someone totally has to make a Flat Zone remix now.)

  3. This music update is for naught if they don't have Stickerbrush Symphony for the Donkey Kong stage. There's honestly no excuse. I mean, you can have at least for tracks PER STAGE (at least from what we've seen.)

    Also bramble stage plzkthx.

    MAN typing that post totally got me ridiculously pumped for this game. Three short months till this gem of a game is out...

  4. Ahhhh man, the intro reminds me of Mining Melancholy from DKC2, or Nuts and Bolts from DKC3. I've been listening to those soundtracks way too much. I may be slightly biased as a result.

    But dang, you've come a loong way since your Tetris mix of yore. (Still have that in my head... Dum dum da dum dum da dum dum...) This mix sounds very crunchy, which in my opinion adds to the industrialness of it. Which is probably what you were going for.

    Not much to say other than that. Great job, keep it up. You may want the opinion of someone who's not biased towards Mining Melancholy-esque percussion, though. :P

  5. I'm pretty sure I whined about the lack of Treasure remixes somewhere else, too. Oh well. And, yeah, no one reads these dang ol' things anyways. But it's worth a shot.

    Here is the soundtrack.

    Awesome, right? How aren't there more remixes of this? Hustle Maruyama is just awesome, and You're Izayoi is just BEGGING for a metal remix. There's so much unfound remixing potential in this soundtrack, it's ridiculous. Schumacer Fly! South Town's Theme! Sky High! The list goes on and on. And on.

    So what are you waiting for? :D

  6. PRC100 won't let me upload my song! It says that it can't update the ID3 tags, because it's not an mp3. But it IS an MP3! Blaaargh. Is there something I'm not doing right?

    Okay so ON topic, hooray! Paper Mario! I tried playing this on an emulator once upon a time, and holy god Rexy's right. It's seziure inducing flickering all over the place.

    I will maybe have a go at this? (Bleh, I always say this to myself and can never come up with anything until the last possible second. At least last time I actually had time to make a mix.) Good luck all and such!

  7. Everyone remembers Ducktales, but everyone forgets Rescue Rangers. That game is too much fun, particularly if you play with someone else.

    Oh man, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers is friggin' awesome. But it gets even better in two player. It's so much fun just throwing your teammate. :D

  8. Well, damn. I was thinking through this entire piece, "wow, what a beautiful and awesome interpretation of Wind Scene, the guys got some serious talent, no way this is sequenced." But reading this review thread, it turns out this is entirely sequenced? 8-O I can hardly believe it.

    I actually prefer this one moreso than 600AD in Piano, because it's much more interpretive. It's just a whole lot more fun and energetic.

  9. We used to have a couple of Microplays in town. Great for old games, but the prices can be a little steep sometimes (60 bucks for a game gear? Srsly?). Unfortunately I have no clue what happened to them. Now there's only one Microplay in all of New Brunswick, and it's all the way up north... :(

    Other places include yard sales and thrift stores. Every so often you can find a gem at these places.

  10. hahahaha, that humming gets me everytime.

    So alright, I'm about halfway through the mix now, reading your post, it looks like this is gonna be a long one. My biggest fear is that this will be incredibly repetitive.

    Okay, acoustic guitar sounds kind of fake but it's a nice change. You're using more or less the same synth pattern type things over them but just slowed down. And now the same drum pattern, looks like.

    Speeding back up now. Acoustic guitar is gone.

    Crazy bongo drums? Sweet.

    Alright, again that was all in real time, so here we go with things.

    This is a high quality track, there's no doubt about that. However there are definitely a few things the judges will pick on if you submit this. Because it's almost 7 minutes (!), it's a bit repetitive, like I said above. I know you can't bear to, but you may have to cut a few bars or sections out. Secondly, like the other guys said above, there's not much real arrangement or interpretation, it's mostly just the theme that's over and over and over again.

    That said, I think this is an incredibly high quality track. I loves it, it's all quirky and stuff. While it may not be enough to impress them judges, but that does not change the fact that it is awesome.

    ps: hahahah, I've had experience with trying to make music box solos. Not easy.

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